Donald Trump Campaign Has Raised Over $200 MILLION In Just THREE Days Since Guilty Felony Verdict

Cannot imagine it going to a nicer family .

If you ever need proof of the IQ decline among Americans --- there it is .

The IQ decline is better represented by those that can’t see the law-fare and election interference of this administration and the Democratic Party. Seriously, it started when a few of these AGs met with lawyers from the Biden administration when Trump announced his run. Heck, Bragg even pulled one of the attorneys to help with the case. It is sick, but low IQ, indoctrinated voters either don’t care or are too ignorant to see the danger.
You are really excited to see a convict running for president. Woud you have voted for Obama if he ad trumps legal record. HELL NO! You pricks tried running him out for words he ddn't even say, much less a conviction. And don't get it twisted, nobody black would vote for him either. But the white boy can be a convict and be permitted to have authority to uphold our laws. White culture is truly fractured.

No, I’m excited because part of the democrat plan failed. He probably raised more money being locked up in the court room than he would have had he been out on the campaign trail.

Would dems have voted for a convict Obama over Trump? Who knows, Obama was never persecuted in this fashion. However, I’m going to say yes..yes they would. If the contest was Obama or Trump, or now, as Biden vs trump, in either case, the dems would do EXACTLY what repubs are doing. They are lining up behind their candidate, they would claim the conviction was all a sham, and they would show up to vote, if anything, just to keep the other guy out of office.

Why do you have to always bring it back to race? It’s about politics, not race.
Stop lying. About 130mm was raised, of which 85% is going to legal fees not campaign funds.

Biden is about $125mm ahead.
Youre using the old numbers bro. Those are the numbers from a couple days ago. Trump has raised $400,000,000 in 1 week since his "conviction". No one has ever come even remotely close to raising that much money in 1 week. Democrats have no one but themselves to blame for it too.

How much money has the Trump campaign raised since June 7, 2024?

He has raised about $250 million dollars since a jury made him a felon.

allsides is a MAGA propanda site.
Rapper 50 Cent has said the world is "almost over" after Donald Trump's campaign allegedly raised more than $200 million since he was found guilty of 34 felonies.

Donald Trump campaign has raised over $200 MILLION in just THREE days since guilty felony verdict, son Eric Trump claims​

'And [Lara] said, just in terms of small dollar, we're well over $70 million. This is $21 donations, $43 donations, right, small dollar donations.'
The former president's son continued: 'If you add the large dollar donations to it, you're over $200 million.'

Playing the victim works then?

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