Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

But irrelevant. Jews were a minority before WW2 and after WW2 many moved into Israel and the concentration of them outside Israel diminished and the concentration inside Israel increased.

The Zionists chose to create a country right in the middle of the former Ottoman empire, a largely Muslim population, nobody forced them to do that, so why is it surprising to see that map? what's the argument here?

Except if ownership is being based on historic occupation then the Canaanites occupied the Levant before the first Jew was born, remember Abraham was an immigrant, he came from Ur (which is now in Iraq) and settled in the land already occupied by the Canaanites so no, the land is not "our land" by any account.

Abraham was born in 2166 BC and Judah (the first Jew) was born in 1565 BC, so we know that Canaanites were occupying the Levant for at least 600 years before the very first Jew was even born. Modern "Palestinians" too share over 80% of their DNA with the ancient Canaanites.

There's no excuse for a Zionist not knowing this, its recorded clearly in their own historic record!
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“Not only my children but a lot of other children were murdered, burnt, tortured. This is not a fabrication. This is actually something that happened… I strongly condemn what he said in every single way possible...For Roger Waters to come out with these unsubstantiated lies is a complete ant other disgusted and an insult to all the murdered victims.”

A leaked video shows Hamas terrorist leaders arriving in Tehran, welcomed by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards. After committing the October 7th genocide in Israel, like cowards, they hid in civilian clothes, used women and children as shields, and fled #Gaza. Don't be surprised if they claim Iran is helping #Israel displace Palestinians.

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