Democrats throw the homeless under the bus

So true.

Which is so painful for them.

This is a vapid woman who thought she was in a stroller at some protest saying "fweedom" when she was like 2 years old. She says these stories and then cackles about them.

This is who they're fluffing up--a woman that doesn't know how to pronounce her own name.



It doesn't matter. They just need a puppet. And they got one.

You'll be pissing in your diapers while the big boys are crushing some drinks and openly reflecting on the amazement of the universe.

You're a fucking thought prisoner.

Now, then, and always.
You’re so excited to eagerly kiss Trump’s ass even more. Good for you. :)
Well good news for you: you had 150K "white women" crash zoom and that's what Twitter is on fire about tonight. OMG LIBERAL WHITE WOMEN SUDDENLY LOVE MALAKA WHO KNEW?!?!

This is wild, and embarrassing for you. Imagine instituting a coup and installing--KAMALA HARRIS

I’m not on Twitter much so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

I’m not on Twitter much so I don’t know what you’re talking about.

She does not know how to pronounce her own name, and has been recorded saying it different ways. So on-brand for her. Here is a woman nearly 60 years old who has no idea her true self or even identity. Therefore:


Whatever. It doesn't matter. Your people had her boss removed and there she is. They're certainly used to running a puppet in front, aren't they?
She does not know how to pronounce her own name, and has been recorded saying it different ways. So on-brand for her. Here is a woman nearly 60 years old who has no idea her true self or even identity. Therefore:


Whatever. It doesn't matter. Your people had her boss removed and there she is. They're certainly used to running a puppet in front, aren't they?
“Whatever. It doesn’t matter.”

I agree. Still not sure why you’re bringing it up with me.
Fortunately for me, the few homeless that showed up in my area didn't stay long. Once they figure out it's easier to get a job and stay in town, instead of "living off the land"(read that as being a sneak-thief), they leave.
There's a large percentage that are simply unemployable. Either drug use, or mental illness, or too old, or simply lack of marketable skills.

So what will happen? Those who can't find work (wild guess - 60% ?) will have to move to shelters. Where there's no room, and conditions are already miserable.

However, they'll get welfare and food stamps if they don't already have them.

The end result is a big financial strain on a state that's already in a big hole financially. Only a quarter or less of these people will end up paying taxes, 60% or more will have to be supported.

Why did Newsom do this?

Three guesses...
Trouble with the 'get a job' farce is most job creation is low paying and no way they can afford rents on fast food workers' part time pay. See, when you throw open the borders to every criminal in the planet, they drive down wages and eventually they also take the middle class down as well, which is why right wingers are as much morons as their left wing relatives. Few of them want to stop off-shoring, they love slave labor overseas cuz they think it makes their stock market gambling pay better.

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