How to replace Biden, not whether.......

Which is why I say we have a fundamental flaw in the system, and it's not age nor term limits.

Of course there are flaws in the system. There is a flaw in every system.

The main flaw you cannot fix is called human nature, which is why collectivism in any form, whether it be fascism, or communism or socialism, or Progressivism etc., will be the death of us all. We need to disempower those with a flawed human nature to have as diminished power as possible, to be shared by as many people as possible.

This was the idea behind Federalism and dividing power within government, something the Left detests.
They dump Harris for Big Mikey


Enjoy democrats
Biden is NOT the problem, getting around Harris is.
He he he.............DEI and woke on the line.

Biden can't step aside......that would mean he can't do the job.

Interesting dilemma for the DNC..........think about how the vote would go if Kamala got the 23 skidoo.
Biden avoided debating within his own party for the DNC nomination for President by simply declining to debate, much like Trump did with the GOP debate. However, they were doing so ONLY to try and avoid revealing to the public his state of mental decline.

Not good.

I think the ONLY reason Biden decided to debate Trump was that his numbers were eroding minus a debate with Trump because every time he was seen in public he would commit a gaff of some kind, so it became increasingly hard to hide. You also have the economy and immigration issues that are all around telling people there needs to be a change yesterday.

But now that he went through with the debate, the cat is out of the bag. Biden is toast.

I think what you will see with the interview with Stephanopoolis today, or however the hell you spell that partisan hacks name, (the man who covered for Biden insisting his mental acuity was just fine all these years), is that he is in decline and will need replaced. That will be the DNC's way of publicly addressing the problem that needs addressed. It is either that or watch more horrific outcomes with the next Trump debate. They have no choice here now.

Once this happens they will choose Kamala. Again, they have no other choice for a variety of reasons.

1. All the money they have raised thus far went to the Biden/Kamala fund. They, therefore, need Kamala on the ticket to be able to keep it. That alone is enough reason to choose Kamala

2. Kamala has already publicly said she is wary of all the clamor about finding white folk to replace her. Is the DNC really that racist? It would be a civil war blood bath within the DNC if they chose someone other than Kamala.

3. She is second in command. If she was not the second best choice, why did dementia boy pick her? was it just because she was a black woman who once accused Biden of racism?


But the DNC is in trouble with Kamala because she was so disliked by Democrats during the Biden first run to be President that she was the first out of the Presidential race. She polls lower than Hillary in likability.

Probably the best approach now for the DNC is finding ways to destroy Trump and the country once he wins in 2024 to take back power in 2028 once and for all, which is what I think they will do.

Yeah don't see how they can replace Biden with anyone other than Kamala. If they do that elected republicans need to push impeachment for both Biden and Kamala as democrats have conceded neither are competent to be running the country with several months left.
Yeah don't see how they can replace Biden with anyone other than Kamala. If they do that elected republicans need to push impeachment for both Biden and Kamala as democrats have conceded neither are competent to be running the country with several months left.

The Democrats have painted themselves into a corner.
Self admitted communist, and popular leftist fav, Van Jones let's the cat out of the bag. DNC in a flat spin.....

Just about every election cycle, the left claims the GOP is finished......this the end of the Republican Party. Can you hear me now?

Former Obama administration official Van Jones said Wednesday that Democrats, behind closed doors, are discussing “how” to replace President Biden at the top of the ticket, “not whether.”

The CNN commentator said the Democrats who defend Biden on TV have “completely different” conversations in private, amid growing concern in the party about Biden’s standing as the presumptive nominee.

“I understand people want to, you know, defend him and protect him and give him the space and the dignity to make his own choice,” Jones told CNN’s Jim Sciutto Wednesday, referring to Biden.

“But there is a big conversation happening right now about how this happens – not whether,” he added.

Jones painted a chaotic picture of the Democratic party as it tries to figure out a path forward in private discussions.

“Behind the scenes, it’s full-scale panic,” Jones said. “People are passing around legal memos, PDFs are flying back and forth on WhatsApp, trying to figure out, what are the options? How can you replace Biden? How do you get him to do it in a way where he feels respected, as he should be respected?”

Unpopular opinion alert.

I actually like Van Jones.

For the same reason I like Trump.

I usually hear Van Jones say what he actually believes, even if it's an unpopular opinion with his peers.

That is a rare trait these days.
There is one easy way for the DNC to avoid all this, and that is to chose Michelle Obama.

She would not even have to campaign to win.

But will the poor dear lower herself enough to subject herself to this horrible world of politics since she can live like a rich fat cat the rest of her life and die happy?

Probably not.

If she did, there still would be bad blood and a more secret civil war within the DNC, but Michelle would win easily.

The MSM knows they have taken a hit for covering for Biden, whoever replaces him will have to answer hard questions.
Michelle is smart enough to know she just as stupid as Kamala.
Unpopular opinion alert.

I actually like Van Jones.
Your choice. He does give decent opinions and views, no doubt. I listen but don't follow him regularly.

One thing that sticks with me was during Obama, which he ended up resigning for his ideology, was a clip of him giving a speech, where he was talking about Native Americans and other groups and giving them the wealth and give them the land.

Yeah, ok.
Your choice. He does give decent opinions and views, no doubt. I listen but don't follow him regularly.

One thing that sticks with me was during Obama, which he ended up resigning for his ideology, was a clip of him giving a speech, where he was talking about Native Americans and other groups and giving them the wealth and give them the land.

Yeah, ok.
Oh...I don't agree with him on 90% of the issues.

What I like is he will actually straight up tell you that is his goal.

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