Do these Black democrat voters know the history of Planned Parenthood AND they are the largest users?

Well, that would be hard to do since I am not out here running around defending Biden like you do Trump. I deal in policies, not parties.
It would be hard to do because Joey Xiden hates black people and wouldn’t let you, but it’s not keeping you from trying
Oh no he’s far worse, he was a grand dragon of the kkk, and Joey Xiden’s mentor…you know the head of your party currently
First, neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. I agree Byrd was a POS, right along with a whole lot more.
It would be hard to do because Joey Xiden hates black people and wouldn’t let you, but it’s not keeping you from trying
Trump and the republiklan party hates black folks, but for some reason they have sold you a bill of goods. When I ask you why should black folks start voting for republiklans, you come back with nothing. Why is that?
Trump and the republiklan party hates black folks, but for some reason they have sold you a bill of goods. When I ask you why should black folks start voting for republiklans, you come back with nothing. Why is that?
Trump gave us the First Step Act, the gop gave us feeedom and civil rights

You and your demklan gave us Robert byrd and racial jungle joe

Keep lying plantation boy
Trump gave us the First Step Act, the gop gave us feeedom and civil rights./quote]
The First Step Act? You do realize the majority of folks in prison are in State prisons which did nothing for them. You also realize more black men were arrested while Trump was president.

What freedom did they give us? We went from slavery to Jim Crow which lasted almost another 100yrs.

The CRA was passed by region, not party. Damn how many times do I have to explain that to you, btw more Democrats voted for the CRA than republicans.
You and your demklan gave us Robert byrd and racial jungle joe

Keep lying plantation boy
As usual you keep coming with the same tired weak lines, get some new material sista. Most black folks were republicans up until the early 70s, why is that Struth?
The slave traders swapped booze, pots and pans, plows and textiles for slaves.
They were a latter-day minor accent in a millennia-long history of Muslim Berber-Arab slave trade in the region.

With the hot, eager, greedy help of generations of Black slave-catchers, willing to trap and chain and enslave their brethren.

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