This country has no choice but to increase the number of supreme court justices.


Leave it at 9.

I would think that if there is anything we can all come together on and codify with a constitutional amendment, it would be this.

Add an amendment to the constitution; leave it at 9 for all eternity and stop having this argument.

Yep, the court has given up any pretense of being ethical or remotely sane in some cases (does the recent rulings on Bump stocks and elevating the President to a position of royalty make one American's life better???). Don't blame the blob for using the bat that Bernie and his idiotic followers gave him. Blame Bernie. Democrats have to understand that this is major league baseball they're playing. There was zero reason that HRC should have lost in 2016. Democratic voters, as the saying goes, think they need to "fall in love" with the candidate. Republicans understand that they need to fall in line.
Progs control the direction of the whole nation except for some red states and the Supreme Court. Lower courts continuously have changed mandates, propositions on ballots and have gone far left in those decisions.
and it will be done to overturn the destruction of the values ,law and democracy of this country perpetrated by a corrupt paid for lying supreme court. They get paid by corporations and people to make their decisions in behalf of those corporations and people. That never was the idea of our finding fathers for this court. That will be accomplished by adding 4 new justices selected by Biden. and completely overturn the last multiple decisions over the last few decades. Maybe a good place to start erasing is corporation being people. Including every decision that were made during this last session. The court and law has to be revised so that it isn't owned by the money that is strained into it.

Some on the tolerant left are openly calling for the assassination of DJT
They're also calling for mass murder of all trump supporters ...

This White supremacist didn't like it

I'm wit choo brother from another mother ...bring it fucktards! Let's do this shit already

Reddit users are threatening to commit suicide if trump wins
Here's hoping 🤞
and it will be done to overturn the destruction of the values ,law and democracy of this country perpetrated by a corrupt paid for lying supreme court. They get paid by corporations and people to make their decisions in behalf of those corporations and people. That never was the idea of our finding fathers for this court. That will be accomplished by adding 4 new justices selected by Biden. and completely overturn the last multiple decisions over the last few decades. Maybe a good place to start erasing is corporation being people. Including every decision that were made during this last session. The court and law has to be revised so that it isn't owned by the money that is strained into it.
Why is it when the Left cry over a decision they don't like, they want to change the structure or law? When things go their way, silence.
With such a small number having so much power, it's just too easy to corrupt the court, as we have seen much, much too late.
If we had 75 justices, we'd have 75 who were at some level of corruptness. I would counter that, in this day and age, there is a certain amount of corruption inherent in any nominee since they can't come out and say what they think about any case that is brought up by the Senate panel that would confirm them.

As for the issue at hand, having 11 or 13 or 15 or 19 isn't going to change anything. We have an ambiguous constitution that you can look at on M, W, and F and see one truth and look at it again on T, Th, and Sa and see a different truth. This latest iterration of the court and their ridiculous adoption of "super" precedents is proof.
and it will be done to overturn the destruction of the values ,law and democracy of this country perpetrated by a corrupt paid for lying supreme court. They get paid by corporations and people to make their decisions in behalf of those corporations and people. That never was the idea of our finding fathers for this court. That will be accomplished by adding 4 new justices selected by Biden. and completely overturn the last multiple decisions over the last few decades. Maybe a good place to start erasing is corporation being people. Including every decision that were made during this last session. The court and law has to be revised so that it isn't owned by the money that is strained into it.
another thread by bander the paranoid

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