Dementia As An Election Ploy

Either Biden or America Lisa!

If you're ready to face the main question then you should try to make the distinction.

PoliChic should have learned a lesson by now on having to either childish namecallins and insults, or facing the truth on Trump's claims.
Childish insults? Aren’t you the leftist who made a remark about shoving something where the sun don’t shine? Grow up, please….and worry about your OWN country.
Biden's condition was known inside the Democratic party.
You have to wonder why they waited until 2 weeks ago to bring up the idea of replacing him.

Lack of wisdom, I suppose...
You're braindead over your guns.

Who else could be so dumb as to not understand that the debate did it?

Go shoot some songbirds!
You are brain dead. Your first accomplishment on the list was crashing the economy so badly that oil went negative in prices and gas fell to $1.80 as you put it, because no one was buying it. That is not an accomplishment. That is an indictment of how badly he mismanaged the Covid crisis. Where is your analysis on how it got to $1.80 smart guy? Oh... ya left that out because you only have the ability to lie and copy and paste. This was both. Go ahead. Defend crashing the economy to no demand so people had to give away oil and gas. What a genius point to lead with. Idiot.
I quoted this in case anybody wants an example of what total cluelessness an/or dishonest propaganda looks like.
Childish insults? Aren’t you the leftist who made a remark about shoving something where the sun don’t shine? Grow up, please….and worry about your OWN country.
You could try again to say it ain't so on Trump's position Lisa?

I'm always into posting the link to settle it again and again and .....................

All 3 of us can agree on this question. It only takes for you and PoliChic to embrace the facts without embarrassment or reservations.

I've been in the box with Trump for at least a year before he even told the truth on America starting the war.

Have a nice day girls. We'll revisit the question again at your or Chicy's request!
You could try again to say it ain't so on Trump's position Lisa?

I'm always into posting the link to settle it again and again and .....................

All 3 of us can agree on this question. It only takes for you and PoliChic to embrace the facts without embarrassment or reservations.

I've been in the box with Trump for at least a year before he even told the truth on America starting the war.

Have a nice day girls. We'll revisit the question again at your or Chicy's request!
I’m willing to revisit it when you are willing to abandon your leftism for ONE minute and admit you are so panicked that Trump will likely win, Gd-willing, that you are twisting his words to make him appear bad - just like the “fine people in both sides” lie.

The only thing you libs have left are lies.
That’s the hope of all thinking Americans. Unfortunately, America needs a majority.

(….a take on the Adlai Stephenson quote.)
We need a majority of the electoral college yes. And we can achieve it easily if Republicans/Patriots/libertarian (little 'L') independents et al can set aside their infighting and dogmatism over this or that issue and pull together for a free, secure, prosperous America with choices, options, opportunity, and motivation to aspire for all. We outnumber the leftists by a lot I think, but we keep shooting ourselves in the foot by getting disgruntled over this or that not going the way we personally wanted and/or putting personality before policy.

Our unified and common goal should be to put the good guys back in power and then we can debate and thrash out what individual policy should be. Good guys do not expect to win on every single issue though and appreciate that a representative republic will require give and take and compromise because good guys do not think with one brain or speak with one voice but will have differences of opinion.

Even a cursory reading of PoliticalChic 's OP and posts should make it obvious what the logical and correct choice should be.
Perhaps you are familiar with the quip "knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit.....wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad."

Every news story this morn is about Biden's dementia and whether he should remain the Demorat flag carrier.

"Will Democrats stand behind Biden?
Nearly two weeks after President Biden’s faltering performance at the first 2024 presidential debate, the Democratic Party is scrambling to decide whether to stand behind Biden or demand his exit from the race."
Washington Post

That's knowledge.

Wisdom is recognizing that it matters not who the nominee is......the same policies will come from the party.

Wisdom is voting for policies, not as though the party is your sports team, no matter how badly they play, they're your team.

Elections are about making the country this:
  • Under Trump gasoline was about $1.80 a gallon….but you voted against that
  • Under Trump we were energy independent….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump 80% of illegal alien were kept in Mexico….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump inflation was 1.4%….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump crime was far lower, as were homicides….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump Iran was kept in a box….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump America had an airbase near both China and Iran….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump our President wasn’t on China’s payroll….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump cartels weren’t free to operate….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump government didn’t favor racism, CRT, gender mutilation….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have confiscatory tax policy….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have a government working with big tech to end free speech….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump, Putin didn’t invade Ukraine….but you voted against that
  • Under Trump, the savages of Hamas didn’t dare to slaughter concert goers….but you voted against that.

I'd vote for Dementia Joe and the Cackler if they brought the about success to our nation, and our people.

Wise up. Try using wisdom this time around.
/—-/ Get a load of this:
We need a majority of the electoral college yes. And we can achieve it easily if Republicans/Patriots/libertarian (little 'L') independents et al can set aside their infighting and dogmatism over this or that issue and pull together for a free, secure, prosperous America with choices, options, opportunity, and motivation to aspire for all. We outnumber the leftists by a lot I think, but we keep shooting ourselves in the foot by getting disgruntled over this or that not going the way we personally wanted and/or putting personality before policy.

Our unified and common goal should be to put the good guys back in power and then we can debate and thrash out what individual policy should be. Good guys do not expect to win on every single issue though and appreciate that a representative republic will require give and take and compromise because good guys do not think with one brain or speak with one voice but will have differences of opinion.

Even a cursory reading of PoliticalChic 's OP and posts should make it obvious what the logical and correct choice should be.
If we get Pennsylvania and Georgia, it’s done. And if not, there are a dozen other combinations that will put us back in the WH. We might even win Virginia!

I just wish the election were tomorrow. Too much time remains for the Dems to arrange their fraud game.
We need a majority of the electoral college yes. And we can achieve it easily if Republicans/Patriots/libertarian (little 'L') independents et al can set aside their infighting and dogmatism over this or that issue and pull together for a free, secure, prosperous America with choices, options, opportunity, and motivation to aspire for all. We outnumber the leftists by a lot I think, but we keep shooting ourselves in the foot by getting disgruntled over this or that not going the way we personally wanted and/or putting personality before policy.

Our unified and common goal should be to put the good guys back in power and then we can debate and thrash out what individual policy should be.

Even a cursory reading of PoliticalChic 's OP and posts should make it obvious what the logical and correct choice should be.
You've got it. The American people can and probably will come together on the question of the war against Russia.

Will that overwhelming force be under the name of the R's or will it be under the name of the D's.

I see little hope of the D's being able to survive the situation it's created with the rest of the world.

Thanks to Chicy's thread, we're achieving something at least!
We need a majority of the electoral college yes. And we can achieve it easily if Republicans/Patriots/libertarian (little 'L') independents et al can set aside their infighting and dogmatism over this or that issue and pull together for a free, secure, prosperous America with choices, options, opportunity, and motivation to aspire for all. We outnumber the leftists by a lot I think, but we keep shooting ourselves in the foot by getting disgruntled over this or that not going the way we personally wanted and/or putting personality before policy.

Our unified and common goal should be to put the good guys back in power and then we can debate and thrash out what individual policy should be. Good guys do not expect to win on every single issue though and appreciate that a representative republic will require give and take and compromise because good guys do not think with one brain or speak with one voice but will have differences of opinion.

Even a cursory reading of PoliticalChic 's OP and posts should make it obvious what the logical and correct choice should be.
'None of the above'.
Time to look this gift horse in the mouth America.

There's nothing ambiguous about what Trump has said:

Run with it!

Before Biden has the opportunity to tell his lies that have been so convincing to the American people.
If we get Pennsylvania and Georgia, it’s done. And if not, there are a dozen other combinations that will put us back in the WH. We might even win Virginia!

I just wish the election were tomorrow. Too much time remains for the Dems to arrange their fraud game.
Just help me keep beating the drum to set aside our lesser difference and push to get the good guys, at least the less bad guys, back into power. And we have to vote policy over personality or our vote will be for totalitarianism and the nightmare we have all been living the last three and a half years and much much worse stretching out past our respective lifetimes.
Time to look this gift horse in the mouth America.

There's nothing ambiguous about what Trump has said:

Run with it!

Before Biden has the opportunity to tell his lies that have been so convincing to the American people.
The issue with Putin and the Ukraine is as complicated as any issue on the world scene. Even some Russian philosophers admit Putin envisions the glory of the U.S.S.R. being re-created on his watch and becoming his legacy. And Russia's long and complex history tends to make them suspicious of everybody.

Trump is not at all wrong that a weak and incompetent Biden was the primary impetus for Putin to take the risk to invade the Ukraine just as a weak and incompetent Obama was the catalyst for Russia annexing Crimea. And the Crimea and Ukraine invasions are not at all unrelated. Trump did say that promoting the Ukraine for NATO would be extremely provocative for a paranoid and expansionist minded Putin. Was that the sole reason? Of course not and Trump does not say it was the sole reason. Knowing the U.S. and everybody else would be timid in their defense of the Ukraine and reluctant to take on Russia directly was a large part of it too most especially with China, North Korea, and Iran siding with Russia.

Nobody wants WWIII and the Trump doctrine pretty much had that possibility tamped down to nil. Biden opened the Pandora's box that now makes it not that remote a possibility at all.
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Just help me keep beating the drum to set aside our lesser difference and push to get the good guys, at least the less bad guys, back into power. And we have to vote policy over personality or our vote will be for totalitarianism and the nightmare we have all been living the last three and a half years and much much worse stretching out past our respective lifetimes.
I’m not even sure what our “lesser differences” are, but hey….I don’t expect you to be correct 100% of the time! ;)

I find that whenever I am debating a Democrat - when they allow me to speak at all - that they have no response to Trump’s superior policies. They always revert to a meaningless “but…. but….democracy!” or “convicted felon” or some other nonsense. I steer it back to policy, and again, they have no answer.

As far as VP, I think it could be Youngkin. Rubio will cost 30 electoral votes (Florida), Bergstrum is too extreme anti-abortion, and Vance is the MAGA hero and Trump already has them locked up. Youngkin could deliver Virginia, and then the ENTIRE calculus of the swing states gets even easier.

My only fear is that people have been so brainwashed into thinking being a black female supersedes being a laughing airhead that Harris could make it a nail biter.
I quoted this in case anybody wants an example of what total cluelessness an/or dishonest propaganda looks like.
Exactly my point. Dishonest point #1 from the OP. Loser has no comeback.

I am truly sorry that 3 cents is breaking you guys.

Gas Price per Gallon

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I’m not even sure what our “lesser differences” are, but hey….I don’t expect you to be correct 100% of the time! ;)

I find that whenever I am debating a Democrat - when they allow me to speak at all - that they have no response to Trump’s superior policies. They always revert to a meaningless “but…. but….democracy!” or “convicted felon” or some other nonsense. I steer it back to policy, and again, they have no answer.

As far as VP, I think it could be Youngkin. Rubio will cost 30 electoral votes (Florida), Bergstrum is too extreme anti-abortion, and Vance is the MAGA hero and Trump already has them locked up. Youngkin could deliver Virginia, and then the ENTIRE calculus of the swing states gets even easier.

My only fear is that people have been so brainwashed into thinking being a black female supersedes being a laughing airhead that Harris could make it a nail biter.
Lesser differences would be those on budget, deficit, past actions or inactions, who the Speaker is, what role the federal government should play re abortion, education, climate change, healthcare, energy policy, civil rights, etc. etc. etc. The big picture is our best chance to have a strong, free, prosperous America with options, choices, opportunity for all regardless of race, creed, socioeconomic status etc. With that secured then we can hammer out any differences on all the other issues.

If the Democrats prevail we will be given no opportunity to participate in any debate because everything will be dictated. And the dictates will not be good for anybody but the few the government favors.
Time to look this gift horse in the mouth America.

There's nothing ambiguous about what Trump has said:

Run with it!

Before Biden has the opportunity to tell his lies that have been so convincing to the American people.

Your source is "Russia Today".

Why don't you let someone else at the memory care facility use the computer for a while, Donald? Go have an ice cream cone.
I'm buying Prozac stock because after November the democrats are going into major depression and will need pills and therapy to survive the successful and popular Trump presidency.
Kleenex too when Liberals start screaming when Trump WINS! :)

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