Would Trump's proposed tariffs instead of income tax ever become LAW? (Poll)

Would the House and Senate agree to replace the Income Tax with Tariffs?

  • Yes, especially if the GOP wins both houses

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • No, the downside risks are too big

    Votes: 23 95.8%

  • Total voters
In Economic Snob Rule, the Common People Are Compost

You're not completing the circle. With more jobs and higher wages, we can afford to pay higher prices. We won't even notice, just as consumers ignored the fact that convenience stores, which became predominant in a time of inflation, charged higher prices than that inflation and Americans still flocked to them, changing the face of shopping just as much as Amazon has since then.

How can the Free Trade traitors transfer money from American workers to foreign workers and claim it is for our own good? Our common wealth is shrinking from the capital treason of Capital.
An integrated world is good for everyone.

Just last month, Biden raised tariffs on some Chinese imports to the US that were deemed to conflict with our national security interests, as did Trump before him. But no president has the power to arbitrarily raise tariffs on anything and everything else. And of course, no president has the authority to abolish the income tax either, so this is really just a bunch of political hot air.

There has been and will continue to be a lot of scare BS over what Trump could do if elected this November. The truth is, not a lot unless he can get Congress to go along and the democrats aren't going to do that. There are some differences though, between him and Biden; probably some changes to the policy over our southern border, no more student loan forgiveness on a wide scale, etc. The Left wants to make it all about personality instead of policy, which I think is dumbshit stupid. The president doesn't need to be a good guy, but he does have to implement policies that are in our best interests over the other guy.

Good guy? how about someone who isn't a felon? I think the bar should at least exclude criminals with more indictments on the horizon than any president, or just about anyone for that matter, in history, indictments of a far more serious nature.
heres a novel fucking idea,,

how about the government cut spending??

and it doesnt hurt the poor, it hurts the freeloaders that live off of other peoples hard work,,

keeping more of our own money helps everyone except the government,,,,
Cutting spending, EVERYONE wants that.
Why people think just cutting in the areas they approve of is a solution.
Simplistic to think that giving All the power to mega rich, will fix it,
OR that social welfare is a priority in all areas.
Cutting spending, EVERYONE wants that.
Why people think just cutting in the areas they approve of is a solution.
Simplistic to think that giving All the power to mega rich, will fix it,
OR that social welfare is a priority in all areas.
not seeing where I said give power to the mega rich,,

at the fed level all lobbying should be banned except where its directly connected to something with constitutional authority,,

and I also didnt specify where to cut and that they were my preferred areas,,
in some cases full depts need to be eliminated because they dont comply with constitutional authority,, after that its an across the board cut,,

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