Michael Obama would beat Trump?

If you're going to imagine another imaginary 'stolen election', then why would you ever vote?

The 'stolen election' is just meaningless horseshit that conservatives tell themselves that they don't really believe. Its a balm to excuse away their own electoral failures.

As they're still going to voe. If they really believed that dems cheated and controlled it all, there would be no point.

And if you simply ignore any electoral outcome that doesn't validate your beliefs, then you've divorced yourself from evidence. And rendered your opinion useless.
I vote because on some level enemy democrats have to know that others don't accept their dishonesty.
I vote because on some level enemy democrats have to know that others don't accept their dishonesty.

You vote because you know your 'stolen election' narrative is meaningless horseshit you tell yourself so you don't have to take any responsibility for electoral losses.

If you really believed such nonsense, there would never be any point to voting, ever.

Worse, even the internal logic of your batshit makes no sense. If Dems control voting, how would any republican ever win?
Whatever this Michelle/Michael IS..........it's nothing more than another money motivated Communist puppet!!

Look at the bright side--- if Mike Obumma DOES become our next president, at least he and his pansy Barrack won't have far to move, as since they left the WH in 2017, they only moved six blocks down the street. :smoke:
I'm not offering my feelings. But the actual results. Which are worth far more than your emotions.

As demonstrated elegantly by Trump's 33480 zip code.
Your emotion is hope

You hope there is no fraud

And if there is you hope we dont find it till after the results are in
How can they transfer the campaign $$$ from Biden/Harris to Obama? Isn't that against the law? NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW

Technically they can't. Practically through there is a work around.

Campaign money remaining after a suspended campaign and all the bills paid can be
(a) kept it for a future campaign,
(b) Make donations to other campaigns (up to campaign donation limits which is just a few thousand dollars so that's a bust if you are talking 10's of millions), or
(c) here is the workaround, unlimited donation to local, state, or national political party.

Per 52 USC § 30114(a)(4)

So the money is could be transferred to the DNC, then the DNC can use it to fund the replacements campaign.

Technically they can't. Practically through there is a work around.

Campaign money remaining after a suspended campaign and all the bills paid can be
(a) kept it for a future campaign,
(b) Make donations to other campaigns (up to campaign donation limits which is just a few thousand dollars so that's a bust if you are talking 10's of millions), or
(c) here is the workaround, unlimited donation to local, state, or national political party.

Per 52 USC § 30114(a)(4)

So the money is could be transferred to the DNC, then the DNC can use it to fund the replacements campaign.


Oh noes, not a WORKAROUND

Michele Obama, that marvelous woman, would kick Trump's ass up to his ears so he could hear her beating on it.
An example of the infrastructure legislation. A small one. Is the South Carolina part of I 95 widened to three lanes in the parts needed yet? I am betting it is done by now. Nahhh. In fact, highways need to be widened even more. Hey, Michelle will party with the elites and the self-important.
The question was could Biden/Harris transfer campaign funds to Obama/???. The answer is no.

Can the campaign transfer the funds to the DNC. Yes.

That is the law.


It's a threat to democracy to disenfranchise all those primary voters amirte
I tend not to believe any polls anymore. Not even ones that have the results I want.

Now you can just invent anything you want and don't need to provide any actual proof of anything.

Hell they could create a poll on Twitter and just ask "do you like Biden?" And then come back the next day and see 11,000 people clicked yes and 3,634,931 clicked no and then can just say "on a recent poll 11,000 out of 12,000 said they like Biden" and technically that is true, but also falsely presented.

Polls actually taken are lies anyway. You can pay someone to take a poll and get the results you want. If the mainstream media is biased then why would a poll taker be any different? Hell you can fund a poll with a donation while not owning the and still claim it was independent polling.

I truly and honestly have a hard time believing most of what I read on the internet anymore that isn't previously known knowledge, or comes from a source that has a proven track record of being trustworthy.
It's a threat to democracy to disenfranchise all those primary voters amirte

No really.

The primary is like the general. People aren't really voting for a candidate, they are voting for a delegate that is pledge to the candidate. The delegates vote is then cast at the convention. At the convention they are required to vote for their pledge candidate for X rounds (I believe it's 3), after that they can vote for anyone. To the elected delegates are still acting.
I'd say Biden dropping out and then having an open convention is less a threat to democracy than re-electing someone that attempted a coup to overturn an election they lost.

But that's just me.

You vote because you know your 'stolen election' narrative is meaningless horseshit you tell yourself so you don't have to take any responsibility for electoral losses.

If you really believed such nonsense, there would never be any point to voting, ever.

Worse, even the internal logic of your batshit makes no sense. If Dems control voting, how would any republican ever win?
Try California where democrat fraud is so entrenched Republicans can never win.
America has one chance to stop the bleeding, regain partial control and begin to right the ship. Polls don’t matter, the MSM has never told the truth about anything.

The 2020 vote was invalid yet went unpunished. Of course they will try again. There will be new methods this time, see AZ 2022. Voting may not matter? 2020 may have been the final nail in Americas coffin?

The phony board middlers can pound sand. They are just as responsible for the destruction of America as “creepy candy scum”. They talk and bloviate as they all rush 1000:1 to trash Trump and defend the Corpse. BlackGaterMac&cheesedicBeale (all of them) own the chaos.

There is no one riding in on a white horse to save the Country. President Trump is the only one still standing (albeit barely).

Vote in the last great hope or face ramped up chaos, poverty, crime, corruption, debt, queers, courts, persecutions on and on. Another Obiden is not the answer to save America.
I agree with all of that except throwing Bealio in there. He ain't like Mac CheezeWhiz and Glamping Goober.
Can you imagine Obummers husband having to deny he is not a woman ?

Can you imagine Obummer himself trying to deny that he has always been Gay and a Communist ?

The evidence is overwhelming .

Let alone Tucker asking Obummer's husband ,
Why did you marry a spy working for the Chines
e ?

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