Jewish girl beaten unconscious by “peaceful protestors” at UCLA

oh ----how cute---the jihadi kids are playing Ummah attacks Kaffir.
Those Holocaust-denying trolls flood social media with disinformation and virulent attacks on people who disagree with them.

They were behind the smear campaign against Trump when he was elected. I've been conflicted ever since I found out because I don't like Trump, but the enemy of my enemy...If I could vote in US elections, I'd vote Trump just to spite the jihadist trolls.
I'm a zionist. I believe the Jews have the right to live peacefully in the Land of ISRAEL.
My family has lived in THIS country for as far back as I can trace. I come from AMERICA. Not Europe
Why do Jews have a right to the land of Israel exactly? Do Native Americans have a right to have this land back?
Why do Jews have a right to the land of Israel exactly? Do Native Americans have a right to have this land back?
Native Americans have very large (reservation) areas, in which they can live separate from the USA. They can also live in the rest of the US as US citizens,

Native Americans have very large (reservation) areas, in which they can live separate from the USA. They can also live in the rest of the US as US citizens,

View attachment 941802
Which isn't the same as having your own sovereign country. I would ask you other questions to encourage debate but I already know you're too stupid for any of those. At least you know what a map looks like. Good job. :th_thgoodpost:
If they are able to determine it from the footage - no wonder the antisemites are wearing masks - they should be charged with ATTEMPTED MURDER.

According to the Associated Press, police have arrested nearly 2,200 people in anti-Israel protests on college campuses across the United States. Meanwhile, an official from the New York Police Department said that pro-Palestinian encampments at many universities are run by “outside agitators” with funding from around the world.

I for one am shocked

It's turned into White boy spring across state colleges

Go White boys
Actually, in the video I saw, she was actively participating in a demonstration, holding up an Israeli flag, when a scuffle broke out.
So in your mind waving an Israeli flag is the same as beating someone with a club?
Why do Jews have a right to the land of Israel exactly? Do Native Americans have a right to have this land back?
Not the correct question.

The US is already a sovereign country inhabited by a nation (Native Americans are not a nation on their own, by the way). The land of Israel was not a sovereign country before 1948 and the only indigenous nation inhabiting it was the Jewish nation. Arabs, Kurds, Turks, and other ethnicities in what was called then Palestine are not a Palestinian nation, and are not indigenous to the the land of Israel.
Not the correct question.
I get to ask whatever questions I want. It's okay if you don't have any answer for them, this isn't a quiz. It's just a matter of whether your argument can withstand criticism.
The US is already a sovereign country inhabited by a nation (Native Americans are not a nation on their own, by the way).
Okay but at some point it wasnt. It had to first become one, so whats the difference between a sovereign nation and a bunch of people living on a piece of land in terms of legitimacy?
The land of Israel was not a sovereign country before 1948 and the only indigenous nation inhabiting it was the Jewish nation. Arabs, Kurds, Turks, and other ethnicities in what was called then Palestine are not a Palestinian nation, and are not indigenous to the the land of Israel.
The people living there before the creation of Israel were under Colonial rule. Does that mean legitimacy can be obtained when a colonizer gives you land other people are living on?
No, but you are obviously too stupid to get the point I was making, so I will stop trying.

Do you do special exercises to stay this stupid?
joe fuck have been here trying your best to not say anything negative about hamas.....the only point you are making is.....poor little hamas why are you people so mean to them?.....
Maybe the Zionists should go back to Europe where they came from.
Jews have been in the holy land continuously for over 6,000 years. No other group on Earth can make the same claim.

Not sure that is even comparable.

But I know you are grasping.

A group of people protesting Israel has no effect on your life if you don't go there to pick a fight.

The fight against Jim Crow really wasn't about water fountains.
A city near me just cancelled a huge street festival because you terrorist lovers were planning to cause trouble.
So yes, they are affecting a lot of lives in a negative way and should be fully prosecuted and their names published on a government website for future employers to utilize.
A city near me just cancelled a huge street festival because you terrorist lovers were planning to cause trouble.
So yes, they are affecting a lot of lives in a negative way and should be fully prosecuted and their names published on a government website for future employers to utilize.
Absolutely! I am a Jew who ran her own business for almost 20 years, and I would want to know if the college graduate applying for a job advocated for the elimination of Israel, supported extermination of thr Jews, blocked or assaulted Jewish students on campus, or was part of a mob that did that.
the Knesset has Bedouin Arabs/ Israeli Arabs and other Non European Members

Um. So what? Every occupier can find a Quisling.

Antisemites who pretend they're only anti-Zionists should be mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records for their incredible semantic contortionism.

No contortion at all. I find the term "anti-Semitism" to be silly, because the Palestinians are a legitimate Semitic people while the Squatters from Europe are just posers.

You didn't answer my question. Are you a communist? Or are you ihbid194?

Is this someone who hurt your feelings? Nope, I'm an American. I'm also an atheist who doesn't like seeing shitty stuff done because someone thinks an imaginary sky pixie endorsed it.

I don't know what you mean by "top Zionist leaders", but almost all Jews are of Middle Eastern descent, including so-called "European Jews". The Jewish nation is indigenous to the Middle East.

Okay, let's play.

Netanyahu - His father came from Poland
Shimon Perez - Born in Poland
Yitzak Shamir - Born in Poland
Ehud Barak - Grandparents came from Lithuania and Poland
Yitzak Rabin - Parents came from the Ukraine
Golda Meir - Came from the Ukraine
Menachem Begin - Born in Belarus

The Zionists are European Squatters... Deal with it.

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