Zone1 The "Baby Mama" phenomenon in Black culture. The flip side of 75 percent Fatherless homes.

The Baby Mama phenomenon is a systemic problem in Black culture that needs to be faced and addressed. It is a major contributor to the 75 percent Fatherless home rate in poor Black communities and the problem is getting worse.

Nope. Unmarried doesn't mean "fatherless". It just means they aren't spending thousands of dollars on a wedding.
Not really. Europe descended back into barbarism after the fall of Rome and Middle Eastern countries were dominant for centuries.

The problem with our history is that it tends to be Euro-centric.
Why do you think that is, Joe?

Because the others couldn't write perhaps?!

Nope. Unmarried doesn't mean "fatherless". It just means they aren't spending thousands of dollars on a wedding.
Total fantasyland. Baby Mama Culture dominates the poor Black community. That is what keeps a steady stream of angry young boys flowing into a life of drugs. gangs and violence.
Usually the unmarried welfare mother of illegitimate black children does not know who the fathers are.
I have known a few black women who chose to get pregnant out of wedlock because they didn't want to deal with a man. Race doesn't seem to be a factor as these women often chose white or other POC.
I have known a few black women who chose to get pregnant out of wedlock because they didn't want to deal with a man. Race doesn't seem to be a factor as these women often chose white or other POC.
A woman who does that should not qualify for welfare assistance for herself or hier illegitimate children.
It's interesting that you bring this subject up, MarathonMike. I've been studying the the legal doctrine created in 1662 in colonial Virginia, that stated a baby followed the status of it's Mother. So, if the Mother was a slave the baby would be a slave, no matter who the Father was. This law gave White slavemasters the green light to rape and impregnate their female slaves with no consequences on their part. (Those slavemasters were pretty clever weren't they?)
Isn't it tragic what Black women have been thru? Why did those slavemasters treat those women like that? Didn't they have any morals or decency?
What does your reply have to do with this article? None of those horrendous people are alive now.
I agree they're worse, but how can we identify them?

Usually the unmarried welfare mother of illegitimate black children does not know who the fathers are.
There’s this new invention called a paternity test.

You determine who the father is, require him to get a job, and start garnishing wages which are sent to the mother, the amount of which is deducted from the welfare she gets. If she has four kids, that’s a lot of taxpayer savings.
Vasectomies for irresponsible men who Father multiple children with multiple women would be a logical solution for men OF ANY COLOR who do engage in this behavior.
It would be easier and cheaper to vasectomize the men than sterilize the women. So….give the fathers a choice:

a) get a job and pay child support for each kid, or
b) get a vasectomy.
That is why the problem needs to be faced and addressed. Absolutely, most of those kids have drug/gangs/jails and an early death in their future.
I think the only way to address the problem is to sterilize them and their unmarried mothers. I doubt they have anything to rehabilitate. They also need to be subdued by a draconian criminal justice system.
It would be easier and cheaper to vasectomize the men than sterilize the women. So….give the fathers a choice:

a) get a job and pay child support for each kid, or
b) get a vasectomy.
How are we going to identify the fathers? Paternity is often hypothetical with those people. Frequently the mothers do not know.
How are we going to identify the fathers? Paternity is often hypothetical with those people. Frequently the mothers do not know.
Well it’s true they likely have had multiple partners in any given month, but I’d wager most of them know who they are.

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