Zone1 If the perp who did this is brought to trial, what should the verdict be?

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Discrimination in and of itself isn't inherently bad. It depends what your purpose is. If your purpose for instance is reparations for Japanese Americans interned during WW 2 then obviously it's discriminatory in favor of the Japanese Americans because that's the group who was victimized. I bet no one has to explain that to you in terms of Japanese Amercian mistreatment but for some reason when it comes to Black people your brains break.
There are many differences between reparations for Japanese and reparations for Negroes. The most obvious is that reparations for Japanese were restricted to Japanese who were interred during World War II. They were not given to descendants of those Japanese.

I would like to add that no needs to blame high rates of Japanese American crime and poverty on internment during the Second World War, because Japanese Americans tend to be more prosperous and law abiding than white Gentiles.
How about a slow, painful, humiliating death?
Nice to see that you are still having fantasies about killing black people, but you need to get over this.

Assuming the clerk died, he should to go prison for the rest of his life.
If you have not seen the video, take a long hard look at it.
I did. I just can't get worked up about it.

He should go to jail for the rest of his life. that's it. (Again, I'm assuming the clerk died.)
Notice: Never any outrage amongst the Black Commumity no matter the volume or the severity of the murders, violence, killings, rapes, unprovoked, suckerpunchingscum,

100% silence. But for Coach Lebron and other "elite" TV black chime in to bash others?
They would express outrage. Imagine if a white cop shot a black man like this on cold blood. THEN you would hear from them. Everybody is a racist they'll say, but they don't see it in themselves. Instead, they excuse and justify black criminals
The poor are poor because of the bad choices they make. Commiting crimes is one of those bad CHOICES.
No, OFTEN the poor are poor for their own choices. There are other factors that affect poverty such as low mental capacity, or lack of the ability to control their actions.

Race and crime in the United States​

According to the FBI 2019 Uniform Crime Report, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3% in cases where the race was known. Including homicide offenders where the race was unknown.

The per-capita offending rate for African-Americans was roughly eight times higher than that of whites

In the United States, crime data are collected from three major sources:

What makes those numbers worse is the Latino murderers are included in the white statistic. There is no separate category for Latinos. So the actual figure for whites is far smaller than indicated.
The disparate burden of incarceration is especially acute for Black men, who are about six times as likely to be incarcerated as white men. All told, as of 2010, nearly 1 in 3 Black men have felony convictions

Blcak men are often violent criminals. Chris Copeland is worse than most, that's all.
What makes those numbers worse is the Latino murderers are included in the white statistic. There is no separate category for Latinos. So the actual figure for whites is far smaller than indicated.
I would like to know how Jews compare with white Gentiles. I know Jews tend to be more intelligent. I suspect they have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy too, but I have not found data on that. I am a white Gentile, by the way.
You keep asking for proof. Prove to me that the earth revolves around the sun. I read awhile back that about 20% of Americans think the sun revolves around the earth.
Of course I keep asking for proof. Proof is how we know that what you're saying makes sense. Who cares what people think? What matters is what you can prove. We used science to prove the Earth revolves around the sun. Even before things like satellite imagery or before Einstein explained why we revolve around the sun with his work on mass and the curvature of spacetime, we used observation like the retrograde motion of Venus to determine that we're both revolving around the same object at different distances and speeds.
It has always been true everywhere on earth that by every objective, measurable criterion blacks have been on the average considerably less intelligent than whites. They also have higher rates of crime. Under these circumstances alone a genetic explanation is highly plausible.
That's not how evidence works nor have you even proven that premise. You're building assumptions on top of other assumptions. There isn't even really a concensus on what IQ is even measuring.
Despite the taboos and sanctions against looking for them, genes have been found that influence intelligence. One gene has been found that strongly influences criminal behavior. This gene has been found in five percent of Negroes, and less than one percent of whites, although the gene was originally discovered in a white family. I have already mentioned that gene on the U.S. Message Board.
What taboos and what sanctions? I'll look at whatever research you feel like presenting. It likely that you simply don't understand this research or understand how something that could correspond to genes could still not be caused by genes.
So, connect the dots. That is not the kind of proof one finds in mathematics, but it is very powerful evidence.
You haven't provided anything other than crime stats. That tells us Black people are arrested and convicted at a higher rate than whites but it doesn't tell us why. You try to trout out IQ averages but that doesn't explain why those averages are what they are. Nor have you connected the dots to crime stats and IQ. You simply imply that they are connected. The cause for both of these could in fact be entirely environmental.
I look forward to continued genetic research into human potential and behavior. Like Thomas Jefferson, I agree that "There is not a truth existing which I fear, or would wish unknown to the whole world."
Again, what research? Feel free to link to some.
There are many differences between reparations for Japanese and reparations for Negroes. The most obvious is that reparations for Japanese were restricted to Japanese who were interred during World War II. They were not given to descendants of those Japanese.
Segregation only ended 65 years ago. There are lots of Black Americans over the age of 65 still around. This wasn't something that happened so long ago that we only know about it from stories passed down through the generations. It's recent enough that there are plenty of people still around who lived it. Also if we're talking scope, the systemic economic discrimination against generation after generation of Black American families was a lot more economically devastating than Japanese internment.
I would like to add that no needs to blame high rates of Japanese American crime and poverty on internment during the Second World War, because Japanese Americans tend to be more prosperous and law abiding than white Gentiles.
Only the educationally ignorant would try to compare two things that are nothing alike.
" Stealing Happiness "

* Natural Law Indifference Of Equitable Doctrine Consequences Of Removing A Rite To Life *

Live by the sword, die by the sword. So the killer should get executed in the same way they killed their victim. A life for a life.
Depending on how strongly an association between " without a doubt * and an actor committing an unprovoked act of homicide upon an anonymous stranger , access to appeal should be proportionally denied and execution readily implemented .

A standard of " without a doubt " versus " beyond a reason of a doubt " is a distinct and significant standard when implementing an option for a death penalty as capital punishment .

Should a clearly identified mass shooter be allowed to leave alive from a confined scene ?
" Stealing Happiness "

* Natural Law Indifference Of Equitable Doctrine Consequences Of Removing A Rite To Life *

Depending on how strongly an association between " without a doubt * and an actor committing an unprovoked act of homicide upon an anonymous stranger , access to appeal should be proportionally denied and execution readily implemented .

A standard of " without a doubt " versus " beyond a reason of a doubt " is a distinct and significant standard when implementing an option for a death penalty as capital punishment .

Should a clearly identified mass shooter be allowed to leave alive from a confined scene ?
It should be related to clear cut cases where there's not even .000000001% doubt.
What taboos and what sanctions? I'll look at whatever research you feel like presenting. It likely that you simply don't understand this research or understand how something that could correspond to genes could still not be caused by genes.

Arthur Jensen​

Jensen's most controversial work, published in February 1969 in the Harvard Educational Review, was titled "How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?" It concluded, among other things, that Head Start programs designed to boost African-American IQ scores had failed, and that this was likely never to be remedied, largely because, in Jensen's estimation, 80% of the variance in IQ in the population studied was the result of genetic factors and the remainder was due to environmental influences.[11]...

After the paper was released, large protests were held, demanding that Jensen be fired. Jensen's car tires were slashed, the university police provided him with plain-clothes bodyguards, and he and his family received threats that were considered so realistic by the police that they temporarily left their house. Jensen was spat on and was prevented from delivering lectures by disruptive protests. The editorial board of the Harvard Educational Review for a time refused to let him have reprints of his article, and said that they had not solicited the section on racial differences; Jensen later provided correspondence in which the board had requested he do so.[13][14][15]

What happened to Professor Arthur Jensen is only one example of a brave man being persecuted for presenting fact after brutal punishing fact about congenital average differences in racial intelligence.

Another example is Professor J. Philippe Rushton. For writing Rece Evolution and Behavior, which I discuss here

efforts were made to fire him from his university. Fortunately they failed.

An abridgment of his book can be found here:

It presents truths quitely understood to be true by anyone who has had extensive exerience with the three major races.

Arthur Jensen​

Jensen's most controversial work, published in February 1969 in the Harvard Educational Review, was titled "How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?" It concluded, among other things, that Head Start programs designed to boost African-American IQ scores had failed, and that this was likely never to be remedied, largely because, in Jensen's estimation, 80% of the variance in IQ in the population studied was the result of genetic factors and the remainder was due to environmental influences.[11]...

After the paper was released, large protests were held, demanding that Jensen be fired. Jensen's car tires were slashed, the university police provided him with plain-clothes bodyguards, and he and his family received threats that were considered so realistic by the police that they temporarily left their house. Jensen was spat on and was prevented from delivering lectures by disruptive protests. The editorial board of the Harvard Educational Review for a time refused to let him have reprints of his article, and said that they had not solicited the section on racial differences; Jensen later provided correspondence in which the board had requested he do so.[13][14][15]

What happened to Professor Arthur Jensen is only one example of a brave man being persecuted for presenting fact after brutal punishing fact about congenital average differences in racial intelligence.

Another example is Professor J. Philippe Rushton. For writing Rece Evolution and Behavior, which I discuss here

efforts were made to fire him from his university. Fortunately they failed.

An abridgment of his book can be found here:

It presents truths quitely understood to be true by anyone who has had extensive exerience with the three major races.
First of all none of your links are to any actual science or research. They're links to wiki articles about Jensen and the Harvard Review. Second of all Jensen wasn't a biologist or geneticist, he was a psychologist. He didn't have any actual science to support his work, just supposition and his supposition was that melanin affected intelligence. Today, because of genetic studies, biologists know that biological race isn't even a real thing, it's a social construct and James Flynn would go on to show environmental factors play a huge role in IQ scores. Thirdly, even Flynn and Murray were just charting correlations. Just because something corresponds to genes and shows a high degree of heritibility doesn't make it caused by genes and this is proven out by the experiment of growing two batches of corn stalks, one in a nutrient rich environment and the other in nutrient starved environment. That makes the veritability in height (within each batch) of the stalks 100% genetic with 100% heritibility, meaning because the environment is 100 percent controlled for the difference in height for stalks within the batches is 100% determined by genes, but the difference in heights between batches is all environmental. One entire batch will be smaller than the other because it was nutrient starved. Here's a great article that explains what most people get wrong about understanding genetic correlations and heritibility.

Race, Genes, and IQ - Boston Review
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First of all none of your links are to any actual science or research. They're links to wiki articles about Jensen and the Harvard Review. Second of all Jensen wasn't a biologist or geneticist, he was a psychologist. He didn't have any actual science to support his work, just supposition and his supposition was that melanin affected intelligence.
Professor Arthur Jensen never claimed "that melanin affected intelligence." Nevertheless, light skin correlates with intelligence because cold climates select for both.
Today, because of genetic studies, biologists know that biological race isn't even a real thing, it's a social construct
The cliche that "race is only a social construct" was disproved by Charles Murray in his essay, "The Inequality Taboo," which appeared in Commentary. September 01, 2005.

3,636 subjects were asked to name their race. Then they were asked for a DNA sample for analysis. Those analyzing the DNA did not know what races the subjects claimed for themselves, but they agreed 99.9% of the time.

Once we acknowledge that race is an important biological classification it becomes legitimate to document how the races differ in average intelligence and crime, and always have.
Thirdly, even Flynn and Murray were just charting correlations. Just because something corresponds to genes and shows a high degree of heritibility doesn't make it caused by genes and this is proven out by the experiment of growing two batches of corn stalks, one in a nutrient rich environment and the other in nutrient starved environment. That makes the veritability in height (within each batch) of the stalks 100% genetic with 100% heritibility, meaning because the environment is 100 percent controlled for the difference in height for stalks within the batches is 100% determined by genes, but the difference in heights between batches is all environmental. One entire batch will be smaller than the other because it was nutrient starved. Here's a great article that explains what most people get wrong about understanding genetic correlations and heritibility.

Race, Genes, and IQ - Boston Review
No improvement in environment erases the vast race gap in IQ scores and academic achievement.

Charles Darwin determined that what matters in evolution are not acquired differences, but intrinsic differences.
Professor Arthur Jensen never claimed "that melanin affected intelligence." Nevertheless, light skin correlates with intelligence because cold climates select for both.
It doesn't even do that much. There's only a correlation when you ignore all the examples that counter the hypothesis and the entire premise would have us all assume survival in Africa is a lot easier than everywhere else for absolutely no reason.

Cold Winters and the Evolution of Intelligence
The cliche that "race is only a social construct" was disproved by Charles Murray in his essay, "The Inequality Taboo," which appeared in Commentary. September 01, 2005.

3,636 subjects were asked to name their race. Then they were asked for a DNA sample for analysis. Those analyzing the DNA did not know what races the subjects claimed for themselves, but they agreed 99.9% of the time.

Once we acknowledge that race is an important biological classification it becomes legitimate to document how the races differ in average intelligence and crime, and always have.
Explain to me how asking people what race they are and then matching that to DNA proves biological race is a real thing. Or why Africans can be biologically closer to Europeans and Asians than they are to other Africans. Murray throws a lot of supposition out that is largely and easily disproven like his ideas about sickle cell being race related when biology actually shows it relates to geographic areas that suffered from malaria which includes Sub Saharan Africa but also parts of the Mediterranean and India.

Race Is Real, But It’s Not Genetic
No improvement in environment erases the vast race gap in IQ scores and academic achievement.
What improvement in environment? That socioeconomic wealth disparities between white and black families has widened since the end of segregation.
Charles Darwin determined that what matters in evolution are not acquired differences, but intrinsic differences.
What? Quote that in context because who knows what you imagine he means.
It doesn't even do that much. There's only a correlation when you ignore all the examples that counter the hypothesis and the entire premise would have us all assume survival in Africa is a lot easier than everywhere else for absolutely no reason.
Survival in Africa requires physical aggressiveness, not intelligence.
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