Alyssa Farah Griffin: ‘I feel duped’ by Biden’s team

How young? 2? 3? 4? 10?
Proof of your stupidity LOL
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I’m still seeing probables. Should could have been 6,7,8,9 or she could have been 2,3,4
Point is you don’t know
As I explained earlier in the proof that you are stupid, probably not 234 because it was a recollectible memory. Just take your dumb ass to bed hopefully you'll have a better day tomorrow. Your beating is done for the day stupid ass.
As I explained earlier in the proof that you are stupid, probably not 234 because it was a recollectible memory. Just take your dumb ass to bed hopefully you'll have a better day tomorrow. Your beating is done for the day stupid ass.
People develop recurring memories at the age of two. Very possible she was remembering back to the early years. Maybe maybe not, fact is we don't know. All we really have is what Ashely Biden says and that is that people are distorting her diary and causing hell for her. But you ignore that so you can push your assumptions because it allows you to call Joe a pedo and for some sick reason that’s more important to you.
Most politicians do lie or exaggerate. Not many to the levels of Trump. He is setting the bar to a whole new level. Something that should not be celebrated and followed. Shame on all who do
Trump lies to manipulate, in the same way as, "If you don't go to sleep, Santa won't come". So the liar knows they're lying, why they do so to achieve an outcome they want, and how they switch between truth and manipulative lies. Basic psychology on the 7 or so types of liars.
People develop recurring memories at the age of two. Very possible she was remembering back to the early years. Maybe maybe not, fact is we don't know. All we really have is what Ashely Biden says and that is that people are distorting her diary and causing hell for her. But you ignore that so you can push your assumptions because it allows you to call Joe a pedo and for some sick reason that’s more important to you.
No, not really. Now about that proof that you are stupid. Let's go there
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People develop recurring memories at the age of two. Very possible she was remembering back to the early years. Maybe maybe not, fact is we don't know. All we really have is what Ashely Biden says and that is that people are distorting her diary and causing hell for her. But you ignore that so you can push your assumptions because it allows you to call Joe a pedo and for some sick reason that’s more important to you.
I'm going to go with what she said" probably not appropriate" she also said she was molested at a young age. Biden's kids sure turned out to be a disaster. His dogs turned out to be a disaster. Biden has turned out to be a disaster. You have turned out to be stupid LOL
I'm going to go with what she said" probably not appropriate" she also said she was molested at a young age. Biden's kids sure turned out to be a disaster. His dogs turned out to be a disaster. Biden has turned out to be a disaster. You have turned out to be stupid LOL
Yeah, his wife and daughter died in a car accident. Pretty traumatic for a family to go through. Ashley was assaulted in her 20s and had PTSD. She was writing in that diary to try and work through her issues. She said she think she may have been molested at a friends house but doesn’t remember. You all are dishonestly trying to tie it to showers.

If she was really molested by her dad in the shower then she wouldn’t have written it like she did. Yall just can’t be honest. You’re trying way to hard to turn Joe into the boogie man
Yeah, his wife and daughter died in a car accident. Pretty traumatic for a family to go through. Ashley was assaulted in her 20s and had PTSD. She was writing in that diary to try and work through her issues. She said she think she may have been molested at a friends house but doesn’t remember. You all are dishonestly trying to tie it to showers.

If she was really molested by her dad in the shower then she wouldn’t have written it like she did. Yall just can’t be honest. You’re trying way to hard to turn Joe into the boogie man
Now that you're a certified idiot I don't know how much longer I can play with you. Joe is a disaster of a president, has mean dogs, molested his daughter in the shower, went around the world with his crackhead son collecting money from our enemies. Can lie 17 times in a 17 minute interview now he's barely sentient. It really takes an idiot to go to bat for him you know. That would be you, certified. LOL
Now that you're a certified idiot I don't know how much longer I can play with you. Joe is a disaster of a president, has mean dogs, molested his daughter in the shower, went around the world with his crackhead son collecting money from our enemies. Can lie 17 times in a 17 minute interview now he's barely sentient. It really takes an idiot to go to bat for him you know. That would be you, certified. LOL
You call me an idiot and then proceed to spew out multiple conspiracy theories and outright false hoods. You are just making shit up again and presenting it like it’s truth. She was 10? No that was a lie. She was molested by her dad in the shower? Another lie. how do you expect anybody to take you seriously when you pull that crap. Keep attacking his kids though and making up stories, if that what you need to do then go right ahead. You’re just making yourself look bad
You call me an idiot and then proceed to spew out multiple conspiracy theories and outright false hoods. You are just making shit up again and presenting it like it’s truth. She was 10? No that was a lie. She was molested by her dad in the shower? Another lie. how do you expect anybody to take you seriously when you pull that crap. Keep attacking his kids though and making up stories, if that what you need to do then go right ahead. You’re just making yourself look bad
You sure are an emotional certified idiot, yeah she was molested by her father when she's about 10 probably. Go cry somewhere else. I'm a patriot and I just care that our country is being run by a pedophile serial liar.
You sure are an emotional certified idiot, yeah she was molested by her father when she's about 10 probably.
Wow, you get caught in a lie and instead of eating some humble pie you just double down. Repeating your BS narrative but adding a probably in there which makes you sound even more ignorant. All while contributing to what Ashely Biden herself said is damaging to her. Don’t pretend to care about her or the situation. All you want to do is attack Biden. You’re acting way too desperately and making yourself into a fool
Wow, you get caught in a lie and instead of eating some humble pie you just double down. Repeating your BS narrative but adding a probably in there which makes you sound even more ignorant. All while contributing to what Ashely Biden herself said is damaging to her. Don’t pretend to care about her or the situation. All you want to do is attack Biden. You’re acting way too desperately and making yourself into a fool
Now that you are certified idiot, all you are going to get is insults from me. Are you stupid because you're a Democrat or a Democrat because you're stupid?
Now that you are certified idiot, all you are going to get is insults from me. Are you stupid because you're a Democrat or a Democrat because you're stupid?
Go back and count how many times you’ve called me stupid in this thread. Now imagine that you were watching or listening to two people debating and one person in the discussion did that. Would it make the person being called stupid look stupid or the person saying it over and over again? I think we both know the answer to that.
Go back and count how many times you’ve called me stupid in this thread. Now imagine that you were watching or listening to two people debating and one person in the discussion did that. Would it make the person being called stupid look stupid or the person saying it over and over again? I think we both know the answer to that.
You get what you give stupid ass. You've been very stupid, certifiably so, what else am I supposed to take away from that?
You get what you give stupid ass. You've been very stupid, certifiably so, what else am I supposed to take away from that?
Well intelligent people stick to the facts and beat their opponents on substance without the need to incessantly cast insults. The weak minded resort to insults and name calling as a sign of emotions and lack of self control. When you don’t have the vocabulary or ability to express yourself in an intelligent way you resort to insults. The fact that you feel the need to repeat your insults in every post just shows that my points are landing and you just don’t know how to respond.
Well intelligent people stick to the facts and beat their opponents on substance without the need to incessantly cast insults. The weak minded resort to insults and name calling as a sign of emotions and lack of self control. When you don’t have the vocabulary or ability to express yourself in an intelligent way you resort to insults. The fact that you feel the need to repeat your insults in every post just shows that my points are landing and you just don’t know how to respond.
I don't even really read your bullshit anymore since you've been certified an idiot. What did you say? Dumbass

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