What free speech platforms exist in America when it comes to criticism of the Israeli government?

irosie, you just gave another example of your narcissism.
irosie, you show no emotional intelligence, another negative characteristic of narcissism which you exhibit.
Misplaced jargon......anyone impressed?
95 percent of Palestinians support Hamas and murdering Jews so calling them terrorist supporters is appropriate.
That’s your opinion. Other polls suggest Hamas has 10% popular support. But anyway Hamas is not the only conservative government in the world there is quite a few of them. Including in Israel, where one has to be Jewish in order to immigrate to Israel. One cannot marry somebody of the non-Jewish faith in Israel. Inter Faith marriage is outlawed in Israel. Such a interfaith marriage has to be performed outside of Israel.

At least you haven’t called somebody anti Jewish which I respect. And that is the major difference between civilized people compared to those that call people anti-Muslim for criticizing a Muslim governments or calling someone anti-Jewish for criticizing a Jewish government.

One could say that supporting israeli people means supporting terrorism, which is an unacceptable thing to say in a civilized setting.

there’s no justification for Owens or Gray being fired from so-called free speech platforms.
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Arabs in Isreal are diverse? Where do you get that crazy idea from.
Historically speaking, the Arab nationalism has been secular and inclusive of Christians. Take a look at the history many of the Palestinian military groups have been led by Christians.

Anyway, we’re getting away from the main point. Either one is for a free speech or they are not and quite a few journalists have been fired or demoted for perceived pro Palestinian views, or perceived anti-Israel criticism. And that is unacceptable from free speech outlets like the hill or the daily wire which claim to stand for free speech, but they actually don’t.
Only in your imagination.
It’s in line with civilized behavior. Calling somebody a supporter of terrorism, simply for being born in a certain area is unacceptable in the civilized world.

Whether they be German, Italian, Japanese, Palestinian, Israeli that’s unacceptable.
I have another 200 books on Isreal besides the few on these shelves.

show us your stack of National Geographic, and then open one to the page calling Jews, Palestinians
View attachment 963111View attachment 963112View attachment 963113
Nice collection pal

how about finding the bill and quoting instead of making a post based on uncertainty
The link was posted. Did you have a chance to look at it. This is from the link posted earlier. The so-called anti-Semitism bill is an attack on free speech and American values. It is something our founding fathers would be against. It’s like a Black Lives Matter issue where they get to define racism against blacks ie including the idea that disagreeing that white homeless people are privileged…. is racist.

Separately, Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., said that the definition was so broad that it would threaten constitutionally protected free speech. He, too, voted against the bill.

Rep. Sara Jacobs, D-Calif., said in a statement after she voted against it that while she has "experienced antisemitism all my life," the bill "would stifle First Amendment rights to free speech and free assembly."

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., voted against the bill because of a disagreement with an example of antisemitism listed in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's definition, which referred to using "symbols and images" such as "claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel" to describe Israel or Israelis.

Greene argued on X that the bill "could convict Christians of antisemitism for believing the gospel that says Jesus was handed over" for crucifixion with involvement of some Jewish authorities, including Herod.

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., voted against the bill for similar reasons, pointing to the same example of antisemitism, which many Jews consider harmful.

"The Bible is clear," he wrote on X. "There is no myth or controversy around this."

Also it might not be worth it for you to have a conversation with Rosie who engages in horrific behavior. She calls people names and accuses people of racism with zero evidence to back it up. This is the normalization of uncivilized behavior by a segment of pro Israel folk. Like that of a brute or some kind of a barbarian where if somebody criticizes the Israeli government they are immediately called racist. It is no different than if somebody criticizes the Saudi government and gets called anti Muslim. That’s not how the civilized world works.
Historically, speaking, the Arab nationalism has been secular and inclusive of Christians. Take a look at the history many of the Palestinian military groups have been led by Christians.

Anyway, we’re getting away from the main point. Either one is for a free speech or they are not and quite a few journalists have been fired or demoted for perceived prop, Palestinian, or perceived anti-Israel criticism. And that is unacceptable from free speech outlets, like the hill or the daily wire which claim to stand for free speech, but they actually don’t.
I am not a fan of the Daily Wire or The Hill. Palestinians, today, the name encompasses a huge group of people. Millions. Certainly to stereotype the entire group, those in the West Bank, those in Gaza, those in the part of Palestine we now call Jordan is wrong.

Calling the Gaza Palestinians, terrorists, I can not agree is, not civil. I also some people carelessly, lazily state Palestinians support terrorists when they are referring to a specific group.

I have met a few Palestinians in my life. One in Brazil, invited me in his home and was proud to state he the whitest rugs. I found that a great comment for I have read Arabia Deserta, twice. In the book theyColby referenced how it was very honorable, something to proud of, something the Bedouin strove for, to have an perfectly white carpet without a grain of sand.

Another brother and sister Palestinian I met in Orange County California, they owned and operated a BBQ rib joint on Pacific Coast Highway just as one entered Dana Point from the south. They were cooking and selling pork as well as alcohol.

l could see that not every moslem is a zealot in regard to the religion.

Yet, to state the Palestinians support terrorism, in the context and the discussion of the Hamas war, is not being uncivil and should be understood as they obviously are not talking about 4 year olds.

In Gaza, Palestinians have a very different set of values then we do which does explain their willingness to kill themselves for the greater good of Allah.
At times I find your comments abrasive. Maybe that is not your intent, maybe it is. Can never tell, on the internet.

I ignored much of what you wrote in the past. Ignored your OP's and comments.

I may again. Asking if I am in the right thread, I find condescending. Stating no explanation is needed cause it is common sense in condenscending.

Explaing what the main issue at hand reads as if you are a condescending person.

Condescending people at the very least lack emotional intelligence.

That is how I see it.
There is no ill intention. Because I have mixed up threads before. I really hope that clears up the small side issue. If not, I don’t know what to tell you.

The main issue is free speech being under attack and so-called free speech platforms like the hill and and the daily wire firing people like Candace Owens for no excuse. Owens was in fact, accused of antisemitism by her boss at the daily wire with no evidence to back it up. This is shameful behavior by this segment of pro Israel people

Many good people in Israel disagree with this sort of viewpoint of calling someone a racist for criticizing the Israeli government.

I might not like Black Lives Matter or BLM supporters but if I had a free speech platform, I would bring them on for a conversation. I might even hire one of them as an employee. I would never fire them, especially while claiming to be a free speech platform that is the main issue at hand. That is the main point we have our opinions about various topics but the point is about free speech
It's immediately clear to those who have any objectivity at all who is right and who the vermin are in this particular fight. If you have trouble justifying your sniveling over 'Da Joooos!!!' it's because you don't have any moral compass and babbling 'both sides are wrong' isn't being objective, it's just being stupid and amoral.

I criticize certain Jewish demographics all the time without confusing them with other Jews in the majority, maybe you should try educating yourself more if you want to make big whines about Israelis while defending feral animals who make their livings as gangsters and terrorists for hire like your Hamas heroes.
I won’t launch personal attacks on people for criticizing a Muslim government. I refuse to use the type of aggressive insulting language against you that you use against me. Maybe that’s because of my Catholic upbringing and the values my parents instilled me. Folks like you and Rosie lack civility

Apparently you think it’s OK to personally attack people for defending Candace Owens for being unjustly fired and you think it’s OK to personally attack people for criticizing these Israeli government or perceived support of Palestinian people.
It’s in the link
It may very well be. A pet peeve of mine, when someone gives a link and refuses to quote what they believe is in the link and comment on said quote.

Many times the links prove the person who provided the link as not knowing the subject. I find that to be true almost a 100% of the time. People who link do not know hence they use google. Maybe you know, but my experience is those who link do not know, have not read beyond the title of the link in the google/bing search resulting in the actual content not being relevant to their opinion. Most of the time links prove the person wrong that provided the link.

It might be in the link, I say it is not. I have to go with my experience and believe you have not read your link otherwise you would of quoted and commented on the quote from your link.

Your OP, your prerogative, to add as much relevant information as you think you need to make your point. If it is not in the OP, the point is not made and remains as opinion or conjecture. That is regardless if the link to something else is fact or not.

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