Zone1 Is Atheism Depressing?

That's the only thing I have evidence for. Until I have a reason to believe otherwise I can only express, (extreme skepticism), for the spiritual. And the reason I'm skeptical is because there's actually people who offer rewards for anyone who can prove this "spiritual being", and no one is capable of passing the experiments for it.
You have as much evidence as anyone else.
I didn't backfill anything. Since I don't know how the universe was created and the evolution of existence has plenty of natural explanations within the confines of the natural world after it's initial stage, and quite a lot of circumstancial evidence to support a natural explanation before it.

I just don't jump to the conclusion you do. "I don't know, therefore God".
Sure you did. You dismiss everything.
That is one of the blessings I'm thankful for. There has been no tragedy in my life. Great parents, great kids, great husband, even if he does drive me nuts, excellent health, comfortable life style.
I have compassion for those who have faced tragedy. I can't imagine the pain of losing a child, for instance. I would have to give it to God, and trust His judgment until it was well with my soul.
So what do you tell someone whose child was brutally raped and murdered? Or someone who has cancer? How do you explain to them that an all powerful and loving God allowed that to happen?
It seems like your strategy is to dismiss all evidence so you don't have to study it.
I do study it, that's why I know you're lying that the we can't explain creation. You just accept one of these hypothesis (God);and reject all others. I take the position that NONE of them are actually proven enough to even take a position on for prior the Big Bang. And proven MORE than enough to accept the explanations for creation after the big bang. Everything from the creation of stars, to planets, to life, to intelligent life.
Sure you did. You dismiss everything.
Nope I believe in gravity for the formation of planets, abiogenesis for the creation of life ( with some reservation), and evolution for intelligent life. All things I accept.
I do study it, that's why I know you're lying that the we can't explain creation. You just accept one of these hypothesis (God);and reject all others. I take the position that NONE of them are actually proven enough to even take a position on for prior the Big Bang. And proven MORE than enough to accept the explanations for creation after the big bang. Everything from the creation of stars, to planets, to life, to intelligent life.
I disagree.
So I think you're question is are you still "pretty sure" the Christian God of the Bible is wrong? To which I answer yes, for reasons I already stated.
You must be the most dogmatic skeptic I ever met.

Okay so you are pretty sure the Christian God is wrong. Though knowing is incredibly hard if not impossible. And you haven’t even tried to disprove the arguments I linked to above.

Here they are again:

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I just threw up a ball ten times, thinking I would believe in this omnipotent God. If he could stop it from falling.
Two blunders: First, testing God. Second, lack of faith in God.

Something upon which to reflect: Here I am, Lord--I come to do your will. vs Here I am Lord--you come and do my will.
There's no hope for anything better with atheism.

I find agnostics to be a lot happier and easier to get along with than atheists.

Atheists preach their gospel as aggressively or moreso than Jehovah's Witnesses do.

Good thing they're not as organized as JW are.
If God exists he doesn't provide evidence.
Correct. Evidence requires something measurable, which means something physical. Try authentication. For example your testing of tossing a ball into the air (putting God to the test). You were given authentication that putting God to the test won't work.
Two blunders: First, testing God. Second, lack of faith in God.

Something upon which to reflect: Here I am, Lord--I come to do your will. vs Here I am Lord--you come and do my will.
So, you are arguing that as long as I presuppose God, and don't test that presumption I can believe in God? That's true I suppose.

On the other hand, I can also believe that pigs can fly, and I really am Brad Pitt as long as I don't go to a farm and avoid any mirror. Doesn't exactly make it true now does it?

If your belief in God is dependent on not testing it, I'd argue you have no actual good reason to believe.
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So, you are arguing that as long as I presuppose God, and don't test that presumption I can believe in God?
I am recommending first to seek God and you will find. No need to waste time on presumptions.
You must be the most dogmatic skeptic I ever met.

Okay so you are pretty sure the Christian God is wrong. Though knowing is incredibly hard if not impossible. And you haven’t even tried to disprove the arguments I linked to above.

Here they are again:

Clip one is a typical fallacious argument among theists. It's the "we don't know an answer, therefor God", the God of the gaps argument. Not to mention that it simply lies about the position of non-theist mathematicians. They don't simply assume math working is "coincidental" they say they don't know but they have plenty of non-God hypothesis.

Clip two is also a well trotted path.
Causes bring about effects, not the other way around. And you can’t apply probability cumulatively and retroactively. It has to be applied independently and going forwards. In other words, you assume that because the universe here exists now; as it is, that that's the only possible way a universe can be.
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I am recommending first to seek God and you will find. No need to waste time on presumptions.
And how do you propose to seek some ethereal being without being allowed to examine the validity of it? What's the difference between simply assuming God is true and "seeking him"
Correct. Evidence requires something measurable, which means something physical. Try authentication. For example your testing of tossing a ball into the air (putting God to the test). You were given authentication that putting God to the test won't work.
And why shouldn't it work? As I mentioned scientists did a study about prayer. Something I suppose you believe as beneficial?

They had people. Devout believers pray for certain sick people and not others. The rate of recovery was similar. Why is it that God resists being tested? The sick people weren't questioning him. Neither were the people praying.
And how do you propose to seek some ethereal being without being allowed to examine the validity of it? What's the difference between simply assuming God is true and "seeking him"
Seek God as you would anything else...including knowledge.
Seek God as you would anything else...including knowledge.
Knowledge requires questioning the validity of things. That doesn't go together with your statement that I can't test God. That's my point. What I describe in post 237 is searching for knowledge. In this case "does prayer actually demonstrably work." It didn't. What should my conclusion be from that information?
And why shouldn't it work? As I mentioned scientists did a study about prayer. Something I suppose you believe as beneficial?

They had people. Devout believers pray for certain sick people and not others. The rate of recovery was similar. Why is it that God resists being tested? The sick people weren't questioning him. Neither were the people praying.
Our Father
Who is in heaven
Holy is your name
Your kingdom come
Your will be done

Faith also has a role.

Think about what you want. It seems you want a Genie to give you what you want. Try seeking what God wants. (That's the difference between seeking coddling and seeking to be a servant of God.)

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