Debate Night Alternative

Tim Weah - May God forgive you and have mercy on your soul. No US Soccer fan ever will. You should be sent home from this tournament, regardless of whatever happens Monday night and you should NEVER be recalled to the USMNT again.

What you did, emotionally fed or not probably ended the best chance this team has had to go DEEP in a meaningful tournament in the last decade.
Tim Weah - May God forgive you and have mercy on your soul. No US Soccer fan ever will. You should be sent home from this tournament, regardless of whatever happens Monday night and you should NEVER be recalled to the USMNT again.

What you did, emotionally fed or not probably ended the best chance this team has had to go DEEP in a meaningful tournament in the last decade.

That was so bad, and so very blatant.
You mean a link to prove that something does not exist?

It's on you to prove that it does exist.

Prove that the Border patrol has a method of positively identifying everyone that enters the country as soon as they enter or STFU!
If they don't have proper ID, then they should stay out. Is that good enough? That is why we have immigration laws. And yes, if they have proper documentation, ICE can tell INSTANTLY everything they need to know. If they don't, they are ILLEGAL.
If they don't have proper ID, then they should stay out. Is that good enough? That is why we have immigration laws. And yes, if they have proper documentation, ICE can tell INSTANTLY everything they need to know. If they don't, they are ILLEGAL.

Obviously you're not familiar with international law or the treaties that the U.S. signed onto long ago.

Anyone that enters the country and asks for asylum must be given asylum. The U.S. can hold a hearing to determine if the asylum request is valid, and deport them if it's not, but the system is overloaded and it takes years to make the determination.

Too bad the bipartisan border security bill was scrapped by the GOP. That would have sped up the system and tightened the criteria for seeking asylum. There would be a whole lot less illegals coming into the country.

But we understand - if the illegal immigration problem was solved Trump would have no issue to run on.
Anyone that enters the country
The US does not have any treaty that forces them to allow ANYONE into their country. These people should have never been allowed to cross the border and certainly shouldn't have been flown across it by the executive branch. You are wrong on the asylum portion as well. The US is not required to give asylum to anyone--it is at their discretion.
Too bad the bipartisan border security bill
Too bad Biden's moronic EO reversing Trump's was ever signed. Run along with your "bipartisan" democrat lie--it is more disingenuous than Biden's performance last night.
if the illegal immigration problem was solved Trump would have no issue to run on.
Sure. LMAO. Go with that while inflation remains high, four wars are raging, anti-American alliances are forming, fuel prices are still record breaking, home prices are out of reach, interest rates are high, homelessness is worse than ever. LOL try again
The Bear was slow.

And no, the US doesn't HAVE to admit any tom dick or jose claiming amnesty. This was just another bs prog "win"

Edit, but in a country that actually tried to govern itself, we'd set up a system that could quickly ferret out the obviously not qualifying people. But neither party seems interested.
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