Jewish girl beaten unconscious by “peaceful protestors” at UCLA

Democrats = Hamas


^^^ Democrats
Thats just not true, joe. Thats a false narrative being pumped by hamas and the media here in america. Its just simply not true. Im amazed at how so many are being deceived but that's supposed to happen.
That's exactly what Bibi did. Bibi enabled Hamas for years.

From the Times of Israel

Uh huh. That's why you had to amend your original statement with (for some period of time) afterwords. Because only I misunderstood you....
I did NOT have "amend" anything. The grammar was correct in the first place. You are who tripped up. Back to the 4th grade for you, academic flunk.

Except for historical context. When Christian Europeans were subjecting European Jews to the Holocaust and Pogroms and Inquisitions, the Islamic World welcomed them. The Sephardic Jews were the ones who fled the inquisition in Spain.

Then the Jews thanked them by stealing land in Palestine (with the help of guilt-ridden Europeans). Showing no good deed goes unpunished.

The majority of Jews were driven out of their homeland by the Romans during the siege of Jerusalem around 70 ce.
Many of the European Jews that made up 1948 Israel, could trace at least some of their ancestry to ancient Israel.
In addition, both Jews and modern day "Palestinians" can trace their ancestry to the ancient Canaanites.
It's a futile convoluted exercise to argue who came first, and who today has the rights to the land. I look at it this way, fucking Islamists have all of the surrounding region of the world, and they damn sure can and should allow Jews their own claim to the land, since they have everything else. Furthermore, why aren't the surrounding countries taking in their brothers and sisters who are now being displaced?
Lastly, if you demand for historical purposes that Israel give up their land, then I demand that you not be a hypocrite, and give up your own piece of land to the indigenous people here!
The majority of Jews were driven out of their homeland by the Romans during the siege of Jerusalem around 70 ce.
Many of the European Jews that made up 1948 Israel, could trace at least some of their ancestry to ancient Israel.
In addition, both Jews and modern day "Palestinians" can trace their ancestry to the ancient Canaanites.
It's a futile convoluted exercise to argue who came first, and who today has the rights to the land. I look at it this way, fucking Islamists have all of the surrounding region of the world, and they damn sure can and should allow Jews their own claim to the land, since they have everything else. Furthermore, why aren't the surrounding countries taking in their brothers and sisters who are now being displaced?
Lastly, if you demand for historical purposes that Israel give up their land, then I demand that you not be a hypocrite, and give up your own piece of land to the indigenous people here!
Except the Jews have been intermarrying with Europeans for 2000 years and really don't have any link to those ancient people other than a shared religion.
Why do you feel compelled now to pretend about what the tone of that post was considering how you ended it?
So you didn't go back to the 4th grade and get the remedial instruction you need ? As George H. Bush would say >>"BAD! BAD!"

Well, maybe this might help you out >>>

"The entire Arab world" is Muslim, and they have been picking fights with Israel
and the whole non-Muslim world for 1400 years."
Got it now ?

The sentence says that Muslims have been picking fights with the whole non-Muslim world for 1400 years, ........not with Israel for 1400 years.

Leftist loons often try to twist words and pretend that conservatives are say in something they are not. They did this with Trump and his words regarding the disabled reporter, and also the Access Hollywood tape.

Ah, time for Gunsmoke. No more posting now.
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So you didn't go back to the 4th grade and get the remedial instruction you need ? As George H. Bush would say >>"BAD! BAD!"

Well, maybe this might help you out >>>

"The entire Arab world" is Muslim, and they have been picking fights with Israel
and the whole non-Muslim world for 1400 years."
Got it now ?

The sentence says that Muslims have been picking fights with the whole non-Muslim world for 1400 years, ..........not with Israel for 1400 years.
Which is still stupid because the Ottoman Empire (which was part of the Muslim world) gave refuge to persecuted Jews who were being persecuted by Christians. Are going to pretend now like Christians haven't been picking fights as well?
Would there be, though? We can't send cops to jail for killing black people unless you straight up have video of them shooting... and sometimes not even then.
Are the said cops killing black people at random or are the firing in self defense because the suspect is attacking them?
That's exactly what Bibi did. Bibi enabled Hamas for years.

From the Times of Israel

Maybe, that was years ago.

Today when Hamas is raping women, murdering people, holding hostages and using babies as shields…you can your demafasict brownshirts support them, raid colleges to rip down our flag to fly theirs

Then go vote for xiden

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