China's military is surrounding Taiwan, sending its new president an unmistakable message

Dangerous saber-rattling from the CCP.

The world has only gotten far more dangerous since January 20, 2021. And that same incompetent has rolled in 10+ million illegals into America.

The Chinese military characterized the exercises as a "strong punishment for the separatist acts of Taiwan' independence forces," Chinese state media said in its reporting, also calling them "a stern warning against the interference and provocation by external forces," such as the US and Japan.
This kind of rhetoric, while typical for Beijing, follows the May 20 inauguration of Lai Ching-te, who served as the former vice president under Tsai Ing-wen.
Lai's win was seen as a historic move for Taiwan. It indicated a desire by its voters to see the Democratic Progressive Party, which has typically taken a harder line on policies toward China and prioritized Taiwanese autonomy, remain in office for an unprecedented third consecutive term.
Chinese-Taiwanese tensions flared under Tsai, and Lai's rhetoric indicates he will uphold many of Tsai's policies relating to Beijing. In his inauguration speech, the new president highlighted broad continuity with how Tsai addressed the cross-strait relationship, but he also expressed a desire to maintain the status quo with China. The new president asserted peace is "the only option." Beijing has, however, repeatedly asserted that force is on the table as an option for achieving its aims.
During his inaugural speech, Lai touched on China's mounting pressure on the island, saying, "In the face of the many threats and attempts of infiltration from China, we must demonstrate our resolution to defend our nation."
This, along with China's long-held contempt for Lai, prompted Chinese media to say Lai had "surpassed" some previous Taiwanese presidents labeled by China as "separatists."
A spokesperson for China's State Council Taiwan Affairs Office said that the drills were, at least in part, a punishment and a response to Lai's inauguration speech.

China is putting on a show. It doesn’t have the capability to invade Taiwan. Leave it the MAGAmorons to get their panties in a bunch! Remember, Biden was was warned about letting Pelosi go to Taiwan, but let her go anyway, while the right clutched their pearls?! :auiqs.jpg:
I am going to explain this to you one more time, Retard.

Between 1839 (The first Opium War) and 1949, China underwent the "Century of Humiliation," where Western powers (and Japan) stripped territory from China and humiliated her on a regular basis.

Outer Mongolia, Tibet, Hong Kong Outer Manchuria, Macao, various concession cities, Taiwan. There was even a point where Italy demanded Concessions without sending in a fleet, because they thought they could get away with it. Warlords backed by Western powers set up their own little fiefdoms.

The Qing and Guomindang governments just put up with this shit, but the CCP said, "No more," and started taking these territories back.

Sometimes, they acted militarily (such as against Tibet) and sometimes diplomatically (when they waited for the leases in Hong Kong and Macao to expire). But the key thing is that they see Taiwan as part of China. They are willing to tolerate de facto independence but not actual independence, and some of Taiwan's leaders are playing with fire.

I would suggest to play with the asshole of Xi-Jingping worldwide. And now? What would happen with me in your country, Chinese superidiot? The same what would happen if I would play with Putin's asshole in Russia? But in the USA I am able play with Trumps autocratic asshole, verbally, although I am not born in the USA.

I wouldn't know, you seem to have a weird obsession with men's assholes...

You should probably see someone about that.

Clearly, explaining the context of Chinese history went right over your head, so you didn't understand the point, because you are a fucking retard with an obsession with assholes.

Taiwan never had been a part of China, "Lord Helmchen". But Germany has to be damn thankful to Taiwan. Every year our parlamentarians visit the parlamentarians of Taiwan. So whole Germany has for some time holidays every year. Wonderful time. But if you do not know: On the other side our parlamentarians are also the bosses of our army. And the shortest way to help them in Taiwan is to go directly through Russia and China. In this case I calculate more than a billion war-related fatalities, superstupid war hungry superchinese superidiot.

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Taiwan never had been a part of China, "Lord Helmchen" .

It was settled by the Chinese during the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.
It was annexed by the Qing Dynasty in 1683
It was part of China until 1895 when it was annexed by Japan.
It was returned to the Republic of China in 1945.
It still claims to be the Republic of China and held China's seat in the UN until 1971.
The people of Taiwan are 97% ethnic Han Chinese.
They speak Mandarin and write using traditional Hanzi characters.

They couldn't possibly be anymore Chinese than they already are.

And you are still a fucking retard! .

It was settled by the Chinese during the Yuan and Ming Dynasties.
It was annexed by the Qing Dynasty in 1683
It was part of China until 1895 when it was annexed by Japan.
It was returned to the Republic of China in 1945.
It still claims to be the Republic of China and held China's seat in the UN until 1971.
The people of Taiwan are 97% ethnic Han Chinese.
They speak Mandarin and write using traditional Hanzi characters.

They couldn't possibly be anymore Chinese than they already are.

And you are still a fucking retard! .

Question: Would it not be much more easy for the Chinese soldiers to do a civil war or to do suicide or to do simple birth control if they like to reduce the number of the Han-Chinese on the globe? Do they really need Taiwan to do so - or Germany?

Der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland
Paul Celan
Death is a master from Germany
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This week I saw a young father - a student. His baby slept in the bicycle trailer aside him. He read a book. His whole body and face expressed a deep love to his baby and to this world here. It was impossible not to love this young man.

So what do you really try to tell me with your absurde superstupid bullshit?
What the fuck are you talking about, and what does this have to do with a bunch of Chinese arguing over what kind of government they should have?
What the fuck0

Why is the whole English speaking world continuously fucking?

are you talking about,

Read and think, Chinese.

and what does this have to do with a bunch of Chinese arguing over what kind of government they should have?

Taiwan never had been a part of China. And what kind of government idiots like you prefer I am easily able to imagine when I take a look at the history of mankind in the last 50,000 years. Xi-Jingping, Putin, Trump ... and nuclear weapons ... what a strange world ... Little aggressive children with titanic psychological and biological brain defects in sick societies are playing marbles with nukes - and idiots like you support them. You are a shame for all mankind, Chinese.

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Why is the whole English speaking world continuously fucking?

It's a great word to express a point. Especially when talking to a fucking idiot.

Taiwan never had been a part of China. And what kind of government idiots like you prefer I am easily able to imagine when I take a look at the history of mankind in the last 50,000 years. Xi-Jingping, Putin, Trump ... and nuclear weapons ... what a strange world ... Little aggressive children with titanic psychological and biological brain defects in sick societies are playing marbles with nukes - and idiots like you support them. You are a shame for all mankind, Chinese.

Sorry, dude, I'm not Chinese. My wife is, though.

Taiwan is part of China for all the reasons I've explained to you. That you are too much of a dummkopf to realize this, really isn't my problem.
It's a great word to express a point. Especially when talking to a fucking idiot.

I am not a member of your "culture". I will never understand how a Germanic culture degenerated so heavily to make sexual intercourse - the joyful creatio of a new human life - to a so called "swearword" (what not means "not swear" but "to spear" and should be normally written "spearword").

Sorry, dude, I'm not Chinese. My wife is, though.

Good griefe. Is she your slave? You fight for tyranny instead to like to let her be free from tyranny? Are you totally mad?

Taiwan is part of China

Never was - what's additionally unimportant.

for all the reasons I've explained to you. That you are too much of a dummkopf to realize this, really isn't my problem.

I realize very well that the atheistic racist Han leader from racist China tries to create an atmosphere where everyone thinks it is normal that Han have to try to kill other Han - how Russians try to kill their own roots in the Ukraine - and how Donald Trump likes to lead the USA into a civil war.

And I know very well that unenlightened people without a senseful form of self-control are a heavy threat for the survival of all mankind. Example: A man in the same quality of Xi-Jingping, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump is able to show this problem in a most placative way: Kim Jong-Un (Same problem showed his unscrupelous father and grandfather). While this superidiotic supergodly and deadly tyrant of North-Korea enslaves his people with nearly perfect mind manipulations which lead them into a totally unreal world of "visions" this totally childish man sends balloons with a load of shit and garbage to South Korean territory. Is a "god-king" (=an asshole) able to be more stupid? While the people in North Korea died on hunger and exhaustion his grandfather, his father and he like to wipe out other Koreans who live in the South of Korea. And Kim Jong-Un tries to use nuclear power and tries to find out how to make intercontinental nukes - what's damn easy how Elon Musk showed very well.

So while Russia, China - and somehow also the USA - fight against their own roots and their own people and like to bagatalize the use of nukes you ... yes: YOU ... support the end of all mankind including the death of your wife, your own death and the death of everyone who still lives around you. What's your home town? Sodom? Gomorrha?

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Response mod Deleted as off topic attack without thread content. White 6
Good griefe. Is she your slave? You fight for tyranny instead to like to let her be free from tyranny? Are you totally mad?

First, attacks on family are against the rules here. Be better.
Secondly, I point it out because she has given me an insight to Chinese history and culture that frankly, I didn't have before. Some of them are little things, such as you refer to family members by how they are related to you, but using their names is considered impolite. Others are bigger things, like why Taiwan is such an important issue to China.

I realize very well that the atheistic racist Han leader from racist China tries to create an atmosphere where everyone thinks it is normal that Han have to try to kill other Han - how Russians try to kill their own roots in the Ukraine - and how Donald Trump likes to lead the USA into a civil war.

Maybe you should stick to German politics, you clearly don't understand that of other countries.

Never was - what's additionally unimportant.
I gave you pretty much the whole history of Taiwan, which says otherwise.

And I know very well that unenlightened people without a senseful form of self-control are a heavy threat for the survival of all mankind. Example: A man in the same quality of Xi-Jingping, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump is able to show this problem in a most placative way: Kim Jong-Un (Same problem showed his unscrupelous father and grandfather). While this superidiotic supergodly and deadly tyrant of North-Korea enslaves his people with nearly perfect mind manipulations which lead them into a totally unreal world of "visions" this totally childish man sends balloons with a load of shit and garbage to South Korean territory. Is a "god-king" (=an asshole) able to be more stupid? While the people in North Korea died on hunger and exhaustion his grandfather, his father and he like to wipe out other Koreans who live in the South of Korea. And Kim Jong-Un tries to use nuclear power and tries to find out how to make intercontinental nukes - what's damn easy how Elon Musk showed very well.

Again, I think you are showing an ignorance of Chinese history. China has been invaded by the Mongols, the Manchurians, the Western powers, and Japan. The territories that she is laying claim to have been part of China at various times are often stripped from her by unequal treaties or military conquest.

China's position is not an unreasonable one, unlike, let's say, when your country under the Austrian Mustache Man claimed the Sudetenland even though it had never been part of Germany.

So while Russia, China - and somehow also the USA - fight against their own roots and their own people and like to bagatalize the use of nukes you ... yes: YOU ... support the end of all mankind including the death of your wife, your own death and the death of everyone who still lives around you. What's your home town? Sodom? Gomorrha?

Uh, guy, let's get real here. China isn't going to invade Taiwan. They will probably wait until Taiwan's demographic death spiral makes it too weak to resist because it will be all old people.
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1) China has been rattling Sabers at Taiwan for 75 years.

2) Taiwan is legally recognized as part of China by the UN, the US State Department and most of the world.

3) All that said, there's really no danger of China invading Taiwan, the two countries are economically dependent on each other. China and Hong Kong represent 30% of Taiwan's exports. They'd be pretty much screwed if China cut them off.
Communist china needs Taiwan more than Taiwan needs them
Actually, it's the other way around.

China has a GDP of 18 Trillion.
Taiwan has a GDP of 791 Billion.

30% of Taiwan's imports and exports are with China and Hong Kong.
Communist china needs the chips that Taiwan supplies for the consumer products that china produces

Without those chips the communist chinese economy fails
Well, I guess they'll have to send in their own managers after they invade.
If it were that simple the communists would not need Taiwan at all

The fact is they dont have the knowledge to run the chip factories
If it were that simple the communists would not need Taiwan at all

The fact is they dont have the knowledge to run the chip factories

You keep telling yourself that.

According to a report by the South China Morning Post on April 18th, encouraged by official support and continuous industry investment in expansion, China's total chip production in the first quarter of 2024 reportedly surged by 40% to reach 98.1 billion units.
You keep telling yourself that.

According to a report by the South China Morning Post on April 18th, encouraged by official support and continuous industry investment in expansion, China's total chip production in the first quarter of 2024 reportedly surged by 40% to reach 98.1 billion units.
The communists want catch up with the West in chip technology but always remain at least one generation behind
Mod Deleted. White 6

Mod Deleted. White 6

Be better.
Secondly, I point it out because she has given me an insight to Chinese history and culture that frankly, I didn't have before.

Wonderful. So she can tell you that Taiwan never had been a part of China and why the Han in Taiwan have a parlamentarian democracy and why China made Xi-Jingping to a new Soviet Commie Czar.

Some of them are little things, such as you refer to family members by how they are related to you, but using their names is considered impolite. Others are bigger things, like why Taiwan is such an important issue to China.

The Han in Taiwan show that Han not to have to live under a Soviet tyranny.

Maybe you should stick to German politics, you clearly don't understand that of other countries.

You are wrong. I do not understand the politics of Germany. Only sometimes I understand a little part of the German politics.

I gave you pretty much the whole history of Taiwan, which says otherwise.


Again, I think you are showing an ignorance of Chinese history. China has been invaded by the Mongols, the Manchurians, the Western powers, and Japan. The territories that she is laying claim to have been part of China at various times are often stripped from her by unequal treaties or military conquest.

China's position is not an unreasonable one,

It is absolutelly totally stupid that a nation in the size 266:1 and a population 600:1 has to show to a weaker nation in large manoeuvres and troop concentrations to have a bigger military strength. It is not only stupid to do so - it is also psychologically sick to do so - specially when the whole world is drifting direction third world war.

unlike, let's say, when your country under the Austrian Mustache Man claimed the Sudetenland even though it had never been part of Germany.

Bohemia always in history had been one of the most important countries of Germany. The Bohemians had been murdered and displaced after world war 2. Another word for such a behavior - in this case the behavior of the winners of world war 2 - is "genocide". And the Bohemians are not the only German nation who had been genocided from the allies of world war 1+2.

Uh, guy, let's get real here. China isn't going to invade Taiwan.

China is terrorizing Taiwan.

They will probably wait until Taiwan's demographic death spiral makes it too weak to resist because it will be all old people

The Han in China are also old, what's a result of the "1 child politics".
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