US Threatened by China

Lets hope you don't have to find out the state of their military.
I doubt I will, because Xi isn’t stupid and this saber rattling is mainly meant for internal consumption. The fact that some MAGAmorons are chiming in is just a bonus for the CCP.
I really doubt the U.S. will make war with China to defend Taiwan however tragic it sounds to say that. As of 2022 only 11 U.N. countries recognize Taiwan as an individual county?

Those countries are Belize, Eswatini, Guatemala, Haiti, Marshall Islands, Palau, Paraguay, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tuvalu and Vatican City. Not a single military power house in the bunch and if they ALL ganged up on China, their militaries would probably be obliterated in a day. Most especially since Russia, North Korea, and probably even Cuba would help China.

The USA once recognized Taiwan as a sovereign country but ended that in the Carter Administration.

I think there might be a huge outcry of FOUL if China invades Taiwan but I don't think there would be much financial or military assistance to Taiwan. The UN won't do much but protest with both China and Russia as permanent members of the UN Security Council and Russia has absolute veto power (one of the more stupid decisions that body ever made in my opinion.)

China stopped saber rattling against Taiwan when Trump was in office but they have no similar respect for Biden. I am pretty sure if Biden is re-elected, Taiwan will soon be no more than a province of China..
Forgot Japan. They may very well go to War over it as it puts China too close to their islands and ship traffic.

Japan has been rearming for both NK and China.
The real value in Taiwan, more than the billions in factories and equipment is the trained people operating that equipment....without them it's all useless.

So...whatever China decides, they lose. There's no scenario where China will win an armed invasion. China loves "the long game". And in the long game there's no winning...only losing more.
The real value in Taiwan, more than the billions in factories and equipment is the trained people operating that equipment....without them it's all useless.

So...whatever China decides, they lose. There's no scenario where China will win an armed invasion. China loves "the long game". And in the long game there's no winning...only losing more.
Wouldn't win a conflict how do you work that out?
Wouldn't win a conflict how do you work that out?
Because if they kill all the people capable of operating the chip fabs....all they might get is a broken machine with no one to fix it or operate it. The banks will dump their funds into other offshore banks and financial institutions be empty. Can happen in under a minute. (Big red button is simple to install)

Then without the people (who get shot during a war and are ALL former compulsory members of the military like Israel) you will have literally nothing left of value on the island. Janitors can't operate the chip fabs. Neither can dock workers.
It's literally a PhD level skilled job....
chemistry majors and physics majors working together to make high speed.

War is ugly and brutal and kills at least as many without munitions as those who are killed by weapons.
Both sides always lose.
The "winner" is determined by who loses less.

So exactly how is it that you see China winning this? The best they can actually gain is a disruption in the Chip market.
Currently various sites in America are being surveyed for next generation Chip Fabs. (Intel is getting very little of the next round of American chip production incentives as they produced nothing from the first round)

War us also extremely China really doesn't have to spare.
The problem is how would YOU get to Taiwan if China felt they were about to be in a War? do you think they would stand by while you had your forces in place?
Forces are already in place. The 7th Fleet is on station and Japan and the Philippines will help. No American ground forces would be needed, because very few, if any, PLA units will reach the beaches and those that do would be wiped up by Taiwanese forces.
Forces are already in place. The 7th Fleet is on station and Japan and the Philippines will help. No American ground forces would be needed, because very few, if any, PLA units will reach the beaches and those that do would be wiped up by Taiwanese forces.
The terrain is mountainous with smaller beaches. The Taiwanese will hide up in the mountains and take highly successful pot shots at any army stalled out in the lowlands.

And you have forgotten several distinct armies that will come to Taiwan's rescue. Saudi Arabia and Australia. Both have significant investments as well as the UK, Germany, and Switzerland. Singapore and Korea also have significant population in Taiwan as working immigrants.

Trust me when I say that the WHOLE WORLD is watching their money being threatened by the PLA. Nobody is interested in watching their money get stolen to fund corruption in China.
Forces are already in place. The 7th Fleet is on station and Japan and the Philippines will help. No American ground forces would be needed, because very few, if any, PLA units will reach the beaches and those that do would be wiped up by Taiwanese forces.
You are in the same deluded fantasy land that seems to have been there since you had your arses handed to you by the Vietnamese.

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