Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews

So far, there's been only one internet Nazi agreeing with you.

You SUCK at this, boy.
First of all, the integrity of what I'm saying, and its validity, isn't based upon how many people agree with me. The truth is often unpopular, especially when people have been indoctrinated from childhood into a certain worldview or ideology. That said, a lot of people agree with me, you're just ignorant and self-deluded. People are waking up in droves, despite the ruling elite being mostly in bed with Zionists.

Most people come around after researching the evidence, even people who are born Jews. All it takes for a person born into the Jewish religion or culture to cure themselves of their Jewishness (Jewish programming) is to renounce it and adopt another culture and way of life that is more humane and life-affirming. More pro-human. This is anti-human:

You're obviously the one who is full of shit. Your only response to what I post, is essentially.."NAAH AAHHHH". That's essentially your response to all of the evidence I present - NAH AAAAH. Practically all of my evidence comes from Jews themselves, admitting to everything I'm saying.
The ONE thing you can't provide is these Jews are basing their views on anything but a cherry-picked, distorted vision of their religion.

There are assholes in every faith, of every ethnicity, of every color, of every ideology. Look at you. You're a white guy, and you're an asshole.

But you can't separate the asshole Jews who do shit because they're assholes and good Jewish people who don't want anything to do with what the assholes do.

Why is that? It's because you want something, anything to justify your irrational hatred of Jews and your desire for them to be wiped out entirely.

That's all you can see. You don't even have a problem with Hamas committing war crimes, because they're killing the Jews you're too chickenshit to kill yourself.

Your one-note song is boring, boy. It's gotten tiresome. And nobody but your fellow retards is taking you seriously.

Move to Gaza, offer yourself to Hamas, strap on a bomb, and commit to your cause.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
First of all, the integrity of what I'm saying, and its validity, isn't based upon how many people agree with me. The truth is often unpopular, especially when people have been indoctrinated from childhood into a certain worldview or ideology. That said, a lot of people agree with me, you're just ignorant and self-deluded. People are waking up in droves, despite the ruling elite being mostly in bed with Zionists.

Most people come around after researching the evidence, even people who are born Jews. All it takes for a person born into the Jewish religion or culture to cure themselves of their Jewishness (Jewish programming) is to renounce it and adopt another culture and way of life that is more humane and life-affirming. More pro-human. This is anti-human:
Ahhh, so it's "life-affirming" to call for the elimination of an entire people.

You are tremendously fucked in the head, boy.
The ONE thing you can't provide is these Jews are basing their views on anything but a cherry-picked, distorted vision of their religion.

There are assholes in every faith, of every ethnicity, of every color, of every ideology. Look at you. You're a white guy, and you're an asshole.

But you can't separate the asshole Jews who do shit because they're assholes and good Jewish people who don't want anything to do with what the assholes do.

Why is that? It's because you want something, anything to justify your irrational hatred of Jews and your desire for them to be wiped out entirely.

That's all you can see. You don't even have a problem with Hamas committing war crimes, because they're killing the Jews you're too chickenshit to kill yourself.

Your one-note song is boring, boy. It's gotten tiresome. And nobody but your fellow retards is taking you seriously.

Move to Gaza, offer yourself to Hamas, strap on a bomb, and commit to your cause.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

I wish you were correct about these rabbis and secular Zionist Jews, just representing a fringe sect or group within the Jewish community. Unfortunately, that's not the case. These Jewish rabbis represent what the majority of Orthodox Jews believe and teach. Jewish supremacist views and xenophobia run rampant in the Jewish community. Moreover, in view of how much control Jews have over practically everything in the Western world, and are behind the multiculturalism, illegal immigration, the destruction of common decency and family values, you don't have much to stand on. Your objections amount to nothing more than disingenuous, evasive rhetoric. A "nah aaah" reaction.
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Ahhh, so it's "life-affirming" to call for the elimination of an entire people.

You are tremendously fucked in the head, boy.
That's what you Jews want to do, eliminate the goyim. Destroy "Edom", Western Christian civilization. You're one of them because you're for the LGBTQ+++ lunacy, all of the filth and illegal immigration that is destroying the West. You're for AIPAC, the Jewish Zionist lobby, controlling our government. My brother a few years ago, had to sign a document affirming that he was against the BDS movement, before being able to bid for the contract. He couldn't even bid for the contract with his state government before he signed that document renouncing the boycotting of Israhell.

As Americans, we can boycott America, but we can't boycott the Jewish state. How about that? Of course, you don't care because you're a k$ke piece of shit.
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That's what you Jews want to do, eliminate the goyim. Destroy "Edom", Western Christian civilization. You're one of them because you're for the LGBTQ+++ lunacy, all of the filth and illegal immigration that is destroying the West. You're for AIPAC, the Jewish Zionist lobby, controlling our government. My brother a few years ago, had to sign a document affirming that he was against the BDS movement, before being able to bid for the contract. He couldn't even bid for the contract with his state government before he signed that document renouncing the boycotting of Israhell.

As Americans, we can boycott America, but we can't boycott the Jewish state. How about that? Of course, you don't care because you're a k$ke piece of shit.
I'll let you have the last word now. I know how important pretending to win is to your fragile ego.
So, the Holocaust never happened...but Hitler didn't kill enough Jews.

If this is some way of trying to convince me you're not retarded, it's not working.
Does ANYONE get banned around here? If this guy isn’t, nobody should be.
The ONE thing you can't provide is these Jews are basing their views on anything but a cherry-picked, distorted vision of their religion.

There are assholes in every faith, of every ethnicity, of every color, of every ideology. Look at you. You're a white guy, and you're an asshole.

But you can't separate the asshole Jews who do shit because they're assholes and good Jewish people who don't want anything to do with what the assholes do.

Why is that? It's because you want something, anything to justify your irrational hatred of Jews and your desire for them to be wiped out entirely.

That's all you can see. You don't even have a problem with Hamas committing war crimes, because they're killing the Jews you're too chickenshit to kill yourself.

Your one-note song is boring, boy. It's gotten tiresome. And nobody but your fellow retards is taking you seriously.

Move to Gaza, offer yourself to Hamas, strap on a bomb, and commit to your cause.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
A Jewish girl must have turned him down for a date, and he can’t get over it.
Does ANYONE get banned around here? If this guy isn’t, nobody should be.

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