"We don't have inflation because the people are living too well, we have inflation because the government is living too well."

and whomever takes over after him will cost us even more.

Trump wants to spend 3 fucking trillion dollars covering every bit of our country with an "iron dome" defense system

How the fuck are we going to pay for that?
Hey, I have an idea. Stop handing out free money to illegals and paying for their hotel rooms.
So in short you are a "the ends justify the means" kind of person.
Only in the context of legitimate, sheer, unmanufactured evil (not optics or provocateurs) that could cost the lives of many. perhaps millions. Bear in mind wars don't occur in a vacuum, they often occur when one nation loses influence and economic might in small intervals over time.

It is a fairly narrow scope and it has to be outside the jurisdiction of Western powers. We cannot violated these oaths domestically or we become the enemy we claim to defeat.

I was listening to a former CIA agent who was said that at one time in his career, probably in the 70s or 80s, he was part of a team that facilitated the movement of many millions to an unsavory character. He didn't mention the name of the person, the country or the specifics of the intel.

However, when asked "was it worth giving this bad person all this money"? He responded without hesitation, probably because he had already analyzed this 1000 times in his own mind; paraphrased "well, it probably saved hundreds of thousands of lives so I suppose it depends on how you define the terms of worth".

Again, a very specific scenario but it is worth applying here.
That is what we need for sure, the guy that added 180% to the national debt.
The inflation rate declined from 10% in 1980 to 4% in 1988. Some economists have stated that Reagan's policies were an important part of bringing about the third longest peacetime economic expansion in U.S. history.
and whomever takes over after him will cost us even more.

Trump wants to spend 3 fucking trillion dollars covering every bit of our country with an "iron dome" defense system

How the fuck are we going to pay for that?
Fire over half of the Federal government! :D
and whomever takes over after him will cost us even more.

Trump wants to spend 3 fucking trillion dollars covering every bit of our country with an "iron dome" defense system

How the fuck are we going to pay for that?
Trump built all of the wall vs Mexico, right? Trump has to deal with Democrats who don't give a shit about security and will pull out all stops to stop him. Do you prefer an Iron Dome or Nuclear bombs in our cities?
The inflation rate declined from 10% in 1980 to 4% in 1988. Some economists have stated that Reagan's policies were an important part of bringing about the third longest peacetime economic expansion in U.S. history.

all the way to 4% in 8 years.

4% is where they are now and you all keep telling us it is the end of the world as we know it
Trump built all of the wall vs Mexico, right? Trump has to deal with Democrats who don't give a shit about security and will pull out all stops to stop him. Do you prefer an Iron Dome or Nuclear bombs in our cities?

It is like you take great delight in proving how fucking stupid you are.

The iron dome takes out missiles as they are descending onto the target...how well will that work with nukes?
and whomever takes over after him will cost us even more.

Trump wants to spend 3 fucking trillion dollars covering every bit of our country with an "iron dome" defense system

How the fuck are we going to pay for that?
If Biden stays, he won't approve the Iron Dome and it exposes the United States to nuclear war. As you say, Biden will cost us even more.

Critics of the Reagan tax cuts today compare the 11.6% growth in federal revenue in 1980, the last year of the Carter administration, with the decline in revenue in 1983. They then declare that the Reagan tax cuts slashed federal revenue. Conveniently missing in that comparison is that the 1980-82 recession, with 10.8% unemployment, reduced federal revenue twice as much as the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated the Reagan tax cuts would in 1982 and 15% more than its estimate for 1983.

What’s more, the expectations of rising revenue during the early Reagan years were based on the assumption that inflation and bracket creep would not let up. In 1981, all public and private economic forecasts predicted continued high inflation. The opposite occurred. As inflation plummeted from the CBO’s projected average annual rate of 8.3% for 1982-86 to an average of 3.8%, revenue compared with projections tumbled $22 billion in 1982 and $70.4 billion in 1983 solely because of reduced inflation and bracket creep. The Joint Committee on Taxation’s static cost estimate of the Reagan tax cuts was $37.6 billion in 1982 and $92.7 billion in 1983. In other words, the collapse of inflation and bracket creep and the double-dip recession caused revenue losses more than twice as big as the projected static cost of the Reagan tax cuts.

The Reagan tax cuts were implemented in three installments, with the top marginal rate falling to 50% from 70%. When the reductions were fully in effect in 1983, the economy snapped out of the recession, and real growth averaged 4.6% for the remainder of the Reagan presidency—more than his much-maligned “rosy scenario” ever promised. In 1984, a final good-government tax provision—indexing individual brackets for inflation and thereby eliminating bracket creep—was implemented. Although indexing reduced revenue, it was overpowered by surging economic growth. Then the 1986 tax reform cut subsidies and special-interest provisions, lowered the top individual tax rate to 28%, dropped the top corporate tax rate to 34% from 46%, and provided additional incentives to work, save and invest.

When Reagan left office, real federal revenue was more than 19% higher than it was the day of his first inauguration. A major recession had been overcome, inflation had been broken, the tax code had been indexed to eliminate bracket creep, and the largest tax cut of the postwar era had been implemented. The Reagan tax cuts and the boom they created stand as the most successful policy initiative and recovery of the postwar era—the polar opposite of Mr. Obama’s program and economy.

The Reagan tax cuts laid the foundation for a quarter-century of strong, noninflationary growth, which, despite three subsequent recessions, averaged 3.4% until the beginning of the Obama administration. And tax revenue was generated by an expanding economy rather than pilfered through bracket creep.

But it wasn’t only the tax cuts, and it wasn’t only Reagan. To his credit, President Carter led the most significant deregulatory effort in the postwar era, reducing the regulatory burden on truckers, railroads, airlines and telecommunications, along with the interest rates paid by financial institutions. Reagan built on this Carter legacy by eliminating price controls on domestic oil and natural gas. These actions enhanced overall economic efficiency and amplified the effects of the 1981 tax cut and the 1986 tax reform.

This history is important because it shows the power of tax cuts and deregulation—exactly the proposals being debated today.

all the way to 4% in 8 years.

4% is where they are now and you all keep telling us it is the end of the world as we know it
4 percent under Reagan was a staggering reduction. Why do you want Biden to stay in power?
You mention the Iron Dome defense and tell us that just Trump will do it. For crying out loud, when do you plan to defend the United States?
4 percent under Reagan was a staggering reduction.

It is the same reduction we have seen over the last couple of years. Just quicker.

Why do you want Biden to stay in power?

I don't.

You mention the Iron Dome defense and tell us that just Trump will do it. For crying out loud, when do you plan to defend the United States?

We have the largest best equipped military in the world. We spend more than the next 8 fucking countries combined on our military. Why is that not enough for you?
It is the same reduction we have seen over the last couple of years. Just quicker.

I don't.

We have the largest best equipped military in the world. We spend more than the next 8 fucking countries combined on our military. Why is that not enough for you?
When missiles deliver super dangerous explosions, can we now stop them? Reagan invented star wars.

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