Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping

It wasn't FDR's physical issues that were concerning at the end. There were controversies over whether his physical illness "impaired his judgment and performance at a crucial moment during the Yalta Conference."

So the concern was that one frailty (physical condition) might impair his judgment (mental condition).

As I said, two different issues of frailty.
Fragile? Was FDR fragile when he oversaw America's leadership during WWII?


If you actually believe he did during the end of his 3rd term and the start of his 4th up and until he died, you are incompetent! Why don't you try looking up history!

Biden is a shell of what he used to be................and what he used to be is a RACIST; or maybe he wasn't but he pretended to be for whatever reason at the time.

The Democrats are running a RACIST from the past; trying to tell everyone that is dumb as a box of rocks that the racist is Trump, and sitting back hoping that people will buy into their nonsense.

There is little doubt that there are many reasons not to vote Trump................until you weigh them against Joe! I can accept you do not want to vote Trump, as long as you admit Biden is awful; and is in fact, the WORST POTUS we have ever had in modern times.

For those who realize that Joe is useless but do not want to vote for Trump, then vote RFK!

You can NOT vote for someone who is incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial..........and that IS Biden!

Therefore, vote your conscience! If Joe has gotta go, Trump is a dump, then it is RFK, all the way!

If you disagree with the alternative being RFK, then you are not trying to save the country, you are just trying to defeat Trump, lol.

Isn't that right G-under 5000, and Mac.......a......doodle-)
This is what you get when you have people who refuse to let go of power.
This man has been in DC for 52 fucking years!! It's time to put him to rest!!
And as I've been saying....................................................

The year Joe Biden was born, was closer to the date of the Gettysburg Address, than the date of the 2024 election.

He was old enough to drive, when the Edsel came out.

He was an adult, old enough to drink, when JFK was assassinated.

His DC political career was already underway, BEFORE the fall of Saigon.

He will be five years older ENTERING his second term, than Reagan was EXITING his second term

America's first Baby Boomer president was over 30 years ago, and Biden comes from the generation BEFORE that.

And here we are in 2024, and he's still demanding your vote.
The Democratic Party needs to replace Biden on the ticket. There are too many examples over the past few years that this man doesn't have all of his mental faculties together and the odds are more than fair that if reelected he will not be able to finish out a second term. Democrats are in denial over this. For the good of the country he should be pushed to step aside. The idea that the two major parties are giving people a choice of either a fossil with on set dementia or a blustering embarrassing convicted felon is a low point in American history.

WASHINGTON—When President Biden met with congressional leaders in the West Wing in January to negotiate a Ukraine funding deal, he spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him, according to five people familiar with the meeting. He read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out.

President Trump has been dealing with four years of government and its surrogate courts weaponized against him, with unconscionably ridiculous fines, constant negative media, and faced with the real possibility of incarceration should the government prevail in its attempt to take him out. That has to weigh on a person heavily even one as resilient and pragmatic and savvy as Trump. And the probability of a reactive depression due to all that is real.

I had a terrible situation in one very responsible job I had and for several months experienced a reactive depression and it isn't fun. It affects your memory, your focus, your ability to solve problems that would normally be effortless. But once the situation no longer existed, I was quickly back to my old self.

Once this really horrible patch for Trump passes, I predict so will the depression and cognitive effects such depression causes.

Biden, meanwhile, is surrounded by people who protect him from virtually everything unpleasant. He isn't required to work except for infrequent short periods, he spends most of his time 'resting' at Camp David or on the beach in Delaware, he is shielded from almost all negative news by a media who treats him with kid gloves while diverting to their contempt of Trump if they do report something negative about Biden. And Biden is a cognitive mess.

I am not at all worried about Trump's mental capacity though I do worry about his health as what the Democrats are throwing at him is pure evil and has to be wearing on him.
Of course, being an unknown as it's own risks.

The reason why the Dems went with Biden is that he was vetted. He'd been through four previous campaigns. He was a known quantity.

During the primaries, I thought Bloomberg would be a good pick. But given how that year unfolded, he'd have probably been the worst candidate.

If the Dems went with Biden because. he was vetted then how the hell did Barack Obama get elected? Nobody knew who the fuck he was in 2007 except some people in Vermont because we were vacationing there and saw bumperstickers that read "Obama 2008". My late partner worked in R&D in the I.T. department at Princeton and got to know the guy who trained Obama in community organizing back before Obama ran for a seat in the Illinois state senate. He said Obama was going to win the 2008 POTUS election. I asked him how he knew. He said the Daley political machine in Chicago was going to make sure of it. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
And as I've been saying....................................................

The year Joe Biden was born, was closer to the date of the Gettysburg Address, than the date of the 2024 election.

He was old enough to drive, when the Edsel came out.

He was an adult, old enough to drink, when JFK was assassinated.

His DC political career was already underway, BEFORE the fall of Saigon.

He will be five years older ENTERING his second term, than Reagan was EXITING his second term

America's first Baby Boomer president was over 30 years ago, and Biden comes from the generation BEFORE that.

And here we are in 2024, and he's still demanding your vote.

Did you understand what Donnie Diapers was trying to communicate when he went on his ".....Hannibal Lecter was a GREAT guy!" rant? He's only a few years younger than Biden and lost his shit when he lost the election in 2020. He's acting more and more like an early-onset Alzheimer's patient every time he takes the mic. (And his dad, Fred, DID die from Alzheimer's)
If the Dems went with Biden because. he was vetted then how the hell did Barack Obama get elected? Nobody knew who the fuck he was in 2007 except some people in Vermont because we were vacationing there and saw bumperstickers that read "Obama 2008". My late partner worked in R&D in the I.T. department at Princeton and got to know the guy who trained Obama in community organizing back before Obama ran for a seat in the Illinois state senate. He said Obama was going to win the 2008 POTUS election. I asked him how he knew. He said the Daley political machine in Chicago was going to make sure of it. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Well, whoever told you that was full of it. Daley really didn't care for Obama, his candidate was a mutant named Blair Hull. Except Blair Hull was discovered to be a wifebeater. So that gave Obama an opening he took full advantage of.

Then he was up against the GOP candidate, another mutant named Jack Ryan. Jack Ryan was married to Star Trek "Actress" Jeri Ryan. Well, some of the press starting asking why he got a divorce, and he insisted his records should stay closed. When they were opened, it was found out he like to go to sex clubs. He was done!

Now, the GOP could have salvaged this situation, by nominating former Governor Jim Edgar. INstead, because the chair of the GOP wanted to run for governor herself, they nominated Ambassador Alan Keyes, a complete nutjob. Obama got an overwealming 80% in the General election.

Obama had one other big advantage going into 2008. He was one of the few Democrats who had the good sense to say the Iraq War was a terrible idea before it started. Everyone else - Biden, Hillary, Edwards, had voted for it.
The Democratic Party needs to replace Biden on the ticket. There are too many examples over the past few years that this man doesn't have all of his mental faculties together and the odds are more than fair that if reelected he will not be able to finish out a second term. Democrats are in denial over this. For the good of the country he should be pushed to step aside. The idea that the two major parties are giving people a choice of either a fossil with on set dementia or a blustering embarrassing convicted felon is a low point in American history.

WASHINGTON—When President Biden met with congressional leaders in the West Wing in January to negotiate a Ukraine funding deal, he spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him, according to five people familiar with the meeting. He read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out.

Just now noticing. LMAO
The Democratic Party needs to replace Biden on the ticket. There are too many examples over the past few years that this man doesn't have all of his mental faculties together and the odds are more than fair that if reelected he will not be able to finish out a second term. Democrats are in denial over this. For the good of the country he should be pushed to step aside. The idea that the two major parties are giving people a choice of either a fossil with on set dementia or a blustering embarrassing convicted felon is a low point in American history.

WASHINGTON—When President Biden met with congressional leaders in the West Wing in January to negotiate a Ukraine funding deal, he spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him, according to five people familiar with the meeting. He read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out.

Since he's already on the ballot I believe you'd be stuck with Kamala.

Can't be he's sharp as a tack......but also a lil old and fuzzy so he can't really be prosecuted for anything ...
The xschpurts said so.....on the approved teevee news channels
Trumps a felon !
Soros is doing a fine job running the country so I am fine with Biden as our figurehead if that’s what you right wing nuts think is happening.

You guys support Trump, not because of Biden’s perceived competence or policies, you guy are voting for a detestable human because you think it proves your despicable selves are normal. You aren’t normal. Your racism, xenophobia, homophobic, bigoted, ignorant, envious, toxic insecurity is so abnormal you have lost every single election since 2016 and are trying to convince yourselves you are winning. But you are loud and proud about your losing, I’ll give you that!
Get it through your Liberal heads: BIDEN AIN'T What he used to be!!

He is an aging 200 year old. Nobody wants him but DESPERATE Liberals! :p

What did he use to be like?

Just now noticing. LMAO

Yeah well Taz has never been all that bright. He's way too busy reading and posting everything about Trump to notice what happens every time that Biden opens his mouth.

It only shows "behind closed doors", huh?

I think that Taz is mixing up what happens behind closed doors with Donald H. Then that it would make perfect sense to say that it only happens behind closed doors. Not the part about Biden.

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