Biden asks for 4 Billion, yes, Four THOUSAND MILLION dollars for illegals about to surge the border

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Wait, what? How many times has Alejandro Mayorkas said - under oath - that our border is secure and that the border is not open? If that is true, how are they gonna "surge?"

Even the liberal media - desperate to stop losing viewers - is admiting that it is a crises. Although, having lost that argument, they now arguement, they now argue that the arguments was pointless.

Ivan Pierre Aguirre/Reuters
A pointless argument battered Washington for much of this year over whether the southern US border is in crisis. But no one is now doubting the chaos and potential migrant surge that could be triggered by an imminent policy shift next week.

The expiry on Wednesday of a Trump-era order that exploited public health justifications during the pandemic to turn away thousands of migrants is expected to severely strain an already stretched border, immigration and asylum system.

The Department of Homeland Security unveiled Thursday an emergency six-point plan to tackle the crisis as Republicans preparing to take over the House brandished the potential chaos as proof of their claims of gross White House negligence over the border.

Even some Democrats are warning that an huge influx of immigrants next week could cause multiple adverse consequences. Critics say the administration took too long to engage on the issue and hasn’t done enough, though they also fault Congress for failing for decades to reform the immigration system and border enforcement – a goal that polls repeatedly show the public supports.

“We have a leak,” Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez said on “CNN This Morning” Thursday. “We need a plumber to come and stop the leak. And instead, what we’re doing is we’re sending us more buckets to hold the water.”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom meanwhile told ABC News this week that the expiry of the policy known as Title 42 could overburden his state’s capacity to cope. “The fact is, what we’ve got right now is not working, and it’s about to break in a post-(Title) 42 world unless we take some responsibility and ownership,” he said.

Yep. Newsom wants to be president all right.

Why, Democrats, did you wait this long to get woke to the tragedy on the border?

About that Four Billion. CNN isn't talking much about it:

The Biden administration is requesting billions in additional funding for the border as it predicts an enormous spike in migrant encounters when the Title 42 authority to quickly expel migrants due to the COVID-19 pandemic ends later this month.

According to a congressional aide, the Biden administration is seeking $2 billion for additional funding for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) , as well as $2 billion for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

That request, Fox is told, is based off the Department of Homeland Security’s estimation of daily encounters once Title 42 is ended on Dec. 21. A court ordered the administration to stop using the authority -- which has been used since March 2020 to quickly return migrants to Mexico -- after finding it to be unlawful.

That "flow estimation" predicts between 9,000 and 15,000 migrant crossings a day once Title 42 ends. For context, the average for fiscal year 2022 -- in which there were a record 2.3 million migrant crossings -- was approximately 6,500 crossings a day.

What do you think Biden wants to do with Four Billion hard-earned tax dollars? Stop the flow? Hell no! He wants it to fund the Welcoming Committee that the Border Patrol has become under Alejandro Mayorkas.

The $4 billion funding request would fund "border management" and DHS would use it on soft-sided facilities, migrant care, transportation, processing, and the Emergency Food and Shelter program. That is part of a six-point plan the administration has released that includes surging resources to the border, anti-smuggling operations and an increased use of alternative expulsion authorities such as expedited removal.

They are going to beef up expedited removal? Yeah, right. Why now, when their policy for two years has been expedited catch and release, and free rides to anywhere except where rich Democrooks live?

In a statement to Fox News Digital, the White House called on Republicans to support the funding request.

"If Republicans in Congress are serious about border security, they would ensure that the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security have the resources they need to secure our border and build a safe, orderly, and humane immigration system," White House Assistant Press Secretary Abdullah Hasan said.

Of course it is a win-win for them. If they get the 4 Billion, they can help those very near future Democratic voters all the more. If they do not get it, they can blame the GOP for everything that happens at the border after that. Their media will suddenly discover the border crises and gleefully report stories that start with "Just months after the GOP Congress killed a bill to fund increased border security . . . "
18,000 a DAY are entering our border. We are NOT the world's lifeboat.
This man should be in prison for treason

You seem to have misspelled “put to death”.

His crimes certainly rise to capital-level treason. It is likely that his malfeasance on the matter has resulted in the deaths of American citizens.
Wait, what? How many times has Alejandro Mayorkas said - under oath - that our border is secure and that the border is not open? If that is true, how are they gonna "surge?"

Even the liberal media - desperate to stop losing viewers - is admiting that it is a crises. Although, having lost that argument, they now arguement, they now argue that the arguments was pointless.

Ivan Pierre Aguirre/Reuters
A pointless argument battered Washington for much of this year over whether the southern US border is in crisis. But no one is now doubting the chaos and potential migrant surge that could be triggered by an imminent policy shift next week.

The expiry on Wednesday of a Trump-era order that exploited public health justifications during the pandemic to turn away thousands of migrants is expected to severely strain an already stretched border, immigration and asylum system.

The Department of Homeland Security unveiled Thursday an emergency six-point plan to tackle the crisis as Republicans preparing to take over the House brandished the potential chaos as proof of their claims of gross White House negligence over the border.

Even some Democrats are warning that an huge influx of immigrants next week could cause multiple adverse consequences. Critics say the administration took too long to engage on the issue and hasn’t done enough, though they also fault Congress for failing for decades to reform the immigration system and border enforcement – a goal that polls repeatedly show the public supports.

“We have a leak,” Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez said on “CNN This Morning” Thursday. “We need a plumber to come and stop the leak. And instead, what we’re doing is we’re sending us more buckets to hold the water.”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom meanwhile told ABC News this week that the expiry of the policy known as Title 42 could overburden his state’s capacity to cope. “The fact is, what we’ve got right now is not working, and it’s about to break in a post-(Title) 42 world unless we take some responsibility and ownership,” he said.

Yep. Newsom wants to be president all right.

Why, Democrats, did you wait this long to get woke to the tragedy on the border?

About that Four Billion. CNN isn't talking much about it:

The Biden administration is requesting billions in additional funding for the border as it predicts an enormous spike in migrant encounters when the Title 42 authority to quickly expel migrants due to the COVID-19 pandemic ends later this month.

According to a congressional aide, the Biden administration is seeking $2 billion for additional funding for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) , as well as $2 billion for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

That request, Fox is told, is based off the Department of Homeland Security’s estimation of daily encounters once Title 42 is ended on Dec. 21. A court ordered the administration to stop using the authority -- which has been used since March 2020 to quickly return migrants to Mexico -- after finding it to be unlawful.

That "flow estimation" predicts between 9,000 and 15,000 migrant crossings a day once Title 42 ends. For context, the average for fiscal year 2022 -- in which there were a record 2.3 million migrant crossings -- was approximately 6,500 crossings a day.

What do you think Biden wants to do with Four Billion hard-earned tax dollars? Stop the flow? Hell no! He wants it to fund the Welcoming Committee that the Border Patrol has become under Alejandro Mayorkas.

The $4 billion funding request would fund "border management" and DHS would use it on soft-sided facilities, migrant care, transportation, processing, and the Emergency Food and Shelter program. That is part of a six-point plan the administration has released that includes surging resources to the border, anti-smuggling operations and an increased use of alternative expulsion authorities such as expedited removal.

They are going to beef up expedited removal? Yeah, right. Why now, when their policy for two years has been expedited catch and release, and free rides to anywhere except where rich Democrooks live?

In a statement to Fox News Digital, the White House called on Republicans to support the funding request.

"If Republicans in Congress are serious about border security, they would ensure that the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security have the resources they need to secure our border and build a safe, orderly, and humane immigration system," White House Assistant Press Secretary Abdullah Hasan said.

Of course it is a win-win for them. If they get the 4 Billion, they can help those very near future Democratic voters all the more. If they do not get it, they can blame the GOP for everything that happens at the border after that. Their media will suddenly discover the border crises and gleefully report stories that start with "Just months after the GOP Congress killed a bill to fund increased border security . . . "
Biden wants 4 billion? But the Left were adamant that Trump was stupid spending money on the border wall. Fucking hypocritical Lefty arseholes.
But we can spend 20 times this on the Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation
The UK has wasted money on that too.

I always believe, get your own population fed, housed, and educated first, then if there's any money left, go help others.

Funny how they hated Trump and border wall, but now they want finance themselves for it. I suggest Biden asks Mexico to pay for it
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The UK has wasted money on that too.

I always believe, get your own population fed, housed, and educated first, then if there's any money left, go help others.

Funny how they hated Trump and border wall, bit now they want finance themselves for it. I suggest Biden asks Mexico to pay for it

Germany is totally fucked! Pray for a mild winter there
Germany is fucked, I think their government nationalised a gas company to bail their renewables out, and France got dragged down by the Germans on the energy front. Thank fuck we got out of Europe, much to Tommy Tainant 's disgust. But I can't fix stoopid

I'm sure Germans are cool with freezing to death if it add to the WEF and Zelen$ky's bank account
Wait, what? How many times has Alejandro Mayorkas said - under oath - that our border is secure and that the border is not open? If that is true, how are they gonna "surge?"

Even the liberal media - desperate to stop losing viewers - is admiting that it is a crises. Although, having lost that argument, they now arguement, they now argue that the arguments was pointless.

Ivan Pierre Aguirre/Reuters
A pointless argument battered Washington for much of this year over whether the southern US border is in crisis. But no one is now doubting the chaos and potential migrant surge that could be triggered by an imminent policy shift next week.

The expiry on Wednesday of a Trump-era order that exploited public health justifications during the pandemic to turn away thousands of migrants is expected to severely strain an already stretched border, immigration and asylum system.

The Department of Homeland Security unveiled Thursday an emergency six-point plan to tackle the crisis as Republicans preparing to take over the House brandished the potential chaos as proof of their claims of gross White House negligence over the border.

Even some Democrats are warning that an huge influx of immigrants next week could cause multiple adverse consequences. Critics say the administration took too long to engage on the issue and hasn’t done enough, though they also fault Congress for failing for decades to reform the immigration system and border enforcement – a goal that polls repeatedly show the public supports.

“We have a leak,” Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez said on “CNN This Morning” Thursday. “We need a plumber to come and stop the leak. And instead, what we’re doing is we’re sending us more buckets to hold the water.”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom meanwhile told ABC News this week that the expiry of the policy known as Title 42 could overburden his state’s capacity to cope. “The fact is, what we’ve got right now is not working, and it’s about to break in a post-(Title) 42 world unless we take some responsibility and ownership,” he said.

Yep. Newsom wants to be president all right.

Why, Democrats, did you wait this long to get woke to the tragedy on the border?

About that Four Billion. CNN isn't talking much about it:

The Biden administration is requesting billions in additional funding for the border as it predicts an enormous spike in migrant encounters when the Title 42 authority to quickly expel migrants due to the COVID-19 pandemic ends later this month.

According to a congressional aide, the Biden administration is seeking $2 billion for additional funding for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) , as well as $2 billion for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

That request, Fox is told, is based off the Department of Homeland Security’s estimation of daily encounters once Title 42 is ended on Dec. 21. A court ordered the administration to stop using the authority -- which has been used since March 2020 to quickly return migrants to Mexico -- after finding it to be unlawful.

That "flow estimation" predicts between 9,000 and 15,000 migrant crossings a day once Title 42 ends. For context, the average for fiscal year 2022 -- in which there were a record 2.3 million migrant crossings -- was approximately 6,500 crossings a day.

What do you think Biden wants to do with Four Billion hard-earned tax dollars? Stop the flow? Hell no! He wants it to fund the Welcoming Committee that the Border Patrol has become under Alejandro Mayorkas.

The $4 billion funding request would fund "border management" and DHS would use it on soft-sided facilities, migrant care, transportation, processing, and the Emergency Food and Shelter program. That is part of a six-point plan the administration has released that includes surging resources to the border, anti-smuggling operations and an increased use of alternative expulsion authorities such as expedited removal.

They are going to beef up expedited removal? Yeah, right. Why now, when their policy for two years has been expedited catch and release, and free rides to anywhere except where rich Democrooks live?

In a statement to Fox News Digital, the White House called on Republicans to support the funding request.

"If Republicans in Congress are serious about border security, they would ensure that the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security have the resources they need to secure our border and build a safe, orderly, and humane immigration system," White House Assistant Press Secretary Abdullah Hasan said.

Of course it is a win-win for them. If they get the 4 Billion, they can help those very near future Democratic voters all the more. If they do not get it, they can blame the GOP for everything that happens at the border after that. Their media will suddenly discover the border crises and gleefully report stories that start with "Just months after the GOP Congress killed a bill to fund increased border security . . . "
Hold up, so your complaining about the order and then criticizing Biden for giving 2 billion to patrol and 2 billion to enforcement while at the same time claiming he has opened the border?

Do you see how your arguments step over each other?
Hold up, so your complaining about the order and then criticizing Biden for giving 2 billion to patrol and 2 billion to enforcement while at the same time claiming he has opened the border?

Do you see how your arguments step over each other?
Only if the money were actually for enforcement. Under Biden, the border patrol is a welcoming committee for illegals, not a border enforcement agency. They are sending more buckets to hold the water, just as County Judge Cortez stated.

Why do you think the rank and file, their union and their leadership complain so bitterly about him and his head of the Department of Homeland non-Security?
Only if the money were actually for enforcement. Under Biden, the border patrol is a welcoming committee for illegals, not a border enforcement agency. They are sending more buckets to hold the water, just as County Judge Cortez stated.

Why do you think the rank and file, their union and their leadership complain so bitterly about him and his head of the Department of Homeland non-Security?
So you’re saying the agents are meeting people at the border and processing them?! Wow, doesn’t sound like it’s an open free for all.

$2B to CBPatrial and $2B to ICEnforcement
So you’re saying the agents are meeting people at the border and processing them?! Wow, doesn’t sound like it’s an open free for all.

$2B to CBPatrial and $2B to ICEnforcement
They are processing them for release in the United States (everywhere except Martha's Vineyard or other playgrounds for wealthy Democrats). That is not border enforcement. Border enforcement would be keeping them from crossing the border and sending them back when they manage to cross it anyway.

So yes. It is "open," because anyone can walk in, it is "free" because there is no enforcement, and it is "for all," because they are letting people have "asylum" when they are from countries far away from the U.S. instead of telling them to get help closer to home. It's an open free for all.


They are processing them for release in the United States (everywhere except Martha's Vineyard or other playgrounds for wealthy Democrats). That is not border enforcement. Border enforcement would be keeping them from crossing the border and sending them back when they manage to cross it anyway.

So yes. It is "open," because anyone can walk in, it is "free" because there is no enforcement, and it is "for all," because they are letting people have "asylum" when they are from countries far away from the U.S. instead of telling them to get help closer to home. It's an open free for all.

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Some who have legit asylum claims get released until their hearing. Others that don’t get turned away. That’s how the system works. That’s also NOT open borders

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