This Is Really Embarrassing.Kamala Draws 68 People In Philadelphia.This Is So Sad

Who gives a shit about your religion? There is no god. There no proof of Mr. Biden any "questionable interactions with children". We do know for a fact that the Orange Shit Gibbon boasted of grabbing Women by their 'Pussy". We know that he attened parties at Jeffery Epstein's where underage girls were available for sex. We know he was fucking Stormy Daniles while Melania was pregnant with Baron. We know he fucked Karen McDougal. We know he raped E. Jean Carroll and over 25+Women accused him Innapropriate Sexual Behavior. All YOU have is a make believe, made up fucking diety and pervert that YOU support.
The question about religion was asked, so I answered it. If you don't believe in God, then that is certainly your right. There is evidence for God, and people can accept or not accept.

There is also evidence of Biden's disgusting interactions with children. You can accept it, or you can bury your head in the sand.
Actually, by the time the audits, recounts, and Republican voter fraud were factored in, Biden actually got 82 million votes. :auiqs.jpg:

About 80 million of them fraudulent.

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Who gives a shit about your religion? There is no god. There no proof of Mr. Biden any "questionable interactions with children". We do know for a fact that the Orange Shit Gibbon boasted of grabbing Women by their 'Pussy". We know that he attened parties at Jeffery Epstein's where underage girls were available for sex. We know he was fucking Stormy Daniles while Melania was pregnant with Baron. We know he fucked Karen McDougal. We know he raped E. Jean Carroll and over 25+Women accused him Innapropriate Sexual Behavior. All YOU have is a make believe, made up fucking diety and pervert that YOU support.

You talk to young people like they are 50 or something.

Liberals have no respect for youth.. but then, we knew that. They don't even want a person to progress to youth from unborn child.
The question about religion was asked, so I answered it. If you don't believe in God, then that is certainly your right. There is evidence for God, and people can accept or not accept.

There is also evidence of Biden's disgusting interactions with children. You can accept it, or you can bury your head in the sand.

You worship nothing. No god. No bastard son. Religion is a con. You fall for it because you are weak minded and need to led. Who the fuck cares if you are that weak minded. You want vote for Convicted Felon and Rapist. He is pervert, you know everthing your for shit so-called god is against. You really that fucking stupid to against your so-called god says. You're just another religious hypercrite justifiying her vote. IF you were worth it, I would care. But you're not.
You worship nothing. No god. No bastard son. Religion is a con. You fall for it because you are weak minded and need to led. Who the fuck cares if you are that weak minded. You want vote for Convicted Felon and Rapist. He is pervert, you know everthing your for shit so-called god is against. You really that fucking stupid to against your so-called god says. You're just another religious hypercrite justifiying her vote. IF you were worth it, I would care. But you're not.

So stop responding to her with that filth. That was sad
You worship nothing. No god. No bastard son. Religion is a con.
really pathetic.. you can't understand anyone being devoutly into Jesus. I guess you'd say he never existed.. figures

Well, some of us know Him personally. But I guess that doesn't cut any ice w/ you.

Oh well.. who the hell are you anyway?

Quit trying to corrupt young people. I guess that's Number One priority of leftists these days, which all by itself shows how REJECT worthy they are

Can't kill 'em in the womb, corrupt them

Why do these idiots keep talking about crowd size as if this is a sporting event. Harris had had 40-50,000 people shoing up for zoom calls where she wasn't even present.
They showed up cuz they knew they would have to listen to the idiot, Simp.
Harris the nominee, just shows you how bad America's politics has got. I thought ours in the UK was bad, but Joe then Kamal Toe. I take my hat off to you guys
why do you say "you guys" as if WE did it!

No, the election 2020 was STOLEN

And I place a lot of the blame at the feet of the traitor

Mike Pence
Philadelphia doesn't like Harris.

I talk to my leftie buds in Philly every day. They don't like her.

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