Dementia As An Election Ploy

No argument with your post. But going in a slightly different direction, it has occurred to me that all the bruhaha re Biden stepping down could possibly a deliberate ploy to get on the fence Democrats/Independents and TDS afflicted Republicans and right wing Independents to feel sorry for Joe and rally behind him. Everybody loves a beleagured underdog you know. I think we'll know by the time of the Democrat convention.

Of course you are quite correct, every ploy that might garner votes is a path to be explored in politics. And the goal based on your view would be the folks who, as per the OP, have 'knowledge,' sans wisdom. My attempt is to underscore that only policies count.

As far as jettisoning Biden, he controls $200 k and it can only be use for Biden/Harris. And she would be a worse candidate.


We live in interesting times, Sis.
Lies or not, you're cooperating with my cause of being able to entertain the question.

As I said, Trump blames America for the war against Russia, and for starting it.

And look! You have two supporters for your claim that I'm lying already!.
Beat it, liar.
Here's the rest of the list:

Gas: +55.5%
Groceries: +21.3%
Eating out: +21.8%
Baby food: +30%
Pet food: +23.1%
K-12 food: +64.9%
Rent: +20.8%
Electricity: +28.5%
Natural gas: +22%
Used cars: +20.4%
Airfare: +38.2%
Public transportation: +26.1%
Real average weekly earnings: -4.4%
Wages are up more than costs from supply shortages, and you are living in the best time to upgrade your job.
The US is at the pinnacle of its success today under Biden.

  • Record number of people working
  • Record minority employment numbers
  • Modern record for labor participation rate for 25-55 year olds
  • Record jobs available
  • Record small business starts
  • Best GDP among peer nations
  • Lowest inflation post covid among peers nations
  • Record Dow
  • Record S&P
  • Record 401k balances
  • Record housing equity
  • Record oil production
  • Record Solar and wind power production
  • Historically low crime rates
  • Falling crime rates from Trump bump
  • World united against Russia
  • Historic low US soldier deaths this century
  • Record low terrorist attack victims
  • Record health insurance participants
….the list goes on and on and on….

That must be why the elected Democrats are abandoning ship, huh?

.I recognize your problem immediately: you have only two brain cells. One, for breathing, and one for posting ‘is not, isssss noottttt!!’ To either analyze or dispute another’s post would require you to utilize the first brain cell, obviating the possibility of breathing. And, we know what the result of that would be.
Of course you are quite correct, every ploy that might garner votes is a path to be explored in politics. And the goal based on your view would be the folks who, as per the OP, have 'knowledge,' sans wisdom. My attempt is to underscore that only policies count.

As far as jettisoning Biden, he controls $200 k and it can only be use for Biden/Harris. And she would be a worse candidate.


We live in interesting times, Sis.

The toast “May you live in interesting times” was a curse.

As far as Harris, it seems impossible that there will be a sufficient number of brainwashed, ignorant voters who will vote for a complete airhead (with rather radical goals, making for a dangerous combination) to put her across the finish line, but the NYT just came out with a poll that puts the incompetent Harris ahead of a proven president.
A link proving he said that?
Don't be ashamed of what Trump has said Lisa, and don't go dark over it.

He's right and you and the R party might have to come to terms with accepting it and needing to defend it if it goes public.

Joe might take it to the public!

But we still wonder why he hasn't yet.
This is what Donald Trump brought us…. Dead kids.

View attachment 975343
  • Under Trump gasoline was about $1.80 a gallon….but you voted against that
  • Under Trump we were energy independent….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump 80% of illegal alien were kept in Mexico….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump inflation was 1.4%….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump crime was far lower, as were homicides….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump Iran was kept in a box….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump America had an airbase near both China and Iran….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump our President wasn’t on China’s payroll….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump cartels weren’t free to operate….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump government didn’t favor racism, CRT, gender mutilation….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have confiscatory tax policy….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump we didn’t have a government working with big tech to end free speech….but you voted against that.
  • Under Trump, Putin didn’t invade Ukraine….but you voted against that
  • Under Trump, the savages of Hamas didn’t dare to slaughter concert goers….but you voted against that.
Don't be ashamed of what Trump has said Lisa, and don't go dark over it.

He's right and you and the R party might have to come to terms with accepting it and needing to defend it if it goes public.

Joe might take it to the public!

But we still wonder why he hasn't yet.
Except you lied. You said he blamed America. He blamed Biden, and the anti-Americans (most notably Obama) who are running the show.

Trump pointed out that Russia would not have dared do this while he was president, and of course did not. Neither would Iran have had the money to sponsor the Oct 7 massacre against Jews.
I wouldn't rule the idea out.
It's just my feelings on the question.

From my own POV, I'm divided. I would LMAO if Biden crashes and burns.

But at the same time I'm pretty sure Joe is Trump's ticket to the WH.
My gut tells me it is an advantage to Trump to stay in. My hope is that it won't make any difference one way or the other and Trump will win anyway.
That must be why the elected Democrats are abandoning ship, huh?

.I recognize your problem immediately: you have only two brain cells. One, for breathing, and one for posting ‘is not, isssss noottttt!!’ To either analyze or dispute another’s post would require you to utilize the first brain cell, obviating the possibility of breathing. And, we know what the result of that would be.
You are brain dead. Your first accomplishment on the list was crashing the economy so badly that oil went negative in prices and gas fell to $1.80 as you put it, because no one was buying it. That is not an accomplishment. That is an indictment of how badly he mismanaged the Covid crisis. Where is your analysis on how it got to $1.80 smart guy? Oh... ya left that out because you only have the ability to lie and copy and paste. This was both. Go ahead. Defend crashing the economy to no demand so people had to give away oil and gas. What a genius point to lead with. Idiot.
My gut tells me it is an advantage to Trump to stay in. My hope is that it won't make any difference one way or the other and Trump will win anyway.
That’s the hope of all thinking Americans. Unfortunately, America needs a majority.

(….a take on the Adlai Stephenson quote.)
That must be why the elected Democrats are abandoning ship, huh?

.I recognize your problem immediately: you have only two brain cells. One, for breathing, and one for posting ‘is not, isssss noottttt!!’ To either analyze or dispute another’s post would require you to utilize the first brain cell, obviating the possibility of breathing. And, we know what the result of that would be.
You've mastered the art (craft?) of the political insult.

But you and Lisa can't escape the fact that Trump is on record for blaming America for being responsible for the war and America being responsible for starting.

Learn to accept it and make it a part of your choice being Trump.

Who is lying to themselves girls?
Of course you are quite correct, every ploy that might garner votes is a path to be explored in politics. And the goal based on your view would be the folks who, as per the OP, have 'knowledge,' sans wisdom. My attempt is to underscore that only policies count.
As far as jettisoning Biden, he controls $200 k and it can only be use for Biden/Harris. And she would be a worse candidate.
We live in interesting times, Sis.
Not to bird-dog your post, but the Biden/Harris "war chest" is $250,000,000. Nothing to sneeze at.
(Trump has $331,000,000 and doesn't need to spend any yet)
You've mastered the art (craft?) of the political insult.

But you and Lisa can't escape the fact that Trump is on record for blaming America for being responsible for the war and America being responsible for starting.

Learn to accept it and make it a part of your choice being Trump.

Who is lying to themselves girls?
He blamed BIDEN.
That’s the hope of all thinking Americans. Unfortunately, America needs a majority.

(….a take on the Adlai Stephenson quote.)
You see Lisa, there is great peril in Biden risking challenging Trump on his blaming of America for the war.

If Trump's feet are held to the fire on his words, there becomes a huge risk of Trump going public and then finds success in proving the point.

The rest of the world is still sitting on the fence and could easily go with Trump on the big question on what country is guilty.

Just imagine how that could change everything in US politics.

And don't forget that the risk could come home to roost on either Trump's or Biden's ass!
Perhaps you are familiar with the quip "knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit.....wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad."
Every news story this morn is about Biden's dementia and whether he should remain the Demorat flag carrier.
Biden's condition was known inside the Democratic party.
You have to wonder why they waited until 2 weeks ago to bring up the idea of replacing him.

Lack of wisdom, I suppose...

You see Lisa, there is great peril in Biden risking challenging Trump on his blaming of America for the war.

If Trump's feet are held to the fire on his words, there becomes a huge risk of Trump going public and then finds success in proving the point.

The rest of the world is still sitting on the fence and could easily go with Trump on the big question on what country is guilty.

Just imagine how that could change everything in US politics.

And don't forget that the risk could come home to roost on either Trump's or Biden's ass!
Don’t make the Democrat mistake of thinking that if you keep repeating a lie, people will believe it. Only Democrats will, and let’s face it….they fell for the media lies, so bright they ain’t.

Trump pointed out the damage that results by having a weak, “pretend” president like Biden at the helm.
He blamed BIDEN.
Either Biden or America Lisa!

If you're ready to face the main question then you should try to make the distinction.

PoliChic should have learned a lesson by now on having to either childish namecallins and insults, or facing the truth on Trump's claims.

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