Lawfare: Biden sends goons to arrest whistleblower Doctor who exposed children's transgender surgeries

These freaks and their obsession with sexually mutilating children makes them an extreme public menace. We need a President and an Attorney General who will go after these disgusting freaks ASAP.


LOL “apparently redacted” ? You know that how? Because the perp said so?

And, you retards wonder why no one takes you seriously. :itsok:
There would be no reason to release individual info to the public when whistleblowing what a hospital is lying about.

It’s extremely unlikely anyways. Given what we’ve seen as far as democrats abusing govt resources (sending a swat team tk the house of anti abortion protestors).. my bets are on this is the latest abuse. We’ll see
The doctor didn't reveal the names of the child victims

Therefore no HIPPA violation

Arent you embarrassed that your side has been exposed as liars?

I guess not
He said he redacted personal info, and there would be no reason to release any of it.

Anything is possible at this moment, But it’s very unlikely. And we know the Biden DOJ is active in overcharging and harassing conservatives
Guess you like the Neo-Marxist Purges That Continue To Grow Exponentially and Nothing Is Being Done About It!
Being familiar with HIPAA and understanding it as well as anyone does.
What, specifically, are you and your "Woke" conspirators is Dr. Eithan Haim being accused of doing that is a violation of the law?
LOL at "neo marxist purges" When you're shilling for the guy who emptied out whole government agencies.
The doctor didn't reveal the names of the child victims

Therefore no HIPPA violation

Arent you embarrassed that your side has been exposed as liars?

I guess not
And you just take his word for it?

HIPAA covers more than just names.

He can spill the beans on the woke crowd without dropping name
The guy said he didn’t do it. Case closed. How foolish?

Its not that simple and you don’t have any idea what HIPAA covers.
The guy said he didn’t do it. Case closed. How foolish?

Its not that simple and you don’t have any idea what HIPAA covers.
HIPPA appears to be broad enough to hang the doctor on some minor infraction of the rules

But the basic purpose of HIPPA is to protect the privacy of patients

If no one knows their names then no harm has been done

On the other hand we also have whistleblower laws

If the hospital is secretly performing illegal procedures on children the public must be informed
HIPPA appears to be broad enough to hang the doctor on some minor infraction of the rules

But the basic purpose of HIPPA is to protect the privacy of patients

If no one knows their names then no harm has been done

On the other hand we also have whistleblower laws

If the hospital is secretly performing illegal procedures on children the public must be informed
Whistleblower laws don’t cover sending medical records to political activists. That is always a stupid idea and a doctor would know better.

There are more than ample opportunities to turn in illegal activities. The public would be informed of actual illegal activities took place while protecting the identities of those involved.

Yet again, conservatives create their own problems and then act like the victims.
Whistleblower laws don’t cover sending medical records to political activists. That is always a stupid idea and a doctor would know better.

There are more than ample opportunities to turn in illegal activities. The public would be informed of actual illegal activities took place while protecting the identities of those involved.

Yet again, conservatives create their own problems and then act like the victims.
The law can

If the hospital is doing something illegal and hiding it then it takes a whistleblower to expose them
Not when it comes to protected patient information.

You simply don’t know what you’re talking about.
There you go again accusing the doctor without evidence

If you cant name the children (and you cant) then you have no case
Doctors who perform sex change surgeries should lose their medical license.
There you go again accusing the doctor without evidence

If you cant name the children (and you cant) then you have no case
You excused his behavior based solely on his own claim of innocence.

The government will prosecute the case. Your opinion is incredibly uninformed.
You excused his behavior based solely on his own claim of innocence.

The government will prosecute the case. Your opinion is incredibly uninformed.
And you assume he’s guilty because the lyin’ lib DOJ says so

If he’s guilty tell us the names of the children he outed
And you assume he’s guilty because the lyin’ lib DOJ says so

If he’s guilty tell us the names of the children he outed
The DoJ has a lot more credibility than right wing activists.

HIPAA covers far more than someone’s name. You don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ll wait for the official indictment, but so far the claim that “they didn’t have names so it’s okay” smacks of complete ignorance of the law and is really just totally inadequate.

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