Bernie Sanders and Ro Khanna reveal bill to ‘cancel all medical debt’

Many people contribute to their poor health with bad eating habits and a lack of exercise.

How dare you expect people to keep themselves healthy?

You can only take prescription drugs from BIG PHARMA….and never do any research…you are not a doctor…you know nothing about your body.

Same with a car. Next time you walk a car lot, only buy what the salesman tells you. DO NOT DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Cars are all the same and so are peoples’ needs.

You have a family of 6…buy a Prius if the salesman says so.
Bernie is a communist.
So is Tommy Tithead except he has no real idea what it means .
He was soap boxing in Wrexham FC car park a few weeks ago and wanted everybody with no money to have some .
He believed it but would not share the money thrown into his cap on the floor .
STFU and don’t you dare bitch for even one second…neither yourself, dblack Harpy Eagle buttercup pknopp Harry Dresden has the nutsack to vote against this retarded bullshit.
Every single time I see one of you sorry ass nutless motherfuckers bitch about some leftist bullshit. I’m gonna call you straight out. Get used to it.
But what point are you driving at?
Are you complaing about EVs again ?
Are you Scandinavian ?
My old man always said...”Son, you must always cast a meaningful vote, you either vote for someone or against someone as you will probably never see the perfect candidate that fits you perfectly. When you don’t cast a meaningful vote you are conceding to allow others to vote/choose for you.”
Quite possibly the wisest thing my old man ever said.
I got it at 18….it’s so weird that so many can’t or don’t see the simplicity in my old mans point.
Ignorant fucks.

yea great have used that one before.....put up someone who doesnt have to worry about going to jail.....someone who isnt dragging around a ton of baggage...isnt fucking 78 years old and maybe i would consider him....
And neither of the two end up winning do they you silly purple hair?
Damn, you’re such a difference maker…thanks for making America better.

The person you voted against won, seems we both had the same impact on the election
You keep saying that like a dumbfuck would, I told you, I vote in Arizona.

And I voted in Ill, and the gal I voted for had about the same chance to win the state as your god did...NIL.
And I voted in Ill, and the gal I voted for had about the same chance to win the state as your god did...NIL.
Negative….the almost dead crypt keeper won by a scammers margin in AZ…by 10,457 votes. Your disgusting purple shithole never had a chance.
Negative….the almost dead crypt keeper won by a scammers margin in AZ…by 10,457 votes. Your disgusting purple shithole never had a chance.

As I said, the lady I voted for had about the same chance to win this state as Trump did
That’s your spin…stick to it. Just remember, Mickey Mouse had the same odds of winning as Jo did.

which was the same odds that Trump had of winning the state, and winning the state is all that matters.

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