Democrats throw the homeless under the bus

If you have a point to make, you’re welcome to make it any time now.

You have nothing.
My point is you have nothing and are incapable of abstract thought. You're a fucking lemming and dumb as a fucking rat.
Fuck you. You are nowhere near on my level, you retarded leftist shill fuck.
You couldn't think your way out of a wet paper bag because you're a tard. There's my point. You wanted it? You got it.
My point is you have nothing and are incapable of abstract thought. You're a fucking lemming and dumb as a fucking rat.
Fuck you. You are nowhere near on my level, you retarded leftist shill fuck.

Fucking own that commie marxist bitch.

He should be lucky he's in the US.

If not?

He'd have a lotta problems.
My point is you have nothing and are incapable of abstract thought. You're a fucking lemming and dumb as a fucking rat.
Fuck you. You are nowhere near on my level, you retarded leftist shill fuck.
What abstract thought are you trying to get into then? Let’s have it.

You have nothing. ;)
Told ya.

Told ya you were being used, lefties.

Now maybe you'll start to believe me

After just about every left leaning city in CA passed ordinances letting the homeless sleep on public grounds, now Gov Gruesome is reversing all that state wide.

By executive order, no less. Screw democracy, who needs it?

Well, sure. The spotlight is about to be on CA and they can't afford this.

They don't care about the country or the "American people". Democrats only care about their own power. And most libs on this board happily lick their boots. Sad. Could never be me.

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