What would our great grandparents and grandparents think about America in 2024

My grandfathers advice about voting on referendum questions was "always vote no because yes costs money". So, I really doubt if he would be too happy with our current spending levels or our 35 trillion dollar debt. MAGA
I know exactly what one of my grandfathers would of probably said .....something along these lines

I remember that was that from 2018? . None of us can forget the left-wing political violence and hatred from the Donald Trump era or the 2020 George Floyd riots.

I hope that modern-day lefties can realize that during the trump administration they were getting swindled by the mass media. The mass media and Hollywood would go around and call Trump a white supremacist. Complete and utter nonsense. Look at what left-wing politics and cancel culture gets us today. It’s one of the worst economies in American history for the middle class.
Complete hoax.

Trump: “You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”
How do we treat Nazis fairly?
My grandfathers advice about voting on referendum questions was "always vote no because yes costs money". So, I really doubt if he would be too happy with our current spending levels or our 35 trillion dollar debt. MAGA
Granpa had some effed up priorities.
The Greatest Generation would have been horrified to see the neo-Nazi tiki torch hoedown at Charlottesville Va. that took place in 2017. Unlike most of those that are under the age of 50 or thereabouts, they knew what Nazis were. Some of the attendees at the hate fest were wearing shirts that said this on the front of them, 6MWE (6 million weren`t enough). The president at the time said, "there were good people on both sides". Huh? Some of our Nazis are good?
Your confusion is immense. Your lack of logic is astounding. MAGA
During my grandfather's lifetime there were 2 world wars and a Great Depression in between. In the decade after his death there was a decade of continual inflation. It isn't my habit to speak for others, but I would find it hard to argue with him if though his eyes he thought that American today was comprised of whiners.
Your confusion is immense. Your lack of logic is astounding. MAGA
Are you telling me that those were Democrats beating up the police, breaking doors and windows and smearing crap on the walls of our glorious Capitol? What does your logic tell you?
MAGA. My Ass Got Arrested.
I wonder if his bone spurs will keep him from picking up litter along the highways.
The Nazis were not part of that protest as much as you would like for them to have been included. Why do you lie about what Trump said?
that parrot is still chewing on stale crackers.

He needs NEW talking points; his old ones have been debunked.
Your confusion is immense. Your lack of logic is astounding. MAGA

Of course he is confused. The mass media now tell us, black men can be white women, who practice white supremacy. . . and he is that sort the bleevs it!

Great grand parents would be SHOCKED that Americans ever elected someone as vulgar and disgusting as Trump! They would have never believed something like that could ever have happened.... That's a fact! :(:(:(
Except that many presidents prior to Dumb Don were objectively worse. Bubba was getting BJs in the oval by a women old enough to be his daughter, while he bombed Serbia back to the Stone Age. Then, W murdered one million Iraqis based on a lie and O continued the slaughter of innocent civilians, while eliminating the Bill of Rights. Biden supports a proxy war that may have killed and wounded a million people and a genocide in Gaza.

So, claiming Trump is the worst is ignorant. There is no doubt he‘s really bad, but his predecessors were even worse.
40 years ago, the average 25-year-old American made $85,000 per year adjusted for inflation. Today the average 25-year-old American makes $50,000 per year.

Home Prices are double what they were today in many areas in the country compared to before the “pandemic”.

Sure in some cases homes may have come down a little bit since they’re High Point post “Covid”, but altogether on average they are much higher than what they were under Trump. Sure we have a low unemployment rate but common sense will dictate to us that doesn’t mean much because the cost-of-living is very high in America today and the wages in this country that middle class Americans are receiving is simply not enough to afford the American dream.

Why do Biden supporters continue to make a mockery of their ancestors when they are confronted with these issues? They will straight up lie to peoples faces or some of them are not informed enough to know any better. They repeat whatever they’re told by one of their wealthy left-wing elites like Jimmy Kimmel.

They’d probably be kicking the butt of anyone that voted for Trump. Even if you don’t like the policies, you respect the soldier, not call them suckers or diss them for being captured.

40 years ago, the average 25-year-old American made $85,000 per year adjusted for inflation. Today the average 25-year-old American makes $50,000 per year.

Home Prices are double what they were today in many areas in the country compared to before the “pandemic”.

Sure in some cases homes may have come down a little bit since they’re High Point post “Covid”, but altogether on average they are much higher than what they were under Trump. Sure we have a low unemployment rate but common sense will dictate to us that doesn’t mean much because the cost-of-living is very high in America today and the wages in this country that middle class Americans are receiving is simply not enough to afford the American dream.

Why do Biden supporters continue to make a mockery of their ancestors when they are confronted with these issues? They will straight up lie to peoples faces or some of them are not informed enough to know any better. They repeat whatever they’re told by one of their wealthy left-wing elites like Jimmy Kimmel.
Wow, Fyoder, you clearly don't understand America much, do you?

Higher housing prices are wonderful. If you are a homeowner, it increasing your net worth!!!

It was far worse when Bush gave us underwater mortgages, and my home didn't regain the value I paid for it until 2015 or so.
Except that many presidents prior to Dumb Don were objectively worse. Bubba was getting BJs in the oval by a women old enough to be his daughter, while he bombed Serbia back to the Stone Age. Then, W murdered one million Iraqis based on a lie and O continued the slaughter of innocent civilians, while eliminating the Bill of Rights. Biden supports a proxy war that may have killed and wounded a million people and a genocide in Gaza.

So, claiming Trump is the worst is ignorant. There is no doubt he‘s really bad, but his predecessors were even worse.

Um, guy, Trump's miscondut is personal, as was Clinton's.

The rest of the stuff you whine about is what America does as a great power, and that's been stuff we've been doing since the Maine blew up in Havana Harbor.
Great grand parents would be SHOCKED that Americans ever elected someone as vulgar and disgusting as Trump! They would have never believed something like that could ever have happened.... That's a fact! :(:(:(
Yep, they would. Same with the incestuous pedophile you support.
They would call you disgusting sickos just like i do.
Um, guy, Trump's miscondut is personal, as was Clinton's.

The rest of the stuff you whine about is what America does as a great power, and that's been stuff we've been doing since the Maine blew up in Havana Harbor.
Yeah it’s okay to massacre millions, if you’re a great power. :cuckoo:

The Founders are rolling in their graves. They never expected Americans could be so dumb.
Yep, they would. Same with the incestuous pedophile you support.
They would call you disgusting sickos just like i do.
It was Trump who told a national TV audience that he wants to diddle Ivanka.
Yep, they would. Same with the incestuous pedophile you support.
They would call you disgusting sickos just like i do.
Why don't you try to inform yourself, and actually read her whole diary, 120 pages...but it is a quick read....

NO WHERE does Ashley say her father sexually abused her....zip, zero, nada!

Stop taking the fabricator's word for it, silly one!

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