Why do Democrats want Biden gone and we want Trump back?

we know bullshit commie banana republic lawfare when we see it you idiotic fence sitter .
Of course you do. Everyone recognizes the orange douchebag.

Question is why nominate a racist, rapist, convicted felon? And, the answer is you are fucking retards.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
Said by paid liars. The poll they quote wasn't even a poll of Democrats.

The billionaire class and the MSM want Biden gone. They hate Biden with a white hot fire. Sure, some of those billionaires buy Democrats as well as Republicans, but it doesn't mean they like democracy. As long as fascism increases their fortunes, they love fascism.

The voters want to keep Biden, largely because he pisses off billionaires and the media moguls.
That is who runs your party, nitwit,
MAGA I know is used all the time by Democrats. Few Republicans talk like that. Did somebody tell you MAGA is the party of Lincoln? I have a bone to pick with Lincoln over his invasion of the South. His war is why so many Democrats are here today. They loved their slaves. Worked them but took care of most of them. We have Democrats in charge of the US and some other states. This nation has endured Democrat rule in 23 states as of now. And even they want Biden gone. MAGA stands for Make America Great again. Well with so many Democrats ruling the governments, I get why Democrats want to know when it was. It has not been due to having Democrats as governors. And went off the rails by electing Biden.
The racist Democrats of the 1860"s are now MAGA "Republicans.
You and I are on exactly the same page, too.

When Trump first entered the political arena in 2015, I was really surprised when a lot of my friends and acquaintances - all highly educated with graduate degrees in economics, foreign relations, science, etc. - told me they were for Trump.

And I wavered as to whether to go with Hillary, which would have been the first D I voted for in decades, but was too turned off by how mean and dishonest and sneaky she is - especially with her deleting 33,000 emails and lying thst they were about yoga - and went with Trump.

And I was very surprised by how good a president he turned out to be. He kept the inflation rate low, cut corporate taxes so that business were able - and did - hire more employees, lowered taxes an average of $2000 per working family, saw increases in real wages, the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, had us energy independent, made great progress with Middle East peace, had the lowest level of illegals surging in, etc., etc.

Fast-forward to today, and I am appalled that the Dems - in concert with the “enslaved media” that Madison warned us about - have demonized and dehumanized this man to such an extent that not only do some of them wish for him to be killed, they also demonize and dehumanize his supporters.

If the election is honest, we are very likely to see a landslide close to that of Reagan. In addition to winning all the swing states, previously blue states like Virginia and New Jersey are now polling for Trump. If the election is not, and as we’ve seen the Dems will stop at nothing - nothing! - to keep a very good president from reclaiming the presidency, then you are likely to see a response that will parallel the French Revolution because the majority of Americans do not want a continuation of the O’Biden Regime - and they will know that the Regime has silenced their voices.

The majority of Americans are wise to Trump. Noise isn't substance.
Before the dust settles, Trump will be totally cleared of any supposedly crime. Bear in mind how Biden got away with having thousands of classified documents in his own garage.

Stop lying. Biden had 30 documents, not thousands.

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