Zone1 If the perp who did this is brought to trial, what should the verdict be?

The Negro race correlates with low average intelligence, and high rates of crime and large numbers illegitimate children that whites are expected to support on welfare.
The Negro race correlates with low average intelligence, and high rates of crime and large numbers illegitimate children that whites are expected to support on welfare.
It was the hard work of black slaves that the white people of this country lived off of. The Founders were America's biggest welfare queens.
A maximum security prison is like a vacation resort for criminals like that. People that evil deserve to suffer.
We have a Constitution that disagrees with that. Two wrongs do not make a right. The perp should lose his liberty at the very least for the rest of his life. But cruel and unusual punishment is explicitly forbidden by our Constitution and law.
We have a Constitution that disagrees with that. Two wrongs do not make a right. The perp should lose his liberty at the very least for the rest of his life. But cruel and unusual punishment is explicitly forbidden by our Constitution and law.
The way to get around the Congressional restriction against "cruel and unusual punishment" is to make cruel punishment usual.

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