The New York Times Sucks



The New York Times Sucks​

Actually most of what i see from NY s*ucks

Ridiculous culture of escalade driving brickenstock wearing yuppies invade us every weekend looking for latte shops

This paper's political coverage has gotten worse every year. They clearly have editors who either want to put their thumbs on the scale, or are just incompetent, or feel a desperate need to 'both-sides' everything.

Their coverage of everything else - news events, local, culture, real estate, business, obits, world events - is still among the best. But when it comes to domestic politics, they are pathetically inept. Is it on purpose?

What sells newspapers? News the confirms people's prejudices and way of thinking. Not actually proper thinking and presenting. Doesn't usually matter the media outlet, if they're successful, they'll probably be rubbish
This paper's political coverage has gotten worse every year. They clearly have editors who either want to put their thumbs on the scale, or are just incompetent, or feel a desperate need to 'both-sides' everything.

Their coverage of everything else - news events, local, culture, real estate, business, obits, world events - is still among the best. But when it comes to domestic politics, they are pathetically inept. Is it on purpose?

Your cult is getting smaller by the day.

Pravda was state-controlled news. NYT is elite-controlled news.

If NYT was state-controlled it would be all pro-Biden, and all Trump-Bashing. It's basically the opposite of that.
NYT does nothing BUT bash Trump. Or Bush. Or Reagan. NYT sucks Donkey dick.

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