What would our great grandparents and grandparents think about America in 2024

Trump is almost as bad, yes. But at least his daughter didnt tell the world she was sexualized by her own father.
Sick fucks.
So 40 years ago the average 25 year old made 85 grand? That data is of course very skewed by a few very wealthy 25 year Olds who inherited big money. I don't believe that data for a second. My dad, God rest his soul, was a big time conservative. He would not vote in this upcoming election because he would see both choices as highly unacceptable.
Why don't you try to inform yourself, and actually read her whole diary, 120 pages...but it is a quick read....

NO WHERE does Ashley say her father sexually abused her....zip, zero, nada!

Stop taking the fabricator's word for it, silly one!
She said he sexualized her. He took inappropriate showers with her.
Its not just her either. He gropes children. Smells them. Assaults grown women too, apparently.
You duopoly dipshits are fucked in the head!
They would think "Those people don't know how good they got it. What with their color TVs and their central air conditioning, and their automatic transmissions, and their internet, and their 40 hour work week, and their volunteer military, and their jet planes, and their fast food . . . "
They would think "Those people don't know how good they got it. What with their color TVs and their central air conditioning, and their automatic transmissions, and their internet, and their 40 hour work week, and their volunteer military, and their jet planes, and their fast food . . . "
True but then they’d look at the enormous and heinous federal government and it’s murderous actions, along with the elimination of the Bill of Rights, and think those poor dumb slobs.
I wouldn't want the 50s back. Nothing about that Era that I liked or respected.
Except that good jobs were plentiful. a man could take a job and support a family all on his income. our government wasn’t a nefarious indebted evil enriching the rich at the expense of the rest, the Constitution still meant something and our educational system was the envy of the world. Plus few Americans were on big pharma’s poison and obesity wasn’t a thing.
They would see the decline of ethical behavior in the country and realize the consequences of the decline of religion based morals may well destroy us.
True but then they’d look at the enormous and heinous federal government and it’s murderous actions, along with the elimination of the Bill of Rights, and think those poor dumb slobs.
They wouldn't have time to worry about those things. They'd be more concerned with trying to get through life with as little trouble as possible.
They would see the decline of ethical behavior in the country and realize the consequences of the decline of religion based morals may well destroy us.
Good point. For example, my FIL bought 10 acres of land in the early sixties, on a hand shake. He didn’t know the seller and paid him $75 a month for 15 years.
40 years ago, the average 25-year-old American made $85,000 per year adjusted for inflation. Today the average 25-year-old American makes $50,000 per year.

Home Prices are double what they were today in many areas in the country compared to before the “pandemic”.

Sure in some cases homes may have come down a little bit since they’re High Point post “Covid”, but altogether on average they are much higher than what they were under Trump. Sure we have a low unemployment rate but common sense will dictate to us that doesn’t mean much because the cost-of-living is very high in America today and the wages in this country that middle class Americans are receiving is simply not enough to afford the American dream.

Why do Biden supporters continue to make a mockery of their ancestors when they are confronted with these issues? They will straight up lie to peoples faces or some of them are not informed enough to know any better. They repeat whatever they’re told by one of their wealthy left-wing elites like Jimmy Kimmel.

IDK about great granny's thoughts, but I am pretty sure great grampy would be impressed with all the free internet porn. Might even would start himself one of them OnlyFans pages to show off his wiener to everybody.
Back in the days when people could get jobs (assuming they were the right color) and make it without too many difficulties. Of course there are always those who have difficulties, but for them these days it's just impossible.

And why has this happened?

In 2008 to 2012 during the recession, SEVEN MILLION PEOPLE lost their homes. People just trying to get by in life, bought a home and had to get a mortgage that would be fine as long as things didn't hit the fan.

Who got those homes? People with money.

The billionaires got richer. Some might have lost out, but in general these recessions end up benefiting the rich.

Even without a recession, people are buy homes so they can rent them out, making money for themselves, prices got up, rent goes up, the poor are finding it harder and harder.

And who controls the political system? The rich. They're trying to make as much money as possible without giving a damn about the consequences for everyone else.

The electoral system benefits the rich, with Proportional Representation the rich would find it much harder to control everything, hence why they don't want it. Hence why most people don't have a clue about the electoral system.

Time for people to take control of their country, get Proportional Representation.
Hey don't worry. They'll crash the real estate market again in a few years and get themselves even more real estate.
Except that many presidents prior to Dumb Don were objectively worse. Bubba was getting BJs in the oval by a women old enough to be his daughter, while he bombed Serbia back to the Stone Age. Then, W murdered one million Iraqis based on a lie and O continued the slaughter of innocent civilians, while eliminating the Bill of Rights. Biden supports a proxy war that may have killed and wounded a million people and a genocide in Gaza.

So, claiming Trump is the worst is ignorant. There is no doubt he‘s really bad, but his predecessors were even worse.

Trump is a neophyte, reality TEE VEE show star.

He's too dumb to be as evil and machiavellian as that others were. This conversation is utterly dumb.

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