Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping

Q is a invention of the Left.
The election was stolen and you are an idiot if you do not think so.
If you say so. Trump was saying the same thing (that the elections are rigged) before he won in 2016. If that's so, then the Dems must have wanted Trump in there. Maybe they knew COVID was coming and the whole thing was a setup.

How can you ever win against such a masterful conspiracy?
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What did he use to be like?
He actually was once an intelligent and astute speaker and I'm surprised as much as you are.

I think that Taz is mixing up what happens behind closed doors with Donald H. Then that it would make perfect sense to say that it only happens behind closed doors. Not the part about Biden.
Yes, I see what you mean.
He actually was once an intelligent and astute speaker and I'm surprised as much as you are.

Wow, it's really strange to hear him speaking complete full sentences.

Yes, I see what you mean.

Yep, they got a romance going on for sure as I've seen it before. They have to be butt buddies. So since it's deeply engraved inside his brain he's just mixing his sex life up with politics.

Better hope that Biden doesn't ever do that. I mean he probably doesn't even have a sex life (with people or age that is even his wife) but that would be awkward considering the fact that he has "speeches."
Stupid OXYEN. A few days ago on stage he slumped hunched over his head near his Wifes crotch for some time as if dying or whatever at a D-Day ceremonial with France dicktaker and granny staring at him sideways. Are you people on dope! What do you mean "behind closed doors"? Kiss off Marxist BS spreading maggots sucking off American productivity.
They happened. Don't expect the worthless Rs to pursue anything though. The thirty four counts were misdemeanors. Through malfeasance the liberal judge changed them.

The judge is not even a full-time member but "RANDOMLY chosen" out of 25 or more? for Trump, Bannon, maybe Manafort? any others? Navaro?..........just a lucky day to randomly get the Presidents case. Uh-huh. another fact the MSM hides from the idoits watching CNN.
In public he shows shittage
Poop pants thread all gone
Trump using firing squads now front page forever
I'd be more worried about Convicted Felon Donald Trump's loss of brain function.

His speeches are rambling, off topic, he slurs his words, has long pauses, and so on.
Maybe you should read the thread title,

"Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping"​

and take your dripping underwear to some relevant thread instead.

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