Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping

No comment on Trump's performance ? Was it impressive.?

The general consensus is that they both lied and made false statements.

Trump was Trump.

I didn't expect anything different. He bloviates, ignores rules and thinks he walks on water.

Finally, so analyst said what needed to be said....even if you thought Biden was a acceptable now.....he's not going to be in two or three years.
Many believe Trump cannot do the job as he was not re-elected. Also he believes he can use the presidency to go after his enemies.
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How did we get here?

The voters chose Trump.
The DNC chose Biden.

You're welcome

Okie dokie!


What Madiac said is 100% accurate! Trump ran in the primary, voters gave him the nod, and in the primary, he ran against other candidates.

The DNC stopped people from challenging Biden, from RFK on down to Williamson.

If as everyone knows, Biden did NOT have a bad night, this is/was him, Americans have to ask themselves----------->why would the DNC run such a person against what they say is the BIGGEST THREAT TO DEMOCRACY EVER? Can anyone answer that question logically?

Fact is------>they all lied about Bidens health, his cognitive abilities, and said the WSJ was lying. Fact is THEY who lied, and now ask yourself.........what else have they been lying about!

More than likely......EVERYTHING, and anything that any of these posters from the Left say on here going forward should be laughed off this board, because to make their case, they got their facts from the MSM who has lied from the get go. Biden let the cat out of the bag, now you Leftists live with it!
Yes Biden had a bad night. A terrible night.

But just a few hours later he showed up at an “after party and was fine.

A debate is a performance. It’s not about governing.

Biden can govern fine.
If a frog had wings he wouldnt bump his ass when he jumps.
Yes Biden had a bad night. A terrible night.

But just a few hours later he showed up at an “after party and was fine
And you don't find that odd lol

How do you go from being sick and struggling to talk and or walk, and only a few hours later being the energizer bunny? 🤔

The answer is obvious but are you smart enough to figure it out?
I would love is we put an age max of 75 for public officials.

But we have what we have.

A decent old man who forgets things sometimes, or a psychotic old man who is bent on revenge on the 51% of the country that never liked him.

This should be an easy one.
Wow this post didn’t age well
Yes Biden had a bad night. A terrible night.

But just a few hours later he showed up at an “after party and was fine.

A debate is a performance. It’s not about governing.

Biden can govern fine.

A debate is a performance. It’s not about governing.

Beating Medicare is about governing.

Biden can govern fine.

He can't even govern his own bowel movements.

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