Bernie Sanders: “Billionaires should not exist.”



Definition of moocher
as in parasite
a person who is supported by or seeks support from another without making an adequate return

Synonyms & Similar Words
But not true for those who give of their labour and expect fair compensation in return.

Are Americans who have to work at 2 or 3 jobs being fairly compensated?

I think it depends on whether they stayed in school and got degrees in America. Your labels would apply to the rest of them.

It's different in China, but we still can't yet conclude that China has it wrong. Successes could be temporary.
Bernie sanders is only what he is because he gets votes by preaching to the rubes. That's it.

He tells young people billionaires ruin everything, he says young people should make a living wage pouring coffee at Starbucks, and so on. He is just a conman that doesn't actually do anything but succeeds by telling people what they want to hear.

This is the same man who writes books about how bad capitalism is.

And of course he makes money selling his books using capitalism.

And he used to hate millionaire senators.

Now that he has become a millionaire he suddenly hates billionaires.

So I guess he only hates those that have more money than he does.
I dont think bernie is a con man

He really believes on communism
I see Bernie has stirred up the MOOCHING DEADBEAT parasites who want to take other people's money. Get a job losers, pay your own bills and stop mooching off us.
Is that why the DNC emails that were stolen and leaked were an issue?
Because they showed they didn't cheat to beat Bernie?
"floating ideas about ways to undermine his candidacy" Wow!

Criminalize ideas, strategy!

Image the party regulars deriding a late comer who felt joining the Democratic party was beneath him -- until he needed their resources and votes.

Released Emails Suggest the D.N.C. Derided the Sanders Campaign​

But not true for those who give of their labour and expect fair compensation in return.

Are Americans who have to work at 2 or 3 jobs being fairly compensated?
You'd have to ask them. If they aren't, they should quit.
Capitalism raised them above the edge of starvation. You're welcome.
On capitalism in China, we can agree. But a more generous form of capitalism that worked for hundreds of millions.

And now the question is being asked on China eclipsing America to become the world's leading economy?

Some are saying that they already are!

That which we have in common is a belief in Capitalism! The distinctions between countries are less important.
"floating ideas about ways to undermine his candidacy" Wow!

Criminalize ideas, strategy!

Image the party regulars deriding a late comer who felt joining the Democratic party was beneath him -- until he needed their resources and votes.

Released Emails Suggest the D.N.C. Derided the Sanders Campaign​

The Democrat party favored one candidate over another.
Some Bernie supporters got upset and sat out the general election.


I don't know if I'd say these numbers show he was "overwhelmingly rejected".
He won 23 of the contests.
The Democrat party favored one candidate over another.
Some Bernie supporters got upset and sat out the general election.

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I don't know if I'd say these numbers show he was "overwhelmingly rejected".
He won 23 of the contests.
Imagine a major political party favoring a loyal member over an upstart!

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