Jewish girl beaten unconscious by “peaceful protestors” at UCLA

We should not have to share America with Muslims. There should be a ban on them coming here. Islam is unconstitutionally illegal in America.
Okay, did you miss the FIrst Amendment thing?

Or are you just retarded?

No need to answer, the thing speaks for itself.

A city near me just cancelled a huge street festival because you terrorist lovers were planning to cause trouble.
So yes, they are affecting a lot of lives in a negative way and should be fully prosecuted and their names published on a government website for future employers to utilize.

Oh, I'm sorry, you couldn't enjoy a party because people are upset women and children are being slaughtered by the thousands? I'm sorry that other people's misery has slightly affected you.


You should read something other than Mao's "Little Red Book" like the Bible, for example

I'm very well versed in the bible. That's why I'm an atheist. The bible should come with a warning label, though.

Jews have been in the holy land continuously for over 6,000 years. No other group on Earth can make the same claim.

No, they haven't. Jews didn't even exist as a distinct religion until about 3000 years ago.

If you actually bothered to read the bible, you'd realize that Yahweh wasn't even worshipped by most of the Israelites... It's why the Bible goes on for whole chapters whining about the Kings of Judah and Israel worshipping Baal and Moloch.
joe fuck have been here trying your best to not say anything negative about hamas.....the only point you are making is.....poor little hamas why are you people so mean to them?.....

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

I'm not worried about them being "mean to hamas", I'm worried that of the 40,000 people the Zionists have murdered so far, including 13,000 children, have been civilians.

So in your mind waving an Israeli flag is the same as beating someone with a club?
Nobody beat her with a club.

She was trampled in a demonstration where both sides were pushing back.
Absolutely! I am a Jew who ran her own business for almost 20 years, and I would want to know if the college graduate applying for a job advocated for the elimination of Israel, supported extermination of thr Jews, blocked or assaulted Jewish students on campus, or was part of a mob that did that.
I'd want to know if a potential employe endorses Genocide.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

I'm not worried about them being "mean to hamas", I'm worried that of the 40,000 people the Zionists have murdered so far, including 13,000 children, have been civilians.

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why dont you go volunteer over there joe....they need more people to hold their coats while the men go out to kill more innocent people....
why dont you go volunteer over there joe....they need more people to hold their coats while the men go out to kill more innocent people....
No, we just need to tell the Zionists to knock it off, or we stop sending money.

I have no desire to get involved in the fighting. I just don't want to be an unwilling accessory to the slaughter, and right now, we all are.
Um. So what? Every occupier can find a Quisling.

No contortion at all. I find the term "anti-Semitism" to be silly, because the Palestinians are a legitimate Semitic people while the Squatters from Europe are just posers.

Is this someone who hurt your feelings? Nope, I'm an American. I'm also an atheist who doesn't like seeing shitty stuff done because someone thinks an imaginary sky pixie endorsed it.

Okay, let's play.

Netanyahu - His father came from Poland
Shimon Perez - Born in Poland
Yitzak Shamir - Born in Poland
Ehud Barak - Grandparents came from Lithuania and Poland
Yitzak Rabin - Parents came from the Ukraine
Golda Meir - Came from the Ukraine
Menachem Begin - Born in Belarus

The Zionists are European Squatters... Deal with it.
The Jews came to a desert wasteland and turned it into a garden. Far from what squatters do.

Deal with it.
No, they haven't. Jews didn't even exist as a distinct religion until about 3000 years ago.

If you actually bothered to read the bible, you'd realize that Yahweh wasn't even worshipped by most of the Israelites... It's why the Bible goes on for whole chapters whining about the Kings of Judah and Israel worshipping Baal and Moloch.
Yeah, they have. Your precious pali's come from the southern tip of the Sinai peninsula.

They are the invaders.

Deal with it.
Okay, did you miss the FIrst Amendment thing?

Or are you just retarded?

No need to answer, the thing speaks for itself.

Oh, I'm sorry, you couldn't enjoy a party because people are upset women and children are being slaughtered by the thousands? I'm sorry that other people's misery has slightly affected you.


I'm very well versed in the bible. That's why I'm an atheist. The bible should come with a warning label, though.

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There's your problem
The Jews came to a desert wasteland and turned it into a garden. Far from what squatters do.

Deal with it.

And plunged the region into 70 years of war.

Doesn't seem like a good trade to me, even if it weren't true.

Oh, by the way, it isn't.

Since the establishment of Israel, Zionists have most frequently used the contention that they have "made the desert bloom" to justify the establishment of the State of Israel in Palestine in 1947-48. On the one hand, the extent of the catastrophe suffered by the Palestinians is belittled by repetition of the old assertion that the country had been an almost unpopulated desert before the Zionists' arrival. On the other, Zionists have taken their argument about the superiority of their own, to Palestinian, agriculture one step further and contend that they have a stronger claim to sovereignty over the country because they have exploited its agricultural potential more efficiently than the Palestinians could have done. Whether or not Israel's agriculture is more advanced than the Palestinians' might have been had they not been dispossessed, it is an astonishing assertion that sovereignty over a territory should belong to the people best able to develop its resources. One wonders what the state of the world might be today if this principle were adopted by the superpowers as a basis for their foreign policies.

Yeah, they have. Your precious pali's come from the southern tip of the Sinai peninsula.

They are the invaders.
Really? Who do you think was living there between 200 AD (after the Romans threw the Jews out) and 1948 (When the European squatters who adopted their religion came back).
No, we just need to tell the Zionists to knock it off, or we stop sending money.

I have no desire to get involved in the fighting. I just don't want to be an unwilling accessory to the slaughter, and right now, we all are.
say it with me joe.....long live hamas.....
Nobody beat her with a club.

She was trampled in a demonstration where both sides were pushing back.
First you accused her of fighting

The story says she was beaten and that could include clubs
There's your problem
No problem at all.

Here's the thing about most of your Churches, including the one I grew up in. They "Disney" the bible. The bible is actually a pretty horrible book. So your churches won't tell you about how Jephthah butchered his only daughter to appease God for a foolish oath, or how Elisha ordered two bears to maul 42 children to death.
I feel for any people who are occupied by an invading group.

Hamas isn't the problem, Zionism is.

Well, yea, the way Karen558 made it sound, she was an innocent student just making her way to class when the meanyheads attacked her for being Jewish.

Instead, she was someone who went to a fight and was surprised when a fight broke out.
Hamas is a BIG problem, for the Palestinians and Israel. Too bad the Netanyahu government chose to empower in order to diminish any possibility of an independent Palestinian state.
Hamas is a BIG problem, for the Palestinians and Israel. Too bad the Netanyahu government chose to empower in order to diminish any possibility of an independent Palestinian state.

Don't stick your hand into a hornet's nest and then whine about getting stung.
And plunged the region into 70 years of war.

Doesn't seem like a good trade to me, even if it weren't true.

Oh, by the way, it isn't.

Since the establishment of Israel, Zionists have most frequently used the contention that they have "made the desert bloom" to justify the establishment of the State of Israel in Palestine in 1947-48. On the one hand, the extent of the catastrophe suffered by the Palestinians is belittled by repetition of the old assertion that the country had been an almost unpopulated desert before the Zionists' arrival. On the other, Zionists have taken their argument about the superiority of their own, to Palestinian, agriculture one step further and contend that they have a stronger claim to sovereignty over the country because they have exploited its agricultural potential more efficiently than the Palestinians could have done. Whether or not Israel's agriculture is more advanced than the Palestinians' might have been had they not been dispossessed, it is an astonishing assertion that sovereignty over a territory should belong to the people best able to develop its resources. One wonders what the state of the world might be today if this principle were adopted by the superpowers as a basis for their foreign policies.

Really? Who do you think was living there between 200 AD (after the Romans threw the Jews out) and 1948 (When the European squatters who adopted their religion came back).
The Jews have performed miracles in the Holy Land

Unlike the Pals in Gaza

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