What free speech platforms exist in America when it comes to criticism of the Israeli government?

With total respect, are you in the right thread?

The issue is about multiple journalists being fired or demoted for perceived anti-Israel or pro Palestinian views. That’s the main issue at hand.

Also It is showing a lack of civility to call somebody who supports Israeli or Palestinians pro terrorist. There’s no explanation needed its common sense. We’re not even talking about a government here, but a group of people that are diverse.

It's immediately clear to those who have any objectivity at all who is right and who the vermin are in this particular fight. If you have trouble justifying your sniveling over 'Da Joooos!!!' it's because you don't have any moral compass and babbling 'both sides are wrong' isn't being objective, it's just being stupid and amoral.

I criticize certain Jewish demographics all the time without confusing them with other Jews in the majority, maybe you should try educating yourself more if you want to make big whines about Israelis while defending feral animals who make their livings as gangsters and terrorists for hire like your Hamas heroes.
Might mean something if you were a professional. Just more proof you are stupid. Unable to insult cleverly.

Next time dont start insulting someone if you cant handle the replies in turn.
I am accepted in USA courts as an
Thank you, I said you never heard the term used to describe Jews and now you said you never heard it. Attaching a proclamation does not make it so.

You are the expert on irosie rashes. I will have it checked out. Should I be concerned about puss?
what is "puss"?
It was Judea before the Romans started calling it Syria Palestina around the 2nd Century A.D. There are no people of any 'Palestinian' tribe, and their country still exists today. They just wouldn't get as much free stuff if they moved to their homelands, is all, so they squat around Israel and mooch off the UN while their gangster leaders get payoffs from Iran , Europe, and now Biden to terrorize Israelis. they're the best fed 'refugees' in world history.
a thick, opaque, usually yellowish-white, fluid matter that is formed as part of an inflammatory response typically associated with an infection and is composed of exudate chiefly containing dead white blood cells (such as neutrophils), tissue debris, and pathogenic microorganisms (such as bacteria)
that ^^^^ is PUS "puss" is a slang word referring either to a little cat or
your unpleasant face
I’ve even seen American politicians using words like antisemitism of course what they mean is anti-Jewish they really need to educate themselves. But they are effectively calling people anti-Jewish with no evidence to back it up. What is it like to be these people to have that type of hatred in their hearts where they lose all civility Because of the topic of a foreign country Israel.

Whereas plenty of other people, I believe most Americans could have civilized disagreements when it comes to topics like Israel.

Our government and media has got to do a lot better when it comes to covering Israel.
Our? When did you buy it?
It’s not Fox News of course is it. Does anybody here know if Fox News has an entire segment dedicated to interviewing Palestinians and seeing what they have to say.?

Those who attempt to call people Hamas supporters or terror supporters, and conversations like these lose all credibility. They go against the vision of the founding fathers. If I was to call somebody anti-Muslim for criticizing a Muslim majority government or call them a terrorist supporter for supporting the IDF I would lose all credibility because that’s not how a civilized person acts.

I criticize Black Lives Matter. But I would definitely have a BLM guest on a show if I had my own TV show. I would never shut somebody down. I would hire an employee if they support BLM and believe in radical ideals like “400 years a slave”, white privilege, etc .. I would simply debate them because that is what the founding fathers imagined that is what they envisioned for the American future.

Unfortunately Quite a few journalists have been fired from multiple outlets not because of anti-Jewish behavior. They’ve never said anything anti-Jewish, they criticized the Israeli government, or they showed some support for Palestinian children who were killed by the Israeli army whether on an accident or on purpose…. And they lost their job for it.

So who supports free speech in America, which media outlets give a voice to both the left and the right when it comes to Israel?. So far I can say Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens. They talk to a lot of conservatives. They are conservative, but they will also interview left-wingers like Brianna Joy Gray or Glenn Greenwald.
Fuck Israel! It is a fascist, apartheid country that can go to hell! Especially that fucked up PM Netanfuckyou.
that ^^^^ is PUS "puss" is a slang word referring either to a little cat or
your unpleasant face
You were not smart enough to figure out I misspelled pus, in the context of the sentence. Once you asked, and I gave you the definition, you still think you needed to explain to me that puss is slang?

irosie91, as an attorney, if I had access to your account here I could easily use your posts to show that you a condescending person.

irosie, you are a condescending person which indicates you have an inferiority complex. You feel superior to others.
irosie, your narcissist personality will get you thrown out of court. It is a good thing the attorney using you keeps you strictly on topic. If they read your posts here they will see narcissism in you.
irosie, condescending love to tout their achievements and education as if that makes your comments factual.

irosie, should I keep going. You have disqualified yourself and proven nobody in a courtroom should know who you are. At least you are smart enough to disguise who you are.

irosie, you show no intelligence with your pathetic insults. I can simply reply with the facts of who you are.
The 1st Amendment authorizes freedom of speech and petitioning the government. Fox is fair and balanced as a media source should be. The problem comes when Nazism rears it's ugly head in a NYC subway car when Palestinian radicals demand that Jews raise their hand and exit the car. Apparently the left wing networks refused to cover the incident.
You were not smart enough to figure out I misspelled pus, in the context of the sentence. Once you asked, and I gave you the definition, you still think you needed to explain to me that puss is slang?

irosie91, as an attorney, if I had access to your account here I could easily use your posts to show that you a condescending person.

irosie, you are a condescending person which indicates you have an inferiority complex. You feel superior to others.
irosie, your narcissist personality will get you thrown out of court. It is a good thing the attorney using you keeps you strictly on topic. If they read your posts here they will see narcissism in you.
irosie, condescending love to tout their achievements and education as if that makes your comments factual.

irosie, should I keep going. You have disqualified yourself and proven nobody in a courtroom should know who you are. At least you are smart enough to disguise who you are.

irosie, you show no intelligence with your pathetic insults. I can simply reply with the facts of who you are.
You are using words that you do not understand---do not quit your
day job. Your grasp of psychology is risible.

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