'Palestine from the river to the sea' means 'extermination' of Israel, ex-counterterrorism official warns

There's no question the Jews suffered in Europe. That has nothing to do with Palestine or the Arab world.
Yeah, we are talking about Israel here…not Europe.

Hamas, and Iran and their bigoted supporters that make up the base of the dem party, can’t accept Jews have a right to exist
The Biblical and historical border between Israel and Egypt has always been the Wadi el-Arish, also known as the River of Egypt. Gen 15:18

Its called the "River/brook of Egypt" because it was the river that indicated the eastern border of Egyptian Territory. It is not called the "River of Syria" or the "River of Babylon" or the "River of Africa"! River of Egypt means the border river of Egypt. It doesn't get much plainer or simpler than that.

The Jews were just angry, impoverished refugees who had been turned away by the US and everyone else.
The more the racist Jew haters attack, the more the Jews gain real estate.

Shit happens when you start a war and then lose.
And yet, especially now and the coming weeks we'll all be treated to this chant in many cities around this country, and around the world.

Even a Muslim admits it's an Arab racism supremacy - ethnic cleansing non-Arabs.
Rashida is a liar. Why? Because the chant “From the river to the sea” is a translation of the original Arabic chant “from the water to the water, Palestine will remain Arab.” This is a genocidal call to ethnically cleanse the land from all non-Arabs i.e. the Jews.

Though, 'Khaybar' chant is worse...

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