Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Did you know??
This poster, which is used today in Palestinian Arab propaganda, was actually a Zionist poster created in 1936 by a Palestinian Jew Franz Kraus to promote Jewish tourism to the Land of Israel.Prior to the establishment of the State of Israel, Palestinian was a term widely used to describe the Jews living in the Land of Israel.

That is why already in 1798, famed German philosopher Immanuel Kant referred to Jews as "Palestinians" in his book Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View.

That is also why numerous Jewish organizations in Mandatory Palestine like the Palestine Post, Palestine Electric Company, and the Palestine Symphony Orchestra proudly referred to themselves as Palestinian organizations.

Did you know??
This poster, which is used today in Palestinian Arab propaganda, was actually a Zionist poster created in 1936 by a Palestinian Jew Franz Kraus to promote Jewish tourism to the Land of Israel.Prior to the establishment of the State of Israel, Palestinian was a term widely used to describe the Jews living in the Land of Israel.

That is why already in 1798, famed German philosopher Immanuel Kant referred to Jews as "Palestinians" in his book Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View.

That is also why numerous Jewish organizations in Mandatory Palestine like the Palestine Post, Palestine Electric Company, and the Palestine Symphony Orchestra proudly referred to themselves as Palestinian organizations.

In 1798 Jews were a tiny minority in Palestine.
In 1798 Jews were a tiny minority in Palestine.
Does a people's homeland change just because they become a minority in their own ancient homeland? No. It has not happened to any other people on the planet and it has not happened to the Jewish Nation. Their Nation was and IS on the Land of Israel.

Arabs are learning that the hard way.

Choose peace, not war and the destruction of the Jewish People and Israel. Why don't you? Why don't they? Why can't they leave the ugly hereditary hatred they learned from Mohammad?

Hamas is destroying Gaza in the name of Islam. And Hezbollah will be doing the same with Lebanon, again. Idiots never learn.

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