And Now For The Correct View Of The Contemporary Presidency

Blame Trump. He let it all get out of control, and governors dem and repub shut down their states. Trump agreed for too long. Idiots.
Here, Bozo.

Pay attention to May 11, 2020

Lockdowns were the DEMOCRAT response.

Mandatory vaxxes and all the teacher firings belong to Biden and the Democrats
Which one are you? Don't fret, I'm sure they'll let you return after the election when your job of undermining American democracy is done.
Undermining democracy????

There's nothing like Democrat democracy, where you try to put your political opponent in prison.

"The Moscow Trials were a series of trials held in the Soviet Union at the instigation of Joseph Stalin between 1936 and 1938 against so-called Trotskyists and members of Right Opposition of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union….generally seen as part of Stalin's Great Purge, an attempt to rid the party of current or prior oppositionists, …." Moscow Trials - Wikipedia

"A show trial is a public trial in which the judicial authorities have already determined the guilt of the defendant." Google

"There is little doubt that those who faced a show trial were going to be found guilty and they served the main purpose of Stalin – to get rid of anyone who might be a potential rival to him as leader."
The Fourth Estate is the most corrupt organization in the nation today. Control of this body is central to the Marxist agenda.

Communism was one of the totalitarian dogma’s that arose from the French Revolution, and their theoretician was Antonio Gramschi.

“Antonio Gramsci, the philosopher who became the iconic thinker of the 1960s, laid down the blueprint for precisely what has happened in Britain: the capture of all society's institutions, such as schools, universities, churches, the media, the legal profession, the police and voluntary groups. This intellectual elite was persuaded to sing from the same subversive hymn-sheet so that the moral beliefs of the majority would be replaced by the values of those on the margins of society, the perfect ambience in which the Muslim grievance culture could be fanned into the flames of extremism.

At the core of those Western majority values lay the Mosaic code, which first gave the world the concept of morality, self-discipline and laws regulating behavior. Who, then, could be surprised that the Jews found themselves in the left's crosshairs?” Phillips, “Londonistan,” P.118-119
The genus Founding Fathers allowed for checks and balances in a political world while they understood even back in the 1700's that a free press was essential to a free Nation. What they never envisioned was a time when the free press would become a willing propaganda arm of a political agenda.
Undermining democracy????

There's nothing like Democrat democracy, where you try to put your political opponent in prison.

"The Moscow Trials were a series of trials held in the Soviet Union at the instigation of Joseph Stalin between 1936 and 1938 against so-called Trotskyists and members of Right Opposition of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union….generally seen as part of Stalin's Great Purge, an attempt to rid the party of current or prior oppositionists, …." Moscow Trials - Wikipedia

"A show trial is a public trial in which the judicial authorities have already determined the guilt of the defendant." Google

"There is little doubt that those who faced a show trial were going to be found guilty and they served the main purpose of Stalin – to get rid of anyone who might be a potential rival to him as leader."
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Please don't give Trump any ideas. With his immunity and love of Putin, show trials can't be far away.
The genus Founding Fathers allowed for checks and balances in a political world while they understood even back in the 1700's that a free press was essential to a free Nation. What they never envisioned was a time when the free press would become a willing propaganda arm of a political agenda.

The Left took their time.....some three generations stealthily subsuming the media.....and this was the pay-off.

Once upon a time.....
"The job of the newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."

Now, it is to publish what the DNC tells it to.

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