It would make me feel much better if elections really were rigged

I wouldn't think you'd have the time
I lied. I DVR it and watch it in the morning before work. Early bird gets the worm.

At 11pm I'm either asleep or watching something else like sports, WWE, AEW, NXT,

Colbert, Fallen, Kimmell and Daily Show I watch in the morning. Better than the news. Like, today they are making fun that a new poll shows Biden up 2 points on Trump. You want to know what poll? Fox News poll baby!
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The alternative is far darker and depressing.

So, instead of viewing rigged election conspiracies as an attack on democracy, perhaps look at these conspiracy theories as the only way to restore people's faith in democracy.

Um, no, your laziness and stupidity is NOT a conspiracy.

Why do they have a 90% re-election rate? Because of the old saying, "Congress sucks, but my Congressman is a pretty good guy."

Of course, only 39% of us can name our congressman.

When you live in a gerrymandered district, you vote for the guy with an R or D behind his name.

So, the only real place to make a change outside of the 40 or so swing districts is at the primary. But only 20% of us bother to vote in primaries.
Why do they have a 90% re-election rate? Because of the old saying, "Congress sucks, but my Congressman is a pretty good guy."
why there is a 90% re-election rate. hilarious. You just gave the reason!!!!!

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