Do these Black democrat voters know the history of Planned Parenthood AND they are the largest users?

Okay, it's time for you to have a come to Jesus moment. Like I said, if you're not breaking the law, you've got nothing to worry about.
Like I said, that is BS there are plenty of black men who have spent countless years in prison for a crime they didn't commit.

Unfortunately statistics show blacks are 9, yep nine time more likely to be criminals on a per capita basis.

Post the statistic that shows that.

The only people responsible for the seriously bad choices blacks make are the blacks that are making those choices. Everyone is the sum total of the choices they make, don't try to pawn the responsibility onto anyone else.

Is that what it is, there aren't ever any other factors that fall into that equation.
Yeah, yeah, I've heard all the propaganda. But one thing Is, I haven't seen it in action. I've already gone through the stories of the previous 3 generations of my family on this board, I'm not going to go through it again. But what I am sure of, is their story is not a whole lot different from your families stories.
What? You haven't seen it in action? Damn where have you been?
So you don't have a problem with removing statues and monuments of confederates and racist.
Nope. I have been pushing for the removal of Robert Byrd’s monument for years…but demklan ignore it and instead deface monuments to Lincoln and Frederick Douglas
Pretty sure you are an expert on eating dicks, but when you want to deal with the issues we are dealing with as black folks let me know.

You aren’t interested in dealing with issues black folks are dealing with

You are only interested in pulling Joey Xiden’s dick
The average Black Americans knows more about the racism of American history than the average white historian.
Start off from the beginning. Slavery/racism was a worldwide institution practiced by blacks and whites.

America is not the only country in the world
Many of the Barbary Coast pirates were white guys who lost their Letters of Margue.
White Pirates are not the same thing as the land-based emirates and chiefdoms of the coasts and interior...

White Pirates are not the same thing as thousands of years of slaver activity and trade in those regions...

White Pirates were a Johnny-come-lately phenomenon that played very little part in the historical African slave trade...

When you are willing-and-eager to catch and enslave and sell your own, and your neighbors, THAT is the greater evil...

Another fine, shining example of mainstream Islam subverting and bullying the less sophisticated...

Nice try... :cool:
White Pirates are not the same thing as the land-based emirates and chiefdoms of the coasts and interior...

White Pirates are not the same thing as thousands of years of slaver activity and trade in those regions...

White Pirates were a Johnny-come-lately phenomenon that played very little part in the historical African slave trade...

When you are willing-and-eager to catch and enslave and sell your own, and your neighbors, THAT is the greater evil...

Nice try... :cool:

Most were originally privateers rather than pirates.

My family worked for the Prince of Nassau and the Dutch West Indies company. They traveled from the Hague to Recif, Brazil to New Amsterdam hauling slaves, sugar, rum and Quano in the late 1500s and early 1600s.
Most were originally privateers rather than pirates.

My family worked for the Prince of Nassau and the Dutch West Indies company. They traveled from the Hague to Recif, Brazil to New Amsterdam hauling slaves, sugar, rum and Quano in the late 1500s and early 1600s.
Doesn't matter. I'm not disputing that Euros had a hand in it. I'm merely highlighting the vastly larger African guilt in this.

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