Why all the fuss about transgenders?

Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I don’t care if you think you are not what you were born, I hope you live a great life, however a person believing that they are someone they are not is a mental illness and we need to help them so we can drive down the suicide rate for these poor individuals.
I don’t care if you think you are not what you were born, I hope you live a great life, however a person believing that they are someone they are not is a mental illness and we need to help them so we can drive down the suicide rate for these poor individuals.
So you want to “help” transgender folks how?
Where exactly are they sharing bathrooms? Where are all the stories of rapes or whatever?

You’re worried about nothing?
I'm fairly confident Target allows it. It's why I don't shop there and haven't since they did that three years ago.
So you want to “help” transgender folks how?
They need doctors of mental health, therapy to help their low self esteem issues, depression, dissatisfaction in their own bodies, day to day coping skills. They have an illness and it needs to be recognized and treated. What do you want to do to “help” transgender folks?
They need doctors of mental health, therapy to help their low self esteem issues, depression, dissatisfaction in their own bodies, day to day coping skills. They have an illness and it needs to be recognized and treated. What do you want to do to “help” transgender folks?
I want to leave them alone. I’d help them when and how they ask for it.

I would NOT label them as mentally ill or pretend I have the authority to make claims about their self esteem or any of that shit you just claimed

You would pass laws against them? Ban them from doing certain things?

Be specific
I want to leave them alone. I’d help them when and how they ask for it.

I would NOT label them as mentally ill or pretend I have the authority to make claims about their self esteem or any of that shit you just claimed

You would pass laws against them? Ban them from doing certain things?

Be specific
why aren't they then? that isn't what's happening. interference is demofk 101, now go fk off woman hater.
I want to leave them alone. I’d help them when and how they ask for it.

I would NOT label them as mentally ill or pretend I have the authority to make claims about their self esteem or any of that shit you just claimed

You would pass laws against them? Ban them from doing certain things?

Be specific
I’d pass no laws against them, WTF is wrong with you shithead.

The deserve compassion and help with their illness.
Where exactly are they sharing bathrooms? Where are all the stories of rapes or whatever?

You’re worried about nothing?

Lesh, Biden Admin just announced an overhaul of Title IX.

They mandate that biological 20-yr-old males can use female locker rooms and restrooms if they identify as female in public schools.

"The Department also appreciates the opportunity to clarify that § 106.31(a)(2) applies, with some limited exceptions discussed below, to any circumstances in which a recipient engages in permissible sex separation or differentiation, such as in its provision of restrooms and locker rooms (34 CFR 106.33), access to classes and activities (34 CFR 106.34(a)–(b)), and policies such as appearance codes (including dress and grooming codes)."


We aren't making this up. It's a serious concern. This is unnatural, dangerous, flat out wrong, and hopefully found to be illegal. Even if you disagree, I would hope that you could at least respect the opinions of parents whose children may be forced to deal with this insanity.

I want to leave them alone. I’d help them when and how they ask for it.

I would NOT label them as mentally ill or pretend I have the authority to make claims about their self esteem or any of that shit you just claimed

You would pass laws against them? Ban them from doing certain things?

Be specific

We should not pass laws which encourage or facilitate undesirable behaviors.

Where exactly are they sharing bathrooms? Where are all the stories of rapes or whatever?

You’re worried about nothing?
Nobody sane wants their 13 year old daughter shitting next to a man in a dress.
Are you really lost on that?
I’d pass no laws against them, WTF is wrong with you shithead.

The deserve compassion and help with their illness.
That’s good to hear even if you are a dick

You are however different from the rest of your GOP friends on that case

And no one has Diagnosed being a trans person as a mental illness jackass
That’s good to hear even if you are a dick

You are however different from the rest of your GOP friends on that case

And no one has Diagnosed being a trans person as a mental illness jackass
I don’t care about your GOP friends and it is mental illness, just like anyone else who does not that thinks they are something they are not.
I don’t care about your GOP friends and it is mental illness, just like anyone else who does not that thinks they are something they are not.
Idiots like you used to call being a homosexual a mental illness
Idiots like you used to call being a homosexual a mental illness
No, I didn’t but idiots like you can’t discuss anything all you can do is name call. Thanks for proving you are incapable of a discussion.
Idiots like you used to call being a homosexual a mental illness

Homosexuality is a mental illness.

It just isn't normal for a man to want to have his butthole violated by another man.

Doesn't mean that I hate someone if that's what they are doing in privacy and not pushing it on children.
America went through several decades of something they called "woman's rights" but it was a fake political agenda.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
Just keep biologial males out of female sports.

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