Video: Kamala Announces New Actions to Reduce Medical Debt...MD is not like buying a home or car...1-in-3 US adults have MD, totaling $45 Billion

Ending medical debt just as important as ending college debt?

YES! People should not face financial ruin becuase of an illness. Unacceptable.

Anyone who has dealt with the insurance companies knows how terrifying it can be. For many, debt was the only option.

That’s wrong. Let’s help them now.
The problem is the costs. Last Hospital bill during covid was $40,000 and my wife did 2 days only there. Hour operation. 1 & 1/2 recovery. Then 2 nights leaving that am.

40 k for 2 days is the problem. I didnr pay that... I paid the max out of pocket with company insurance.

Its TOO dang much for only 2 days with limited support. The doc and others were seperate.

"Too much" by what standard? What criteria did you use to determine the "correct" amount of what a hospital stay "should" cost?
"Too much" by what standard? What criteria did you use to determine the "correct" amount of what a hospital stay "should" cost?

Let me guess 2 days. Doctor does all the work paid seperately. And 20 k a day for an IV and Jello.

That standard is Fucking BS and why medical destroys people and also why some leave the country to get surgery
The problem is the costs.

People should not face financial ruin becuase of an illness.

That standard is Fucking BS and why medical destroys people

I used to talk to the frequent flyers a lot, one gets to know them in a small town after a while.

Now none of these folks asked to be ill, and most where hard working middle class , parents, veterans , etc who had pulled their weight all their lives

they all had one thing in common, the insurance cabal kicking them when they were down, and they were to weak to fight back

No citizen deserves a predatory system where we literally eat each other


I used to talk to the frequent flyers a lot, one gets to know them in a small town after a while.

Now none of these folks asked to be ill, and most where hard working middle class , parents, veterans , etc who had pulled their weight all their lives

they all had one thing in common, the insurance cabal kicking them when they were down, and they were to weak to fight back

No citizen deserves a predatory system where we literally eat each other

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No no no

All right wingers know that only government insurance would do such a thing.

Get yourself in order, sir.

Let me guess 2 days. Doctor does all the work paid seperately. And 20 k a day for an IV and Jello.

That standard is Fucking BS and why medical destroys people and also why some leave the country to get surgery

None of that answers my questions. I'm sure the whole emotional appeal thing works when you talk to people who think with their glands, but it's just a waste of my time.

Let's try again. What is your standard for "too much"? What criteria did you use to determine what the "correct" amount for medical care is?

Oh, and a third question. Did you bother to ask for an itemized bill to see exactly what you were charged for and what the prices were for each thing?
None of that answers my questions. I'm sure the whole emotional appeal thing works when you talk to people who think with their glands, but it's just a waste of my time.

Let's try again. What is your standard for "too much"? What criteria did you use to determine what the "correct" amount for medical care is?

Oh, and a third question. Did you bother to ask for an itemized bill to see exactly what you were charged for and what the prices were for each thing?
I paid out my max deductable...............And say that this is too damn much for 2 days............Why here were I'm at some doctors are doing their own surgery centers so they don't have to go through the hospitals..........

No damn way it should be 20k a day...........That is why our freaking system is broke......that and the lawyers chasing ambulances.......

You are trashing must be in that profession to rape those who need service.............And in that service they are ESSENTIAL to those who need you can charge anything you want AND SAY IT'S FAIR............Perhaps us in the Construction industry should to do the same........Our equipment cost as much or more than the high tech stuff in hospitals.........

But the doctor just needed a sterile room to do the surgery.......He got paid 20k a day....... That is RIDICULOUS.
I paid out my max deductable...............And say that this is too damn much for 2 days............Why here were I'm at some doctors are doing their own surgery centers so they don't have to go through the hospitals..........

No damn way it should be 20k a day...........That is why our freaking system is broke......that and the lawyers chasing ambulances.......

You are trashing must be in that profession to rape those who need service.............And in that service they are ESSENTIAL to those who need you can charge anything you want AND SAY IT'S FAIR............Perhaps us in the Construction industry should to do the same........Our equipment cost as much or more than the high tech stuff in hospitals.........

But the doctor just needed a sterile room to do the surgery.......He got paid 20k a day....... That is RIDICULOUS.

I'm "trashing" you? I asked you questions, which you STILL haven't answered. You just keep telling me, "I don't like it, so that makes it wrong!" And then you try to turn around and make this a personal attack on me.

I think we've settled the question. You "think" the way leftists do, ie. "don't bother me with thoughts and facts, I FEEL this is right!"

I'm "trashing" you? I asked you questions, which you STILL haven't answered. You just keep telling me, "I don't like it, so that makes it wrong!" And then you try to turn around and make this a personal attack on me.

I think we've settled the question. You "think" the way leftists do, ie. "don't bother me with thoughts and facts, I FEEL this is right!"

You are demanding a price that i would agree too so you can attack it.

20 k a day is Too Damned Much. The Doc did all the work.

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