Sanders Responds to Netanyahu's Claim that Criticism of Israeli Gov't Policies is Antisemitic

Ok, so how do they go after HAMAS, without killing civilians, when their operations are in busy civilian buildings?
What should they do when they warn the civilians to go south, and HAMAS stops them, and then the ones that do get there, Egypt wont let them cross their borders?
Thats what I dont understand. They only way they can retaliate, will include civilians. HAMAS set it up that way, so they can have the worlds opinion. Its a propaganda game for them. And they are winning.
Nobody wants them. They have nowhere to go. So because of that, Israel shouldnt retaliate, and kill all the terrorists that vowed more attacks will happen? Because like I said, casualties will occur. HAMAS made it that way.
You aren’t getting this. They don’t care about Hamas. Israel created Hamas. They are mass murdering civilians to mass murder civilians and take more land. They have long history of this.

Please tell me your Roudy
You aren’t getting this. They don’t care about Hamas. Israel created Hamas. They are mass murdering civilians to mass murder civilians and take more land. They have long history of this.

Please tell me your Roudy
Then why do they tell the civilians to leave? Why do they say they are going to attack an area a week before they do?
IDK like I said, I dont give two shits about them. I just dont understand how else they go about this.
Then why do they tell the civilians to leave? Why do they say they are going to attack an area a week before they do?
IDK like I said, I dont give two shits about them. I just dont understand how else they go about this.
See? More Mossad talking points. Jesus. WTF!
Then why do they tell the civilians to leave? Why do they say they are going to attack an area a week before they do?
IDK like I said, I dont give two shits about them. I just dont understand how else they go about this.

If Israel decided to they could level Gaza... I'm not so sure it's not a bad idea
First off, those numbers come from HAMAS. If you believe them, you are brain-dead.
One of the weirdest things about this war is how conservatives take so much pleasure in the widespread slaughter and butchery being committed by godless Israel while at the same time denying that anybody's being killed at all
One of the weirdest things about this war is how conservatives take so much pleasure in the widespread slaughter and butchery being committed by godless Israel while at the same time denying that anybody's being killed at all
Nobody is doing that, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck.
One of the weirdest things about this war is how conservatives take so much pleasure in the widespread slaughter and butchery being committed by godless Israel while at the same time denying that anybody's being killed at all

Has it even occurred to you Hamas brought this upon themselves Oct 7th?
Bernie Sanders, a Jewish American, calls Netanyahu's accusations that criticism of his government is antisemitic.

Hint: It's not. The government is not the religion or the ethnicity, it's the creations of RWNJ hardliners and has nothing to do with Judaism.

So that Israel having a Hitler impersonator as leader and having a government rooted in Nazi Germany views and actions is fine by De CrepitUS ?

You are another prominent member of the Mr Chuckles club .
An odious bunch according to Aunty Doris .
I havent seen one person here or anywhere that has said no one has died. Thats the stupidest fucking thing I have heard all week.
Do you not recognize hyperbole? You yourself are claiming the numbers are exaggerated despite the footage of northern Gaza looking like a moonscape and Israel indiscriminately and relentlessly bombing a place the size of Philadelphia every day for over 6 months.
Be specific. Name one thing.
Human shields is bs. Israel seldom gives warnings before it murders.

I have no issues with Israel retaliating against Hamas. Clearly this isn’t what they’re doing.

There are many shameful periods in American history. The genocide we carried out against indigenous peoples. Slavery. The violent suppression of the labor movement that saw hundreds of workers killed. Lynching. Jim and Jane Crow. Vietnam. Iraq. Afghanistan. Libya.

The genocide in Gaza, which we fund and support, is of such monstrous proportions that it will achieve a prominent place in this pantheon of crimes.

History will not be kind to most of us. But it will bless and revere these students.

-Chris Hedges

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