Zone1 Is Atheism Depressing?

The truth is what I'm looking for.
If that were really TRUE, you would be questioning your beliefs, not mine. At least that's how I've always discovered the truth. A lot of people confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is challenging what you believe to test the validity of that belief. Critical theory is criticizing what you don't believe to arrive at what you do believe without ever examining what you believe. Which as near as I can tell is what YOU are doing. You'll never discover the truth about anything using that approach.
Seek God. It works. I know. (Expect it to take years.)

your confusion is your belief you know when recorded history proves the opposite involving the desert religions you use to validate what you claim know.

as commandments madeup by the liar moses.
your confusion is your belief you know when recorded history proves the opposite involving the desert religions you use to validate what you claim know.

as commandments madeup by the liar moses.
She's not confused about HER experiences. She doesn't need religion to commune with God. No one does. Religion, like religious texts, instruct on how to live life and how not to live life. It's up to the individual to seek God. That was kinda the point of the parable of the prodigal son.
I don't start from the conclusion God and try to backfill.
Neither did I. I studied the evidence we have at our disposal (the creation and evolution of existence) to answer the question of was the universe created to produce intelligence intentionally? Or was it happenstance.

Apparently you started from the position that a Creator does not exist and back filled that position. That unless God gives you a sign of his existence, God cannot exist. I find this to be an illogical, anti-intellectual and disingenuous position. If you need for me to enumerate why, please let me know and I'd be happy to oblige.
Religion, like religious texts, instruct on how to live life and how not to live life.
the desert religions you use to validate what you claim to know ... as commandments madeup by the liar moses.

not true, christians, meriweater use text they claim to be heavenly personifications without merit - as a cudgel - to persuade others what recorded history proves to be the opposite from the truth in their application - slavery.
not true, christians, meriweater use text they claim to be heavenly personifications without merit - as a cudgel - to persuade others what recorded history proves to be the opposite from the truth in their application - slavery.
You're tilting at windmills, Don.
Ok. How has knowing Jesus given you peace?
How much time do you have?
1. I know exactly where I am going to spend eternity and with whom because Jesus paid the debt I owe with His life. He died so I could live, and gave me eternity as a gift. And I will be eternally grateful.
Out of all the damage they did to him, science believes what actually caused His death was loss of blood. He bled out because He loves us. Catholics believe He lost 28,430 drops. He would have lost enough blood to cause His heart to burst from the stress of lack of blood and oxygen in His system.
2. Death has no sting.
He has my whole family safe and strong and healthy. And it will be wonderful to see them again, and meet the ones that passed the Bible down through our generations.

I could go on forever, but for me those are the top 2, in that order.
How much time do you have?
1. I know exactly where I am going to spend eternity and with whom because Jesus paid the debt I owe with His life. He died so I could live, and gave me eternity as a gift. And I will be eternally grateful.
Out of all the damage they did to him, science believes what actually caused His death was loss of blood. He bled out because He loves us. Catholics believe He lost 28,430 drops. He would have lost enough blood to cause His heart to burst from the stress of lack of blood and oxygen in His system.
2. Death has no sting.
He has my whole family safe and strong and healthy. And it will be wonderful to see them again, and meet the ones that passed the Bible down through our generations.

I could go on forever, but for me those are the top 2, in that order.
So nothing for living? Just dying?
That is one of the blessings I'm thankful for. There has been no tragedy in my life. Great parents, great kids, great husband, even if he does drive me nuts, excellent health, comfortable life style.
I have compassion for those who have faced tragedy. I can't imagine the pain of losing a child, for instance. I would have to give it to God, and trust His judgment until it was well with my soul.

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