Jewish girl beaten unconscious by “peaceful protestors” at UCLA

No. What you said does not refute one word of what I said. That's what.
Except for historical context. When Christian Europeans were subjecting European Jews to the Holocaust and Pogroms and Inquisitions, the Islamic World welcomed them. The Sephardic Jews were the ones who fled the inquisition in Spain.

Then the Jews thanked them by stealing land in Palestine (with the help of guilt-ridden Europeans). Showing no good deed goes unpunished.
I didn't say that, you idiot. Did you flunk reading comprehension ?

I said Muslims have been picking fights with Israel (for some period of time), AND picking fights with the whole non-Muslim world for 1400 years.

The word "and" primarily acts as a glue, binding words or groups of words together. It indicates a relationship of connection or addition. Whether linking similar ideas, adding more information, or even introducing a contrasting thought, "and" is there to maintain the flow and coherence of the discussion.

And YOU KNOW exactly what I said and meant, MR BULLSHIT, so SHUT THE FUCK UP, and go back to fucking your inflatable date, SCUMBAG FAGGOT! :ahole-1:

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That's a lot of frail exposition and you adding (for some period of time) all because you don't know fucking history. :laugh:
The Zionists have been murdering Palestinians for the last 70 years. I just can't get worked up because they bite back once in a while.

Our entire middle east policy is sticking our hands in a hornet's nest and complaining about getting stung.

Don't stick your hand in a hornet's nest. If you know that a hornet's nest is someplace, stay away from it. This isn't complicated.
so no comment about what hamas did to start this? i said joe more excuses for those you like....
Hamas exists because Netanyahu enabled them. As long as Hamas held power in Gaza, Bibi could (dishonestly) argue that there was no point in negotiating with the PA if they weren't the only voice of the Palestinians.

The PA? That one that's rejected every 2 state solution presented to them since 1948, far before Netanyahu was ever there? 🤡
Actually, in the video I saw, she was actively participating in a demonstration, holding up an Israeli flag, when a scuffle broke out.

And of course, she's the victim. Not an active participant in a fight on both sides.

So its ok to beat a student for holding up a flag? Someone taking part in a peaceful protest can be beaten by a violent mob and it's ok because shes a jew?

So let's say, hypothetically, that your town was taken over by the Chinese tomorrow, and you found out that it was a dirty deal that Hunter Biden made with them in secret, so no one is coming to help. The Chinese take your nice house and make you live in a shantytown.

Are you saying you'd just shrug and take it up the ass? I'm guessing you wouldn't.

And neither is Hamas.

That was over 80 fucking years ago, and they weren't kicked out, they were paid for their property. The people in Gaza today never owned property in Israel. They're on the beautiful Med. Sea, yet are 'poor' with millions of dollars sent there every year. Every other non muslim town on the Med is beautiful with tourism their number 1 trade, yet these 2 million people can't manage to turn one city into a beautiful tourist attraction and lift themselves from 'poverty'? Their sole purpose for existence is to kill Jews, period.

The Israelis are in the wrong here, not the Palestinians, who resided there for hundreds of years before the Zionists started taking their land and setting up an Apartheid State.

By the very definition of "Genocide" we imposed on Serbia to get them to turn over Milosevic and other leaders for human rights trials, Netanyahu should be on trial.

Go read a Bible you idiot.

So let's say, hypothetically, that your town was taken over by the Chinese tomorrow, and you found out that it was a dirty deal that Hunter Biden made with them in secret, so no one is coming to help. The Chinese take your nice house and make you live in a shantytown.

Are you saying you'd just shrug and take it up the ass? I'm guessing you wouldn't.

And neither is Hamas.
Hamas is Iran, Hamas has no right to the land!
Why, yes, it's terrible that she was beaten up when she was part of a mob fighting with another mob.

There might be an object lesson here.. Don't pick fights if you aren't willing to get your ass kicked.

There it is.
Now do that for these guys.

You agree the people who attacked the girl should face the consequences, as should these people assaulting police.
so no comment about what hamas did to start this? i said joe more excuses for those you like....
Nope, no comment at all. You stick your hand in a hornet's nest, expect to get stung.

Hamas exists because Bibi was happy to use them as a foil against the Palestinian Authority and Fatah
Well, if she were Black and did the same thing, there would even more protests and riots in the streets.
Would there be, though? We can't send cops to jail for killing black people unless you straight up have video of them shooting... and sometimes not even then.
Hamas exists because Netanyahu enabled them. As long as Hamas held power in Gaza, Bibi could (dishonestly) argue that there was no point in negotiating with the PA if they weren't the only voice of the Palestinians.

Thats just not true, joe. Thats a false narrative being pumped by hamas and the media here in america. Its just simply not true. Im amazed at how so many are being deceived but that's supposed to happen.
Why, yes, it's terrible that she was beaten up when she was part of a mob fighting with another mob.
Why yes, it's terrible that those guys were shot by Kyle Rittenhouse when they were part of a mob trying to kill him.
There might be an object lesson here.. Don't pick fights if you aren't willing to get your ass kicked.
Wonder why you didn't adopt that attitude when the mob tried to kill Rittenhouse, who harmed no one until he was attacked? Food for thought.
That's a lot of frail exposition and you adding (for some period of time) all because you don't know fucking history.
HA. Nice pretending job. Sure, everybody in this forum is going to think that I think that Israel has been around for 1400 years. You dunce.

Sometimes people in this forum make fools out of themselves. You just did.

EARTH TP CG" I didn't have to write for some period of time. That is understood. - by everyone other than dum dums like you.
HA. Nice pretending job. Sure, everybody in this forum is going to think that I think that Israel has been around for 1400 years. You dunce.

Sometimes people in this forum make fools out of themselves. You just did.

EARTH TP CG" I didn't have to write for some period of time. That is understood. - by everyone other than dum dums like you.
Doth protest even more and even harder than you did the first time. That'll show em'. :laugh:
Doth protest even more and even harder than you did the first time. That'll show em'.
What showed them was that you are unable to read the English language correctly. Not my problem.

Now get a dictionary and read the definition of the word > AND. :rolleyes:
That was over 80 fucking years ago, and they weren't kicked out, they were paid for their property. The people in Gaza today never owned property in Israel. They're on the beautiful Med. Sea, yet are 'poor' with millions of dollars sent there every year. Every other non muslim town on the Med is beautiful with tourism their number 1 trade, yet these 2 million people can't manage to turn one city into a beautiful tourist attraction and lift themselves from 'poverty'? Their sole purpose for existence is to kill Jews, period.
That's why they are poor. All their money goes into rockets & warfare

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