What free speech platforms exist in America when it comes to criticism of the Israeli government?

With total respect, are you in the right thread?

The issue is about multiple journalists being fired or demoted for perceived anti-Israel or pro Palestinian views. That’s the main issue at hand.

Also It is showing a lack of civility to call somebody who supports Israeli or Palestinians pro terrorist. There’s no explanation needed its common sense. We’re not even talking about a government here, but a group of people that are diverse.
Arabs in Isreal are diverse? Where do you get that crazy idea from.
Nice try, you are wrong. I have hundreds of books on Palestine, not one refers to Jews as Palestinians.

If one publication calls Jews, Palestinians, that not prove that the word palestinian was used by the public in reference to jews.
Ok cite your sources.
Ok cite your sources.
I have another 200 books on Isreal besides the few on these shelves.

show us your stack of National Geographic, and then open one to the page calling Jews, Palestinians
First there are multitude of issues here and I think it’s blatantly obvious. For example, notice how when somebody says I support Palestinian people some of the pro israel extremists will immediately call them “terrorist sympathizers” or something like that which is a blatant disregard for civility, and I believe the views of our founding fathers. It is inappropriate to suggest somebody for example, is anti-Jewish for supporting Palestine or disagreeing with Israeli policy.

Candace Owens was fired from the daily wire for perceived anti-Jewish behavior/ perceived pro Palestine views with no evidence to back it up.

Gray was fired from the hill for perceived anti-Israel or pro Palestinian behavior.

Mehdi Hasan was demoted from MSNBC for perceived pro palestinian stances
Hasan quit after his prime time show was cancelled, not the same as a demotion.
With total respect, are you in the right thread?

The issue is about multiple journalists being fired or demoted for perceived anti-Israel or pro Palestinian views. That’s the main issue at hand.

Also It is showing a lack of civility to call somebody who supports Israeli or Palestinians pro terrorist. There’s no explanation needed its common sense. We’re not even talking about a government here, but a group of people that are diverse.
At times I find your comments abrasive. Maybe that is not your intent, maybe it is. Can never tell, on the internet.

I ignored much of what you wrote in the past. Ignored your OP's and comments.

I may again. Asking if I am in the right thread, I find condescending. Stating no explanation is needed cause it is common sense in condenscending.

Explaing what the main issue at hand reads as if you are a condescending person.

Condescending people at the very least lack emotional intelligence.

That is how I see it.
"elektra" means LUMP OF SHIT----PROVE IT ISN'T TRUE!!!
Okay, now prove where you heard that palestinian historically referred to Jews
lektra Records was formed in 1950 by Jac Holzman and Paul Rickolt in Holzman's St. John's College dorm room. The name is taken from Electra, one of the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione in Greek mythology. Holzman found the 'C' in the original name "too soft" but liked the "solid bite" of the letter 'K', hence the spelling of the label name.
Okay, now prove where you heard that palestinian historically referred to Jews
"prove where I heard that palestinian means jew" I did not "hear it" ---it is historic fact
What is interesting is you think a doctor is needed after one scratches ones ass. Actually it is not interesting, it shows you are not very smart. Not very smart when it comes to insults. Not very smart when it comes to posting.
If you have a rash on your ass---you should see a dermatologist. Dermatology is not my field----my field is neuroscience which includes
psychiatry-----In my professional opinion YOU ARE SICK

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