'Essence of authoritarianism': Expert warns 'Project 2025' would create a Trump 'autocracy'

The Heritage Foundation — a well-funded, influential far-right group in Washington, DC — has been quietly vetting tens of thousands of arch-conservative acolytes to staff up the federal government under the next Republican administration as part of its "Project 2025" presidential transition plan. One scholar of authoritarian movements around the globe is sounding the alarm over what that would mean should former President Donald Trump win a second term in the White House.

During a Saturday segment on MSNBC, New York University professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat told host Ali Velshi that Project 2025 would effectively transform American government from a meritocratic democracy to a regime resembling Vladimir Putin's Russia. She pointed to Heritage's calls to eliminate numerous government agencies that serve as checks on the executive branch as merely one example.

"The essence of authoritarianism is removing restraints on the leader and making him immune from prosecution by domesticating government," Ben-Ghiat said. "And so some of what Project 2025 proposes, like abolishing the DOJ and the FBI is designed for that end, to make it impossible to prosecute Trump and allow him to commit crimes with impunity."

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Sounds ominous to me! What do you think?

Far right. LOL​
So this "project 2025" paranoia President Trump has not clue about was fearmongered since February?? Wow! Let the gaslighting begin.

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